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Parts of speech in the English language

Traditionally the term " part of speech" denotes the lexica - grammatical classes of words with some common grammatically relevant properties.

There are 3 types of grammatically relevant properties of words that differentiate parts of speech: semantic, morphological and syntactic features. The semantic criterion refers to the generalized semantic properties common to the whole class of words. For example, the generalized (categorial) meaning of noun is " thingness" or " substance", of verbs - " process", of adjective - " substantive property", of adverbs - " none - substantive property".

The morphological criterion implies 2 basic group of features: word - building, word - changing, affixes that are characteristic for a particular part of speech. For example, the noun is characterized by a specific sat of word - building affixes " work er, bitter ness, friend ship, etc." The second group: each part of speech has a certain number of morphological words - changing categories. For example, English nouns are changed according to the categories of number, case, article determination.

Note: the notion of a morphological category it is a system of expressing a general morphological meaning by means of a certain number of morphological variants which are correlated with each other. There are several subtypes of morphological categories:

1. Immanent (or meaningful) categories render the meaning which is natural for the words of a particular lexical class. For example, the category of number is meaningful for nouns since the reference denoted by nouns can potentially be counted. ---- Formal (or reflective) categories serve as a sign of formal correlation between the words in an utterance.

2. Variable feature categories are realized in changeable grammatical forms of verbs. For example, the category of number for countable nouns " book - books" ---- Constant feature categories reflect the classification of words according to certain unchangeable categorial features. For example, the category of number for uncountable nouns differentiates these nouns into 2 subclasses only in the singular and only in plural.

The syntactic (or functional) criterion is based on the syntactic functions that the words of a particular class fulfill in the sentence. For example, the most characteristic function of the noun are those of a subject (подлежащее) and of an object (дополнение); the only function of the finite verb (личная форма глагола) is that of a predicate (сказуемое); the adjective functions in most cases as an attribute (определение); the adverb - as an adverbial modifier (обстоятельство).

Traditionally all parts of speech are subdivided on the upper level of classification into notional words (знаменательные слова) and functional words (служебные). Notional words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and numerals) have complete nominative meaning (полноценное номинативное значение), are in most cases changeable and fulfill self-independent syntactic functions. Functional words (conjunctions (союзы), prepositions (предлоги), articles, particles (частицы), interjections (междометия), modal verbs) have incomplete nominative value, are unchangeable and fulfill constructional syntactic functions.

Лекция 30.09.15

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