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Exercise 5 Complete the sentences with (a) little (of), the little; (a) few (of), the few.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 65 из 65
1. Although the play is set in Italy, ____ the characters are Italian. 2. Jim, Bill, Sue and Gill were just ____ those who came to say goodbye. 3. I saw him first ____ after midnight. 4. Unfortunately, much of the early history of Zimbabwe is still known. For example, we know ____ about the early patterns of settlement. 5. Because it was cheep, and we didn’t have much money, ____ us used to go to the cinema every Saturday morning. 6. It will take ____ time, but I’m sure you’ll learn the rules of cricket eventually. 7. Stephen and ____ his friends were waiting for us in the park. 8. The play was poorly attended, but ____ people who came had a very good evening. 9. Many questions were asked, but ____ were answered. 10. The soldiers seemed to have ____ idea who they were fighting against or why. 11. After the plane crashed in the desert, the survivors divided ____ water they had left between them.
Exercise 6 Insert articles where necessary. 1. ____ mother and I are planning to go to ____ country for ____ few days. 2. It was ____ cold, windy evening and there were ____ few people in the street. 3. ____ few words that I have to add to what I have written, are soon penned. 4. We needn’t take ____ porter. We have ____ little luggage. 5. ____ little I have to say can be said in ____ few minutes. 6. I am commonly ____ man of ____ few words. 7. Harriet closed her coat quickly and walked ____ little faster. 8. We can’t disguise from ourselves that there is ____ little hope. 9. I seem to have forgotten ____ little I ever knew. 10. I see very ____ few women; but those are ____ women of rank. 11. He was one of ____ few men of science who never terrified me. 12. Very ____ few people live to the age of one hundred. 13. ____ few people who are over one hundred must be taken great care of. 14. Mary offered to lend ____ little she had. 15. I know ____ few people who are over ninety. 16. Please, make haste, there is ____ time left. 17. ____ spare time I have after work is always spent on reading. 18. There is ____ time left, so we can have a short rest. 19. There are ____ books on chemistry in our library. ____ books on chemistry I have read are very difficult. 20. I have ____ mistakes in my composition. Exercise 7 Insert articles if necessary. 1. ____ room 215 is on ____ fifth floor. 2. The car stopped at ____ corner of ____ Fifth Avenue and ____ 112th Street. 3. I was very thirsty and took ____ second cup of tea, then ____ third and only after ____ fourth I felt that I had enough. 4. We have made ____ first step, but it should be regarded only as ____ first step, as the beginning. 5. We had better get on ____ 24. ____ route #9 will take us much more time. 6. “Conductor, where do I get off to change to ____ bus 5? ” 7. They went by ____ seven o’clock train. 8. I want two tickets for ____ two-fifteen. 9. In passing the house we noticed ____ two old women in the front garden talking animatedly. On our way back we found ____ two women still chatting. 10. The train for Odessa leaves from ____ platform 1, ____ track 3. 11. Can ____ two of you help me? 12. Take care, Caroline. I’ve proposed twice now. I shall not propose ____ third time. 13. ____ two people would have to hold ____ chair, and ____ third would help him up on it, and ____ fourth would hand him ____ nail, and ____ fifth would pass him up ____ hammer. Exercise 8 Insert the right article if necessary. 1. Today in court we are listening to _____ case 243. 2. _____ second part of the book was much more interesting than _____ first one. 3. _____ participle one is used for building up progressive tenses. 4. _____ second participle is used to build up Passive forms. 5. _____ flight 579 starts at five sharp. 6. The planes came again for _____ second attack. 7. Let's regard it as _____first step, just _____ beginning. 8. It was _____ first-night and the actors were nervous. 9. _____exercise 27 begins at _____ page 44. 10. _____ year passed, then _____ second, and _____ third, but there was still no news. 11. They agreed to meet on _____ Fifth Avenue near _____ building # 112. 12. _____ two years in Africa taught him a lot. 13. _____ flat 55 is on _____ fifth floor. 14. This style was in fashion in _____ eighties. 15. It was _____ fifty-fifty deal. 16. She was _____ third-year medical student
Exercise 9 Write the correct article in the space. 1. This is ____ second rainstorm we have had this year. 2. Clear the table ____ first. Then, do the dishes. 3. ____ first czar of Russia was Ivan the Terrible. 4. I think “Tom Sawyer” is Mark Twain’s ____ second best novel after “Huck Finn”. 5. Dr. Smith, ____ first word in ____ question two is hard to read. 6. Chapters ____1, ____4, and ____ 6 deal with articles. 7. After you win a gold medal in the Olympics, what do you do ____ next? 8. My name begins with ____ “L”. 9. The teacher wrote____ “X” on the blackboard. ____ “X” was two feet high. 10. ____ first, work. ____ second, save. ____ finally, invest your money. 11. Thank you! This is ____ first prize that I have ever won. 12. I’m not disappointed at all; ____ Second Prize is good enough for me. 13. I’ll tell you what to do ____ first, ____second, and ____ third. 14. ____ third prize that you won was ____ Third Prize. 15. All of the statements are true except for____ 7, which is false.
