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Topics for Self-Control and Class/Home Reviewing
1. The main rules of conveying different English sounds in 2. Rules and methods of Romanization of different Ukrainian proper nouns in English (names/family names of people, place names, etc.). 3. Methods of conveying the nicknames of people in English 4. Methods of translating the nationally generalizing names of 5. Rules of translating the names of companies, corporations, 6. The rule of translating the names of institutions bearing hon 7. The rule of translating the names of hotels, guest houses, 8. Rules of translating the names of streets, squares, and resi 9. The rule of translating the names of English/Ukrainian pub 10. Rules of translating the names of public bodies into Eng EXERCISES FOR CLASS AND HOMEWORK Exercise I. Translate the following English proper names and surnames into Ukrainian. Substantiate your way of translation. Model: John Джон (common name), Іван/Іоан (Biblical name, name of the Pope, king or prince). a) Abel, Adrian, Albert, Aloysius, Alvin, Ambrose, Ananias, b) Abigail, Adaline, Alberta, Agnes, Alexandra, Angelica, Regina, Rita, Sandra, Sawnie, Serena, Tabitha, Theresa, Una, Vera, Vida, Viola, Virginia, Wilhelmina, Winifred, Zenobia, Zoe. c). Adams, Ade, Bamber, Seattle, Bingham, Bloye, Caldocot, Carliie, Cheeseman, Cohen, Cowie, Dalglish, Disney, Dooling, Eaton, Ellsworth, Evans, Fawley, Foche, Fowler, Gaulit, Gifford, Greaves, Gilmour, Hare, Hawley, Hooligan, Horrocks, Hurstwood, Irving, Julian, Kane, Keyworth, Knighton, Knickerbaker, Layman, Mathews, Maw, McEnrol, Methuselah, Meno, Merriweather, Nawrat, Ockham, O'Connor, Ogle, O'Grady, Otway, Palmer, Paisley, Plowdon, Pooley, Priscott, Quaker, Ramsay, Reeve, Rotthwell, Rushworth, Sounders, Sivers, Sowers, Statham, Teall, Thorndike, Drey, Uriah, Urduahart, Van Allen, Van Buren, Vane, Wainwright, Wallace, Warwick, Watt, Yaspan.Zangwill. Exercise II. Translate the following Ukrainian proper names and surnames into English. Define the way they are rendered (transcribed, transliterated, partly transliterated or partly transcribed, etc.). a) Амросій, Аркадь, Архип, Богдан, Валентин, Валерій, b) Анастасія, Борислава, Василина, Віра, Галина, Ганна, c) Андрійчук, Архипенко, Богданець, Вирвикишка, d) Suggest possible methods of translation into Ukrainian for Mrs. Bundle, Mr. Gila Bend, the Giggler, Mr. Happness, Curly Bull, Run Bill Pilgrim, Whistling Dick, Shark Dodson, Lord Rubudub, Lady Singsung, Pennifeather (from K.Vonnegut's works), Mr. Knowall (Maugham), Gimlet of Ghent, Beowulf the Bradawl, Mr. Sparrow, Don Back, farmer Meadowlark, philosophical Philip, Tom Lackford Promoter, Mr. Beanhead, Mr. Newrich, Lord Oxhead, Rollothe Rumbottle (from S.Leacock's works). Mrs. Trotter, Mrs. Struggles, Alfred Jingle, Mr. Mallard, Mr.Walker, Mr.Copperfield, Mr.Gradgrind (from C.Dickens's works); Mr. Crabtree/Backbite, Mrs. Sneerwell (Sheridan). e) Suggest your versions for the nicknames of the U.S. and Canadian sports clubs and translate the sentences into Ukrainian: 1) In sports many victories were never enjoyed for long and the losses lingered. 2) The New York Yankees sprayed champagne after John Wetteland closed out the World Series, but he soon departed to the Texas Rangers as a $24 million free agent. 3) Jimmy Key took the Baltimore Orioles' money. Jim Leyritz, whose home run fumed the Series, was traded to the Anaheim Angels. 4) Michael Jordan lifted the Chicago Bulls to a fourth National Basketball Association title. 5) John LeClair scored twice as the Philadelphia Flyers stretched the National Hockey League's longest current unbeaten run to 13 games with a 4-2 victory over the slumping Calgary Flames. 6) Tommy Albelin and Sandy McCarthy, with his first goal of the season, led the Flames. 7) The loss left the Panthers in a first-place tie with Philadelphia in the Atlantic Division. 8) The Blues had not beaten the Bruins since 1994. 