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Ширер У. Взлет и падение Третьего рейха. В 2- х тт. - М., 1991. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
47. Яковлев Н.Н. Франклин Рузвельт: человек и политик. - М., 1981. 48. Esmonde Robertson. Hitler Turns from the West to Russia. May — December 1940. — A ei.: Robert Boyce and Esmonde M.Robertson. Paths to War. New Essays on the Origins of the Second World War. - N.Y.: St. Martin Press, 1989, n. 367-382. 49. Gerge F. Kennan. Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin. Boston — Toronto: Little Brown and Company, 1961 50. Herbert Feis. Between war and Peace. The Potsdam Conference. Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1960. 51. Herbert Feis. Churchill. Roosevelt. Stalin. The War They waged and the Peace They Sought. — Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957. 52. Llenwellyn Woodward. British Foreign Policy in the Second World War. — London: H.M.Stationary Office, 1962. 53. Quincy Howe. The World Between the Wars. From the 1918 Armistice to the Munich Agreement.- N.Y.: Simon & Shuster, 1953. 54. Winston S.Churchill. The Second World War. Vol. 5-6. Cambridge (Mass.): Riverside Press, 1953.