Exercise 10 Write the correct article in the space.
The Unlucky Winner Brenda told her friend Doug: " I entered ____ essay in the National Literary Contest. I was surprised and pleased when I won ____ First Prize. I was confident that I could win ___ First Prize again, so I immediately wrote another essay and entered it in ____ next contest. I was a little disappointed when I won ___ Second Prize. ___ third essay that I wrote won ___ Third Prize." Doug replied: " Let me get this straight. ___ first prize that you won was ___ First Prize, ___second prize that you won was ___ Second Prize, and ___ third prize that you won was ___ Third Prize? " " That's right." said Brenda. " Now I've just received the results from ____ latest contest." " Did you win ____ prize? " asked Doug. " Yes, " Brenda answered. „____ Honorable Mention."
Exercise 11 Insert articles where necessary. 1. You have had ____ most distinguished career… 2. This was ____ most painful thought of all. 3. He had put himself in ____ most unsatisfactory position, politically and socially. 4. She was ____ most beautiful young girl; ____ most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 5. ____ most of ____ women had flowers or little black feathers sticking up in their hair. 6. ____ news he had conveyed to her would have terrified ____ most women. 7. He was ____ man of ____ most subtle and refined intellect. ____ man of ____ culture, ____ charm and ____ distinction. One of ____ most intellectual men I ever met. 8. It was ____ most beautiful room. It was ____ most beautiful room in ____ house. 9. Gentleman, he was ____ most excellent man, ____ most gentle, tender and estimable man, with ____ simplicity of ____ child. 10. ____ Norman Conquest is one of ____ most important events in ____ English history.
Exercise 12 Translate articles where necessary. 1. Thirteen years of life with Frank Cowperwood had taught her ____ number of things. 2. ____ colonel says our losses have not been heavy. ____ exact number is not yet known. 3. To this particular dinner ____ number of people... had been invited. 4. Those who had any letters to deliver or... any settled plan of going anywhere or doing anything, discussed their prospects ____ hundred times ____ day; and as this class of passengers was small, and ____ number of those who had no prospects whatever was very large, there were plenty of listeners and few talkers. 5. While he was dancing, Cowper wood had occasion to look at Aileen... She passed close to him ____ number of times. 6. He went up into ____ picture gallery. On ____ bureau there were laid ____ number of letters and things to be attended to.
Exercise 13 Fill in the blanks with articles before nouns modified by last and next wherever necessary. Explain your choice. 1. Then he wrote out a cable to Anne, telling her to get on _____ next plane to Nice. 2. At the bar, Rudolph was clapped on the back by Sid Crosett, who had been Mayor of Whitby until _____ last election. 3. Use it _____ next time you come through. 4. We don't remember it until we say hullo to the mechanic in charge _____ next morning. 5. The Islands were _____ last refuge of civilization in a world gone mad. 6. Find out what happened to my daughter in her native land in _____ last six months. 7. Well, _____ next time don't wait until you are on the point of suffocation, she said matter-of-factly. 8. They came down _____ last half mile to Clune like homing horses. 9. He decided to re-read the play _____ next day after he had thought about it for twenty-four hours. 10. I've eaten enough fish in _____ last month to last me a lifetime.
