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Promote the RODC server

Complete the following two procedures to promote the RODC server. To complete the tasks in part 1 and part 2 of this procedure, you must have delegated RODC administrator credentials.

To promote the RODC server (part 1)

1. Precreate the RODC account. 2. Add the PerimeterNetworkAllow group to the RODC PRP Allow list. 3. Add the PerimeterNetworkDeny group to the RODC PRP Deny list. 4. Add the delegated RODC administrator group as a delegated administrator of RODC.

To promote the RODC server (part 2)

1. Install the RODC computer with a Secure Base Image. 2. Configure the RODC network adapter with the appropriate static IP configuration for the LAN where promotion will take place. 3. Import the IPsec Local policy definition to allow RODC-to-writeable domain controller communication based on the writeable domain controller IPsec policy definition. (Complete this step only if promotion is being performed from the perimeter network LAN.) 4. Run Dcpromo.exe with delegated RODC administrator account credentials using an answer file if you are using a Windows Server 2008 Core installation. For more information about using an answer file to run Dcpromo.exe on a server, see Installing a New Windows Server 2008 Forest by Using an Answer File (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/? LinkId=133800). The answer file should include a replication/source writeable domain controller. 5. Run a quality control test after you reboot the server. Note Repeat the Dcpromo operation for each RODC to be installed in the perimeter network.

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