1. residence [rezidƏ ns]
2. country [k ۸ ntri]
3. town [taun]
city [siti] (, )
4. village [vilid ʒ ] ,
5. centre [sentƏ ]
6. region [ri: d ʒ Ə n]
7. street [stri: t]
in the street
8. house [hau s ] () : houses [hau z iz] (. .)
home [houm] 1) ( ); 2) (?)
at home (?)
9. building [bildiη ] ;
to build
10. floor [flo: ] 1) ; 2)
ground floor [graund flo: ] / ()
first floor
11. flat [flæ t] (.)
apartment [Ə pa: tmƏ nt] (.)
12. number [n ۸ mbƏ ]
13. room [rum]
living room [liviη rum] ,
to live
bedroom [bedrum]
bathroom [ba: θ rum]
14. kitchen [kit ∫ in]
I. , , .
1. Murom
2. Russia [r۸ ∫ Ə ]
3. Novosibirskaya
4. Moscow [moskou]
5. White
6. Mishino
7. Sadovaya
| 1. a village
2. a house
3. a town
4. a street
5. a country
6. a city
7. a region
II. , .
I have a small flat in a little building. This building has two floors. My flat is on the second floor. The number of my flat is 158. I have two living rooms, three bedrooms and a kitchen in my flat. I have a bathroom too.
1. work [wƏ: k] , ( )
at work
to work
work er [wƏ: kƏ ]
2. job [d ʒ ob] , , ( )
3. business [biznis] 1) , ; 2)
businessman [biznismƏ n] (),
businesswoman [bizniswumƏ n] ()
4. What is your job / business? ?
( ?)
I am a student. .
5. engineer [, end ʒ iniƏ ]
6. programm er [prougrƏ mƏ ]
to program
7. doctor [doktƏ ]
8. teatch er [ti: t ∫ Ə ]
to teach
9. manag er [mæ nid ʒ Ə ] ,
to manage
10. lawyer [lo: jƏ ]
11. economist [IkonƏ mist]
12. shop assistant [ ∫ op Ə sistƏ nt]
13. driv er [draivƏ ] ,
to drive
14. employee [, emploii: ]
15. officer [ofisƏ ]
16. farm er [fa: mƏ ]
17. pensioner [pen ∫ Ə nƏ ]
18. housewife [hauswaif]
19. school [sku: l]
at school
schoolgirl -
20. pupil [pju: pl]
21. student
22. factory [fæ ktƏ ri] , (.)
plant [pla: nt] , (.)
23. firm [fƏ: m]
24. office [ofis] 1) ; 2)
25. hospital [hospitl]
(poly)clinic [(, poli)klinik] ()
26. market [ma: kit]
27. higher school [haiƏ sku: l]
university [, ju: nivƏ: siti]
college [kolid ʒ ] ;
institute [institju: t]
28. library [laibrƏ ri]
, .
1. Schoolchildren have their job in a higher school.
2. Engineers have their work in a factory.
3. A lawyer has his or her work in a shop.
4. Officers have their job in an office.
5. A manager has his or her work in a firm.
6. Employees have their work in a market.
7. Teachers have their work in a school.
8. Drivers have their work in a library.
9. A housewife has her job in a hospital.
10. Workers have their work in a plant.
11. A shop assistant has his or her work in a college.
12. Farmers have their work in a university.