Exercise 14 Translate into English, trying to use other, others, another, the other, the others where possible. 1. Цей маршрут до Бостона дуже довгий. Має бути інший, коротший. 2. Він узяв книжку в одну руку, зошит в іншу і пішов до дошки відповідати. 3. Йому завжди подобалось подорожувати в інші країни. 4. Деякі фрукти дуже добре ростуть в цьому кліматі, в той час як інші не можливо тут виростити. 5. Ще одна аварія трапилася на тому ж самому місці, що й минулого разу. 6. Ця ручка не пише. Дати тобі іншу ручку? 7. Ця рукавичка мені вже не потрібна, бо я загубила другу. 8. Будь яка інша людина, а не її мати, відразу б розсердилася на неї. 9. Ми не поставили необхідну кількість тарілок на стіл. Будьте ласкаві, дайте мені ще одну. 10. Минулого тижня Марк та Ганна посварилися. Зараз вони не розмовляють один з одним. 11. Ось три книги. Одна для мене, решта для Джека. 12. Одні люди люблять проводити свій вільний час вдома, на одинці, інші – з друзями, у гучній компанії. 13. Їх будинок не дуже великий, тому вони планують добудувати ще один поверх. 14. Я слухаю лише цю радіостанцію. Інші не висвітлюють гарно новини. 15. Політична реформа, яка добре спрацьовує в одній країні, може бути зовсім не ефективною в іншій країні. 16. Деякі з завдань дуже прості, інші – надзвичайно складні
Exercise 15 Translate into English 1. Джорж був відсутній вже десять днів. 2. Він поставив перший тім роману назад у шафу. 3. Він добре усвідомлював, що має зробити третю спробу. 4. Вона написала ще один (другий) роман. 5. На другий день, коли я знов зустрів її, вона виглядала дуже привабливою. 6. Вона поклала три чайних ложки цукру у другу чашку кави. 7. Вперше я побачив, що він був невпевнений. 8. Протягом перших двох днів з тих п’яти вона знаходилась в стані спокою. 9. Вперше їй спало на думку, що вона може втратити його. 10. Коли три сестри Стюарт виросли, вони мали працювати медсестрами, щоб заробити собі на життя. 11. Ми ніколи не забудемо ті три дні, які ми провели у Лондоні. 12. Він зробив їй зауваження вже в третій чи четвертий раз, з того моменту як вони сіли за стіл. 13. У моїй групі було дванадцять студентів. Четверо були іноземці, решта українці. 14. Вони мали дві дочки. Одній було сім років, другій п’ять. 15. Одні страви легко готувати, інші ні. 16. У нашій квартирі два балкони. Один виходить на південь, інший на схід. 17. Закрий одне око, а потім друге. 18. Що ти робитимеш, якщо не зустрінеш її? – Спробую іншим разом. 19. Вона просиділа три тижні вдома. Перший тиждень вона відпочивала, решту два – дописувала роман. 20. З одного боку Леслі був гарним спеціалістом, з іншого – йому чогось бракувало.
Exercise 16 Translate into English. 1. На уроках англійської вчитель розповідав нам багато цікавих історій із життя англійських письменників. 2. Кількість помилок, що він припустився у диктанті, була жахливою. 3. Більшість людей на вечірці просто нудьгувала. Магнітофон зламався і не було жодної людини, яка б грала на гітарі. 4. Він був найлюблячим батьком. Він просто обожнював своїх дітей. 5. Як правило люди довго пам’ятають найцікавіші та найголовніші події у їхньому житті. 6. Якщо ви хочете потрапити на сьогоднішню виставу то поспішайте. Кількість квитків обмежена. 7. Більшість студентів нашого університету бажає вивчати третю іноземну мову. 8. Більшість страв легко готувати. 9. У нього в житті було декілька приємних моментів, але він пам’ятатиме завжди ті нечисленні події. 10. В мене є трішки грошей. Я можу запросити тебе в кіно. 11. Більшість учасників експедиції повернулися до дому задоволеними. То була надзвичайно цікава подорож.
Exercise 17 Translate into English. 1. Розділ ХІІІ починається на сторінці 57. 2. Ви проглянули обидві серії цього фільму? – Ні, я проглянув лише першу і ще не встиг проглянути другу. 3. Будинок №8 – четвертий праворуч. 4. За першим вибухом пролунав другий, потім третій. 5. Ось їде 15-й автобус. 6. Будь ласка скажіть, коли прибуває дванадцятигодинний потяг? 7. Скажіть, як дістатися стадіону? – Сідайте на 5-й тролейбус і, коли проїдете чотири зупинки, пересядьте на 7-й. 7-й довезе вас прямо до місця призначення. 8. Проїзд у метро коштує 50 копійок і вам треба купити жетон. 9. Вони мешкають на вулиці Федорова, будинок 5, кв. 8, перший під’їзд, другий поверх. 10. Їх було троє, і всі троє були одного віку. 11 Як ви вважаєте, чи зможемо ми удвох донести цей ящик?
