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State Court Systems

The system of state courts is quite diverse; virtually no two states have identical judiciaries. In general, however, the states, like the federal government, have a hierarchically organized system of general courts along with a group of special courts. The lowest level of state courts are inferior courts, may include any of the following: magistrate court, municipal court, justice of the peace court, police court, traffic court, and county court. Such tribunals, often quite informal, handle only minor civil and criminal cases. More serious offenses are heard in superior court, also known as state district court. The superior courts hear appeals from the inferior courts and have original jurisdiction over major civil suits and serious crimes.

The highest state court, state court of appeals, or state supreme court, generally hears appeals from the state superior courts and, in some instances, has original jurisdiction over particularly important cases. A number of the larger states, such as New York, also have intermediate appellate courts between the superior courts and the state's highest court.

A state may have special tribunals, including juvenile court, divorce court, family court, housing court, and small-claims court. There are more than 1, 000 state courts of various types, and their judges may be either appointed or elected.

5. Imagine that you are the assistant manager of Marco’s (a fast food restaurant). The manager has asked you to assess the food and prices, service and atmosphere and suggest any changes that you think need to be made.

A 14-year study shows that fast food restaurants have only made minimal improvements to the nutritional value of items on their menus. The researchers say that's especially problematic because more than 25 percent of Americans eat fast food two or more times a week, and the items are filled with high amounts of sugar, fat and salt.

Fast food restaurants are a very quick and easy way to get food if you are in a hurry, but there is a dark side to this convenience. Most fast food restaurants are generally bad for both people and the environment. The production of food is in a way harmful to the environment. The food itself is a potential risk to people’s health.

That is why if I will have the chance to change something I will:

· Focus on value

· You can practice portion control--choose small, regular, junior or single sizes.

· No delayed meals or waiting at the table for food.

· You can make special requests to avoid hidden calories such as mayonnaise and " special sauces".

· You can split and share with no extra charges.

· Nutrition information is available.

· Promote New and Novelty Items - Attract consumers with promotions for new items and advertise a range of food items that appeal to a variety of diners, but balance the special price menu by eliminating too many options. Promotion of a new food item each month attracts customers looking for something unusual. Food with a holiday theme, including peppermint ice cream for the winter holidays or iced drinks during summer months, attracts customers focused on that single food item. Promote food made with seasonal fruit and vegetables, and advertise your special menu to increase patronage.

· Train Staff for Continuity - Quality customer service promotes a pleasing experience for your diners. A smile and greeting from your staff when customers enter the store helps set the tone for the visit - and the training required to get employees to utter a simple greeting is minimal.

Keep your restaurant interior clean, and landscape the area around the drive-through window to improve the customer perception of your restaurant. A customer who experiences quality dining is a happy customer. A satisfied customer also recommends your restaurant to others.


6.Nowadays technology is used to keep a close watch on our every move. What are the forms of surveillance? Which of these seems the most scary for you? Give your reasons.

Governments are increasingly using technology that monitors online activity and intercepts electronic communication in order to arrest journalists, and dissidents. Around 180 netizens worldwide are currently in prison for providing news and information online.

As you go about your business today, you may think you enjoy a relative anonymity and privacy. Not so. Along with the government’s ability to track its citizens as they move about the Internet, computerization seems develop the ability to track people in the material world. Moreover, it can be done cheaply and almost invisibly. We have a wide range of surveillance devices used to safeguard the public. The most successful are:
I’ve seen your face before …
In 1998, the London borough of Newham connected the US firm Visionics’ software to cameras covering one shopping area. The face recognition software was reported to decrease crime rates relative to other boroughs, achieving a dramatic drop in street robberies and burglaries.
The system tries to match faces on Newham’s cameras to a ‘watch list’ of nearly 100 active criminals, chosen by a Metropolitan Police committee. The software shows probable matches to a Newham employee who is (8-decide) if the match is valid and whether or not (9-contact) the police.
Such a system costs from £15, 000 a single camera feed and uses standard surveillance cameras.
I know your number …
Automatic number place recognition appeared in the UK in 1997, when the City of London police installed cameras that scan the plates of every vehicle entering and leaving the Square Mile. A police spokesperson says: “We are not interested in monitoring people’s movements; we are supposed to provide them with a safe environment.”
The traffic information provider, Trafficmaster plc, owns a far more widespread plate-reading system, with 8, 000 cameras on roads that monitor traffic speeds.
I know where you are …
There is even a simpler way to track citizens: examining location data sent out by mobile telephones. When switched on, each unit transmits its identity. As a result, your network always knows roughly where you are.
Base-station data is already used to provide traffic news.

You could find yourself getting text messages advertising shops you are passing; meantime your network will be keeping a keen eye on your movements. Are you in a trap like a mouse in just one click?

7. You talk with your foreign friend about religious and public holidays which are observed in Ukraine, Great Britain and USA. What do these holidays have in common? Are there any differences in celebration in these countries?

A public holiday in Ukraine is a holiday typically established by Ukrainian law makers and is normally a non working day during the year. The public holidays in Ukraine are often days of a famous event (Independence day), or may be a religious celebration for instance Christmas.

The Ukrainian National Day is a specific date on the 24 August (1991) to observe the Independence Day of Ukraine. Often this public holiday in Ukraine is not called as National Day. However, the banks, schools along with other public buildings would be closed.
Public Holidays in Ukraine

New Year’s Day - January 1. In addition to the traditional celebrations the Old New Year’s Day, a folk symbol of tradition and originality, is marked on January 14.

