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Practice. Exercise 1Read and translate the sentences
Exercise 1 Read and translate the sentences. Translate into Ukrainian. Comment on the words in bold type. 1. She was now listening to whoever it was on the other end of the line. 2. And now let's go in and join the others. 3. However, there were other matters for us grown-ups to consider. 4. All European languages belong to the same family except for Finnish, Hungarian, Basque and one or two others. 5. Bees carry pollen from one plant to another. 6. The boxers went on hitting each other. 7. Some books are useful to read, others are just a waste of time. 8. He produced two films. One became a classic, the other passed unnoticed. 9. My Dad says he needs another car. 10. Some people are bitterly frustrated when this happens. Others are not. 11. One man's meat is another man's poison. 12. I've got another three books to read. 13. On the one hand it is true, on the other not quite. 14. In 1900 the Uffizi gallery in Florence had 2, 395 paintings on display. Today it shows just 500. The others are locked away, almost never seen. Exercise 2 Insert another or the other. 1. A person who has not done one half of his day’s work by ten o’clock runs the chance of leaving ____ half undone. 2. Her hands lay on her lap motionless, one in ____ loosely clasped. 3. There was ____ silence, not a long one. 4. Then she came and sat down on ____ side of the hearth. 5. There was ____ reason why he was disturbed. Though he was ambitious, he had high standards of behaviour. 6. Fleur stole ____ look. 7. The boy sidled nearer, moving one foot slowly after ____. 8. There was ____ thing I liked in Mrs. Strickland.
Exercise 3 Write one of the five choices in each of the spaces.
1. Humans have two favorite pets. One is the dog, and _____ is the cat. 2. Of the 20 houses on my street only two escaped the fire. _____ burned. 3. I'm taking three classes. One is easy. _____classes are hard. 4. Kathy has two brothers in town. She has two _____out of town. 5. Some people cried when they heard the news. ____ people laughed. 6. The coffee was delicious. Could you bring me ____ cup, please? 7. Some people watch TV, while _____ prefer to listen to the radio. 8. Some snakes lay eggs. ____ give live birth. 9. Some dogs bite and ____ don't. 10. Many people like jazz while ____ people prefer rock and roll. 11. I have one pen here. I have ____ at home. 12. Mary's computer broke, so she bought ____. 13. The first fire truck arrived in one minute. _____ trucks arrived later. 14. Sally wrote three books. Two were published, but _____ wasn't. 15. That spoon is dirty. Could I have ____? 16. I have four pens. Two are blue and _____ are red. 17. I have four pens. Two are blue and _____ pens are red. 18. Fifty people called. Twenty-five were men and _____ were women. 19. There are ten books here. Eight are mine. ______ two aren't. 20. Two men robbed a bank. One of them got away and _____ didn't. Exercise 4 Complete the sentences by using a few or a little and the given noun. Use the plural form of the noun when necessary. 1. (music) I feel like listening ___tonight. 2. (song) We sang ____at the party. 3. (time) I’m not finished with the work. I need ____more ___. 4. (desk) We need ____ more ____ in our classroom. 5. (help) Do you need ____ with that? 6. (fruit) I bought _____ at the market. 7. (advice) I need ____. 8. (money) If I accept that job, I’ll make ____ more ____. 9. (information) Could you give me ____? 10. (hour) Don’s plane will arrive in ____ more ____. 11. (toothpaste) Tommy, put just ____ on your toothbrush, not half a tube. 12. (laughter) We need to be able to see the humor in a situation even when we are unhappy. _____ never hurts. 13. (laugh) Greg’s joke produced ____ in the audience, but most of the people didn’t think it was funny. 14. (grammar) Pedro already knew ____ English ____ before he took his course. 15. (progress) I’ve made _____ in the last couple of weeks.