Exercise 18 Translate the following letter into English. Любий тато, Перш за все декілька слів про мій новий ресторан. Я трішки схвильована тим, що дуже мало людей відвідують наш ресторан. Декілька відвідувачів зайшло вчора у вечері, і навіть ті, кілька, замовили дуже мало їжі. Вони взяли лише декілька бутербродів і трішки кави. Мені здається, що в наш час дуже мало людей можуть дозволити собі ходити по ресторанах, тому що в них мало зайвих грошей. Та невелика кількість грошей, яка в них є здебільшого витрачається на хліб і молочні продукти. Я не думаю, що мій бізнес буде процвітати наступні декілька років. Можливо, в тебе буде можливість надіслати мені трішки грошей, щоб я могла якось тут утриматись. Обіцяю, що ті невеликі гроші, що ти мені позичиш, я буду витрачати дуже економно. З любов’ю, твоя Аня. Exercise 19 Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English paying especial attention to the nouns modified by last and next. 1. Можливо ви зайдете до мене якось на наступному тижні після обіду? 2. Він знав, що припустився помилки і тому протягом наступних кількох днів працював уважніше. 3. Зачекай на мене на наступній станції. 4. Останні два тижня він працював дуже наполегливо, але все ж таки не склав іспити. 5. Я не можу знайти свої папери. Можливо я залишив їх у сусідній аудиторії. 6. Наступного року я планую відвідувати курси іноземних мов. 7. Це була остання крапля. Він зібрав свої речі і пішов геть. 8. Протягом останніх днів, під час свого перебування у Канаді, він дуже сумував за своєю родиною. 9. Коли наступного ранку Мері дізналася, що Роберт збирається покинути її, вона сильно розлютилася. 10. Після того як він закінчив останню перевірку, він кинув ручку і глибоко зітхнув. 11. В суботу увечері ми були в театрі на останньому спектаклі. 12. Вона вирішила провідати маму у селі але збиралася повернутися в місто наступного дня. 13. Останні роки в нього з’явилося бажання переїхати в інше місто. Comprehensive Test 1. 1. Between Italy and Greece lies ____ Adriatic Seas. 2. Caroline Newman is majoring in ____ art at the university. 3. ____ Art Museum is located in the James Fisher Building. 4. Coffee in this restaurant is only 25 cents ____ cup. 5. ____ Tokyo is one of the most populous cities in ____ world. 6. Everyone in the class missed ____ question number 23 on the test. 7. ____ University of Greenville is a good place to study. 8. For dessert, I’d like ____ slice of that apple pie, please. 9. ____ Chinese have a long history. 10. George Rawson owns a nightclub on ____ Santa Monica Boulevard. 11. Good night, everyone. See you in ____ morning! 12. Henry Benson and Jim Smith had an accident last week. ____ Smith boy was hurt. 13. Henry won ____ second prize in the university diving contest. 14. How do you like ____ United States? Is this ____ first time you have been here? 15. The more I study this subject, ____ more confused I get. 16. Hurry! Hurry! We have ____ little time. 17. ____ Navajo is one of the most widely spoken Native American Languages. 18. I asked the pilot how high above ____ ground we were flying. 19. I bought more sugar because we had only ____ little left. 20. I buy the cheapest brand of aspirin because they’re all ____ same. 21. ____ Arrow Lake is one of ____ prettiest lakes I’ve ever seen. 22. I can’t take a summer vacation right now, but ____ next year I will. 23. ____ world in which we live is constantly changing. 24. I don’t have enough money right now to buy ____ new clothes. 25. I’ve felt weak ever since I caught ____ flu last month. 26. If anyone needs a pencil, just ask; I have ____ few extra. 27. ____ Gila monster is one of the two poisonous lizards in the world. 28. If you look into ____ north on a clear night, you will see Polaris, the North Star. 29. If you want to study physics, you will ____ first have to take several math classes. 30. In ____ autumn, my back yard is covered with ____ leaves. 31. Jerry Thompson did ____ excellent job while he worked for us. 32. Johnny’s mother took him by ____ hand and walked him across the street. 33. ____lake Baikal is located in ____ former Soviet Union. 34. Last year I took ____ wonderful art history class. 35. Mary was in ____ top ten per cent of her high school class. 36. Mastery of ____ English language is the goal of many international students. 37. ____ dog that growls will very often bite as well. 38. Most airliners can travel at 600 miles ____ hour. 39. Most birds don’t fly at ____ night. 40. Mrs. Martin dropped a glass and ____ glass broke. 41. My favourite basketball team is ____ Sonics. 42. Our club is going to have a picnic at ____ Audubon Park. 43. ____ computer makes it easy to revise written work. 44. Please don’t put your nose against ____ window; I just washed it. 45. ____ dog can be taught to understand many words. 46. Some people don’t like ____ tomato juice. 47. Some people go to ____ church every Sunday. 48. ____ arthritis is a painful disease. 49. That actor was one of ____ Magnificent Seven in the famouse film. 50. The Anthropology Department is located in ____ Hascall Hall. 51. Civil unrest in the country became so serious that ____ military was called in to control it. 52. The company has reserved a room for you at ____ Hilton Hotel. 53. ____ green plants produce oxygen. 54. The government provides support for ____ poor. 55. The invention of ____ crossbow made it possible to shoot arrows farther and more accurately. 56. ____ bugle is a trumpet-like instrument. 57. The leader of that country attended ____ Oxford University in England. 58. The prairie falcon is one of ____ fastest birds in the world. 59. The ship sailed out of the harbor and headed ____ north. 60. There are ____ vast plains in Argentina. 61. There is one musical instrument I truly love; ____ clarinet. 62. This is the first time that I’ve received ____ “99” on a test. 63. Vivian studied hard and got ____ “A” in her English class. 64. When did ____ Stone Age end? 65. You have ____ better accent in English than I.