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B) Suggest the methods of translation into Ukrainian of the names of English and foreign companies in the sentences below.

1. Ask a middle-aged working man in the north of England what he and his friends contemplated doing when they left school 20 years ago and you get only two answers: They would work in the shipyards or the coal pits, for companies with names like Swan Hunter, British Shipbuilders, Cammell Laird and British Cod. 2. Ask a secondary-school graduate now where he or she is likely to wind up working and you will hear very different-sounding names: companies called Samsung, Daewoo, LG Electronics, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Woo One, Tatung or maybe Poong Jeon or Sung Kwang. 3. It is a sign of one of the most dramatic changes in modern industrial

history: the growing dependence of Britain, a rich country that once ruled a great empire, on South Korea and Taiwan, once poor, developing countries, to solve the chronic problems of unemployment left behind when the coal mines and the shipyards closed.

Exercise X. Suggest all possible ways of approach to translating into Ukrainian the following titles of newspapers, magazines (journals):

1. Contemporary Review (literary-political monthly, Lnd.). 2. Contemporary Life (British farmer's weekly). 3. Daily Express, Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph (and Morning Post), The Economist (all of conservative orientation). 4. Daily Mirror, Daily Sketch. 5. The Evening News, The Star, Evening Standard (Conservative dailies, Lnd.)., Scotsman (Edingb.), Yorkshire Post, Financial Times (Conservative), The Times (Lnd.). 6. Punch (satirical and humorous weekly), 8. The Guardian International. 9. Mainichi Shimbun (Japan). 10. Hong Kong Standard. 11. Korea Times (South Korea). 12. Ottawa Citizen (Canada). 13. Australia News. 14. USAToday. 15. Kyiv Post (Ukraine).

Exercise XI. Translate the following sentences containing the titles of American news media into Ukrainian:

1. American newspapers get much of their news from two news agencies - AP (Associated Press) and UPI (United Press International). 2. The record for a Sunday paper in the United States is held by The New York Times. One issue on a Sunday in 1965 contained 946 pages, weighed 36 pounds, and cost 50 cents. 3. In 1986 a total of 9, 144 newspapers (daily, Sunday, weekly, etc.) appeared in 6.516 towns in the United states. 4. Most of the daily newspapers are published, rain or shine, on Christmas, Thanksgiving, or the Fourth of July (Independence Day). 5. Among the twenty newspapers with the largest circulation only two or three regularly feature crime, sex, and scandal. 6. The paper with the largest circulation, The Wall Street Journal, is a very serious newspaper indeed. 7. The Wall Street Journal can be found throughout the country. Yet, one wouldn't expect The Milwaukee Journal to be read in Boston, or The Boston Globe in Houston. 8. Three of the better- known American newspapers The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times not only collect but also sell news, news features, and photographs to hundreds of other papers in the U.S.and abroad. 9. In one famous example, an expose of the CIA in The New York Times, also appeared in 400 other American newspapers and was picked up or used in some way by hundreds more overseas. 10. «Picked up» is not quite right. Such stories are copyrighted and other newspapers

must pay for their use. 11. Some American papers are of international excellence, namely: The Christian Science Monitor, The (Baltimore) Sun, the St. Louis Dispatch, The Milwaukee Journal. 12. In a large international survey of newspaper editors, The New York Times was ranked by most as world's top daily. 13. Among the largest daily U.S.newspapers (1986) also are: (New York) Daily News, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The New York Post, The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, The Chicago Sun Times, (The Long Island) Newsday, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe. 14. There are more than 4, 000 monthly, and over 1, 300 weekly magazines in the USA.15. Quite a few of them have international editions, are translated into other languages or have «daughter editions» as National Geographic, Reader's Digest, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, and Psychology Today. 16. Some American periodicals treat serious educational, political, and cultural topics at length. The best-known of these include The Atlantic Monthly, Harvard Educational Review, Saturday Review, Consumer Reports, The New Republic, National Review, Foreign Affairs, Smithsonian (published by the Smithonian Institution in Washington, D.C.), and, of course, Family Circle, Woman's Day, or National Enquirer.

Exercise XII. Translate the titles of the following Ukrainian and foreign newspapers, magazines and journals into English:

A. «Народна газета», «Українське слово», «Слово
Просвіти», «Освіта» «Голос України», «Урядовий Кур'єр»,
«Київська правда», «Літературна Україна», «Комерсант»,
«Молодь України», «Демократична Україна», «Сільські вісті»,
«Народна армія», «Київські Відомості», «Независимость»,
«Чорноморський моряк», «Шевченків край» (Звенигородська
райгаз.), журнали: «Дзвін», «Березіль», «Україна», «Вітчизна»,
«Дніпро», «Київ», «Всесвіт», «Слобожанщина» (письм. журнал,
Харків), «Холодний Яр» (письм. журнал, Черкаси), «Сучасність»
(літ.-політ. журнал), «Мовознавство», «Іноземні мови», «Слово і
час», «Іноземна філологія» (Львівський університет), «Теорія і
практика перекладу» (КНУ-т ім.Т.Шевченка).

B. Foreign Newpapers: «Жіцє Варшави»; «Парі Суар»
(Франція), «Франкфуртер Альґемайне», «Зюддойче Цайтунґ»
(Німеччина), «Паезесера», «Ґазеттаделло спорт», «Ла Републіка»
(Італія), «Известия», «АргументьІ й фактьі»» (Росія), «Борба»
(Югославія), «Правда» (Словаччина).

Translate the following names of news agencies into English: Агентство Великої Британії Рейтер (Ройтер), агентство Франс-Прес, Новості/АПН, Укрінформ, ДІНАУ Укрінформ, «Карпати» (Україна), агентство ПАП (Польща), агентство Ніппон судзін (Японія), агентство Сіньхуа (Китайська Нар. Респ.), Дойче Нахріхтена^ентур (Німеччина), С1-ЕН-ЕН, Ассошіейтед Прес (США).

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