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Sample script for RODC domain join⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 29 из 29
' JoinScript.vbs ' ' Script to join a computer to a domain. ' ' '
sub Usage wscript.echo " |------------------------------------------------|" wscript.echo " | Joins a computer to a domain or workgroup |" wscript.echo " |------------------------------------------------|" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " Usage: " wscript.echo " cscript JoinScript.vbs [/domain < domainname> | /workgroup < workgroupname> ]" wscript.echo " [/unjoin] [user < username> ] [/password < password> ]" wscript.echo " [/machinepassword < password> ] [/readonly] [/createaccount]" wscript.echo " [/unsecure]" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " domain Specifies the name of a domain to join" wscript.echo " This option requires user, password" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " workgroup Specifies the name of a workgroup to join" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " unjoin Unjoin from a domain if currently joined." wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " disable Disable the account when unjoining the domain." wscript.echo " This option requires unjoin, user, and password." wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " createaccount Specifies to create the computer account in AD" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " machinepassword Specifies a password which is used to" wscript.echo " authenticate as the machine account to the DC" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " readonly Specifies the domain join will be read only" wscript.echo " and will not require a writable DC. This option" wscript.echo " requires machinepassword and that an Administrator" wscript.echo " has pre-created the computer account and set a" wscript.echo " password matching the machinepassword parameter." wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " DC Specifies a DC to use during domain join." wscript.echo " If readonly is specified this is mandatory, otherwise optional." wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " OU Specifies an OU where the machine account is created, this is optional." wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " Unsecure Specifies a an unsecure domain join." wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " |------------------------------------------------|" wscript.echo " |Examples: Run 'cscript JoinScript.vbs < args> ' |" wscript.echo " | < args>: Choose a scenario below |" wscript.echo " | * Note lines have been wrapped for readability |" wscript.echo " |------------------------------------------------|" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " Join domain: /domain < domainname> /user < username> " wscript.echo " /password < password> /createaccount" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " Join domain with existing account: /domain < domainname> " wscript.echo " /user < username> " wscript.echo " /password < password> " wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " Unjoin from a domain: /unjoin /user < username> /password < password> " wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " Read Only join domain: /domain < domainname> /machinepassword < password> " wscript.echo " /dc < rodcname> /readonly" wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " Join workgroup: /workgroup < workgroupname> " wscript.echo " " wscript.echo " " wscript.quit -1 end sub
' ' Get the command line arguments ' Set Args = Wscript.Arguments 'Set ArgCount = Args.Count
' Validation and Usage if Args.Count = 0 then wscript.echo " Help Requested" wscript.echo " " Usage end if
if Args.Count > 0 then if Args(0) = " /? " or Args(0) = " -? " or Args(0) = " help" then wscript.echo " Help Requested" wscript.echo " " Usage end if if Args.Count < 1 then wscript.echo " Help Requested" wscript.echo " " Usage end if end if
' Local state to track limited parameter validation Options = 0 ReadOnly = 0 Unsecure = 0 JoinWorkgroup = 0 UnjoinDomain = 0 MachinePassword = 0
' Inputs for the join call strDC = " " strOU = " " strDomainName = " " strDomainNameAndDC = " " strPassword = " " strUserName = " "
' Collect parameters ArgNum = 0
do while ArgNum < Args.Count
if Args(ArgNum) = " /domain" or Args(ArgNum) = " /Domain" then strDomainName = Args(ArgNum+1) Options = Options + NETSETUP_JOIN_DOMAIN ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /user" or Args(ArgNum) = " /User" then strUserName = Args(ArgNum+1) ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /password" or Args(ArgNum) = " /Password" then strPassword = Args(ArgNum+1) ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /machinepassword" or Args(ArgNum) = " /MachinePassword" then strPassword = Args(ArgNum+1) MachinePassword = 1 Options = Options + NETSETUP_MACHINE_PWD_PASSED ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /readonly" or Args(ArgNum) = " /ReadOnly" then Options = Options + NETSETUP_JOIN_READONLY ReadOnly = 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /unsecure" or Args(ArgNum) = " /Unsecure" then Options = Options + NETSETUP_JOIN_UNSECURE Unsecure = 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /workgroup" or Args(ArgNum) = " /WorkGroup" then JoinWorkgroup = 1 strDomainName = Args(ArgNum+1) ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /dc" or Args(ArgNum) = " /DC" then strDC = Args(ArgNum+1) ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /ou" or Args(ArgNum) = " /OU" then strOU = Args(ArgNum+1) ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /unjoin" or Args(ArgNum) = " /Unjoin" then UnjoinDomain = 1 ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /disable" or Args(ArgNum) = " /disable" then Disable = 1 Options = Options + NETSETUP_ACCT_DELETE end if
if Args(ArgNum) = " /createaccount" or Args(ArgNum) = " /CreateAccount" then Options = Options + NETSETUP_ACCT_CREATE end if
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
' Error reporting if ReadOnly = 1 then if MachinePassword = 0 then wscript.echo " ReadOnly requires MachinePassword" wscript.quit(-1) end if end if
if Disable = 1 and UnjoinDomain = 0 then wscript.echo " Disable is only valid with the unjoin option" wscript.quit(-1) end if
' The username is optional and may need to be NULL when passed to the join API below if strUserName = " " then optionAux = NULL else optionAux = strUserName
' The OU is optional and may need to be NULL when passed to the join API below if strOU = " " then optionOU = NULL else optionOU = strOU
' Handle the case where this is a domain join and a DC was specified if strDC = " " then strDomainNameAndDC = strDomainName else strDomainNameAndDC = strDomainName & " \" & strDC
wscript.echo strDomainNameAndDC
Set objNetwork = CreateObject(" WScript.Network") strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName
Set objComputer = GetObject(" winmgmts: {impersonationLevel=Impersonate}! \\" & strComputer & " \root\cimv2: Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" & strComputer & " '") 'ReturnValue = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(strDomainName, strPassword, strDomainName & " \" & strUserName, NULL, NETSETUP_JOIN_DOMAIN + NETSETUP_JOIN_READONLY + NETSETUP_MACHINE_PWD_PASSED)
' Perform the join/unjoin operation if UnjoinDomain = 1 then ReturnValue = objComputer.UnjoinDomainOrWorkGroup(strPassword, optionAux, Options) else ReturnValue = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(strDomainNameAndDC, strPassword, optionAux, optionOU, Options) end if
' Report success messages if ReturnValue = 0 then if JoinWorkgroup = 1 then wscript.echo " Welcome to the workgroup: " & strDomainName wscript.quit(0) end if
if UnjoinDomain = 1 then wscript.echo " The machine was unjoined from the domain." wscript.quit(0) end if
if JoinWorkgroup = 0 then wscript.echo " Welcome to the domain: " & strDomainName wscript.quit(0) end if else wscript.echo " Error: " & ReturnValue end if