9) NBA Roundup: Shaquille O'Neal scored 28 points in 28 minutes and Eddie Jones had 20 points and seven steals as the Los Angeles Lakers beat the Philadelphia 76ers. 10) Isaiah Rider scored 19 points while playing less than three quarters as the host Trail Blazers routed the Spurs. Exercise III. Identify the methods of translation of the following holy names, festivities, and remembrance days of the Orthodox Church into Ukrainian. Use the English-Ukrainian dictionaries or part В of this exercise for the purpose. A.Nativity Vigil, Nativity of Christ, Mother of God, First Martyr Stephan, St.Basil the Great/New Year, Jordan Dinner, Theophany, John the Baptist, Three Hierarchs, Meeting of the Lord, Meat Fare Sunday, All Souls Saturday, Cheese Fare Sunday, Great Fast, Sunday of Orthodoxy, Cross Veneration, Sunday Great Fast, Annunciation, Great Thursday/Friday, Easter Sunday/Monday, Saint Thomas, Ascension, Peter's Fast, Pentacost, Holy Spirit, Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed Olha, Patron Saint Day, Saint Volodymyr, Prophet Elijah, Baptism of Ukraine (August 14, 988), Transfiguration, Dormition, Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Cross Elevation, Protection Mother of God, Remembrance Day, Synaxis of Archangel Michael, Autumn Nativity Fast, Entry Mother of God, Apostle Andrew, Saint Nicholas the Thaumaturgist, Conception of Mother of God. В. Святий Вечір, Різдво Христове, Первомученика Стефана, Пресвята Богородиця, Святого Василя Великого/Новий Рік, Йорданська Вечеря, Богоявлення, Іоан Хреститель, Трьох Святителів, Стрітення Господнє, М'ясопусна Неділя, Поминальна Субота, Сиропусна Неділя, Неділя Православ'я, Великий Піст/ Хрестопоклоніння, Благовіщення, Страсний Четвер/П'ятниця, Великодня Неділя, Світлий Понеділок, Провідна Неділя/Проводи, Вознесіння, Петрівка, Трійця /День Св.Трійці, День Св. Духа, Св. апостолів Петра і Павла, Блаженної Ольги, Храмове Свято, Св. Володимира, Пророка Іллі /Спасівка, Хрещення України, Преображення, Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці, Усічення глави Св.Іоана Хрестителя, Воздвиження (Чесного) Хреста, Покрова (Св.Богородиці), Поминки, Собор Архангела Михаїла, Пилипівка, Введення Пресвятої Богородиці, Св. Апостола Андрія Первозванного, Св. Миколая Чудотворця, Зачаття Пресвятої Богородиці. Exercise IV. Translate the following geographical names into Ukrainian and define the method each of them is rendered in part a) and part b): a) the Channel Islands, the Cheviot Hills, Christmas Island, b) 1. The Rocky Mountains (the Rockies) are considered young Great Plains. 8. The Mississippi is one of the world's great continental rivers, like the Amazon in South America, the Congo in Africa, or the Ganges, Amur, and Yangtze in Asia. 9. The winding Mississippi River and its various branches drain a great basin extending from the Appalachians to the Rockies about one-third the land of the United States. 10. Curving through the heart of the whole western half of the Central Basin is the Missouri River, chief western branch of the Mississippi, once the most destructive river in the United States. 11. The Missouri rises high among the snows of the Rocky Mountains. 12. Like the Mississippi all rivers - east of the Rockies finally arrive at the Atlantic. For this reason the crests of the Rocky Mountains are known as the Continental Divide. 13. The Rio Grande is the foremost river of the Southwest between Mexico and the United States. 14. The skyscrapers of New York, the steel mills of Pittsburg and the automobile assembly lines of Detroit which are symbols of industrial America form the «melting pot» of the country. 15. Detroit, heart of automobile industry, began as a waggon-making town, using wood from the forests that covered the peninsula between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. 16. The cargo tonnage which passes between Lake Superior and Lake Huron about equals the combined capacity of the Panama and Suez Canals. 17. From the eastern end of Lake Erie all the way across New York State flows the Hudson River which falls to New York harbour. 18. Great Salt Lake to the north of Salt Lake City in the State of Utah, contains an estimated six thousand millions of tons of soda.