Ortodox Christmas Day - January 7

International Women’s Day - March 8

Easter - movable: May 5, 2013; April 20, 2014;

Labor Day - May 1 and 2 (2 days)

Victory Day - May 9

Holy Trinity Day - movable: June 23, 2013; June 8, 2014;

Constitution Day - June 28

Independence Day - August 24

Except Ortodox Easter and Svyata Triytsia, all the above holidays are celebrated on a fixed day. Ortodox Christmas Day and Velykden’ (Ortodox Easter) are celebrated in accord to the Orthodox Old Calendar.

Important notice: In Ukraine, if a holiday falls on a weekend, there will be a day off on the following Monday.

Public holidays in the United Kingdom are the public holidays observed in some or all of the countries of the United Kingdom. Most businesses and non-essential services are closed on public holidays, although some of retail businesses do open on some of the public holidays.

The United Kingdom has no national day holiday marked or celebrated. The lack of a formal founding date and no constitution may be the reason for the lack of a national day.

The statutory minimum holidays are currently 5.6 weeks a year (including any bank holidays or public holidays that are taken.

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, public holidays are commonly referred to as bank holidays, and the two terms are often used interchangeably, although there is a difference.

Bank holidays are holidays when banks and many other businesses are closed for the day. Public holidays are holidays which have been observed through custom and practice.

When a public holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the holiday is normally postponed to the next following working weekday, which is then referred to as a 'substitute public holiday' or the date on which the public holiday is " observed". This is normally the next following Monday, but if that day is itself already a public holiday or a substitute public holiday, then it may be the following Tuesday. Most commonly this happens when Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which case the following Monday will be a substitute public holiday for Christmas Day, and the Tuesday will be a substitute holiday for Boxing Day; whereas if Christmas Day falls on a Friday, then it will be observed on the Friday, but Boxing Day (falling on the Saturday) will be observed on the following Monday. In this way, public holidays are not 'lost' on years when they coincide with weekends. (Note that, unlike the USA, where public holidays falling on a Saturday are sometimes observed on the preceding Friday, British public holidays are always moved backwards, not forwards.)

Increasingly, there are calls for public holidays on the patron saints' days in England, Scotland and Wales (Northern Ireland already has St Patrick's Day as a holiday). An online petition sent to the Prime Minister received 11, 000 signatures for a public holiday in Wales on St. David's Day; in England there are calls for a public holiday on St. George's Day.

For constitutional reasons, the United States does not have national holidays in the sense that most other nations do, i.e. days on which all businesses are closed by law and employees have a day off.


New Year's Day - January1

Martin Luther King Day - third Monday in January
President's Day - third Monday in February

Memorial Day - last Monday in May

Independence Day – July 4

Labor Day - first Monday in September

Columbus Day - second Monday in October
Veterans Day – November11
Thanksgiving Day - fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day - December 25

In a strict sense, there are no national holidays in the United States. The above ten holidays are proclaimed by the federal government as holidays for federal government employees (commonly called legal or public holidays).


8. “Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around”

“No matter what you do, what you say, or who you become, there will always be someone who doesn’t approve. There will always be someone who thinks you’re too much or too little. Someone who finds you too obedient or too outspoken; too sensitive or too cold; too serious or too immature. And that’s okay.

It’s impossible to please everyone, and more importantly, you don’t exist to conform to other people’s standards. If someone doesn’t like who you are, that’s their problem — not yours. You can’t live your life based on other people’s needs and expectations

You have to make your happiness and wellbeing a priority. Believe in yourself and never give up.

You have to believe with absolute conviction that who you are is exactly enough. You have to trust that who you are is all you need to be.”

Sometimes when things happen we may say some of the things we do are caused by someone else. Sit back and ask yourself… We are not perfect beings in the sense of how we do things, we all are imperfect. We can always improve on what we already know and be open to learning new things. But we must believe in ourselves, believe in our thoughts and live our beliefs and only then we will achieve what we want!

The author was exactly right. If you live your beliefs you stand up for what you believe in. This is how all great changes are made in the world. If you don't " live your beliefs" then nothing will ever change everyone will just be another machine.

Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can,
for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create your own life and then go out and live it. You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere.



9. “A room without books is like a body without a soul”

I think everybody agrees that reading is very important. When you learn to read, you learn how to concentrate, how to use your imagination, and to visualize the stories in your own way. Of course, it’s getting less and less popular nowadays, with the increasing popularity of TV videos, and computers. I don’t think children read nearly as much as they used to. My parents say when they were children there wasn’t much else to do. I mean, in the day there was work about the house but, for example, in the evening, reading was possibly the best option.

My recent visit to the World Book Fair made me realise that books shape our life. We come to the university everyday, except weekends of course, and go back home with new knowledge. Unknowingly, we do apply them in practical life. Books are said to be man's best friends. Perhaps, this will tell you why. At times when we are sad, depressed or angry, when we read a book our mind seems to calm down. Books take us to a world where we find ourselves relaxed, sometimes thrilled or even crying. We forget ourselves when we read a book which we like. Thus, they play the role of an entertainer. Certain books show our ancestral customs which we hesitate to follow now.

We students have to read books to develop our knowledge of our past to make us feel proud, and to develop our knowledge for our future. Books teach us moral values for a happy and peaceful life which we require now because we children have lost our innocence. Books improve one's communication abilities by teaching one on how to talk and carry oneself in the society. It improves qualities such as Honesty, Kindness, Friendship, Loyalty, Bravery etc. amongst readers. Books shape ones character in life. If the hero of the book tends to be good at heart or takes the path of violence, we tend to follow it no matter what. Thus, choosing a good book is important. Books may develop extra-curricular intrest apart from studies like music and dance. Mostly influenced by the hero of the book. So we students must read books which imbibes in us good qualities and moral values.

I don’t read as much as I used to. When I was a child, I used to read all the time, but still, I like reading and if I have time I do it.



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