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Give general information about Ukraine. The geographical position of Ukraine.
Ukraine is situated in the central part of Eastern Europe, on the crossroads of major transportation routes from Europe to Asia and from the Scandinavian states to the Mediterranean region. It borders on Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Poland on land and Russia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey on sea. Ukraine occupies 603, 7 thousands square kilometers and it is the second biggest state in Europe after Russia. Its population is almost 48 million people which is a little less than in France. Mountains occupy only 5% of Ukrainian territory: the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains in the west and the Crimean mountains in the south. The highest peak in Ukraine, Goverla Mountain (2, 061 m), is situated in the Carpathians. Ukraine consists of 24 regions and the Autonomic republic of Crimea. The majority of population of Ukraine lives in cities. Black and Azov Sea wash Ukraine at the South. Water temperature at the seaside ranges from 0-8oC in winter to 25oC in summer. There are more than 73, 000 rivers in Ukraine. The largest rivers in Ukraine (Dnipro and Dunai, Dnister rivers) are navigable. More than 20, 000 water reservoirs are situated in Ukraine, including more than 3, 000 lakes. Climate: The climate of Ukraine is temperate continental. The only exception is the southern coast of Crimea, where the climate is subtropical of the Mediterranean type. Warm low-snow winters and rainy summers are specific to the mild climate of the Zakarpatye region. Average winter temperatures is-8 -12oC. The temperature in the southern regions - 0oC. The average summer temperature is from 18 to 25oC. But sometimes it can be 35oC. The southern coast of Crimea is the warmest place in Ukraine. The summer temperature reaches 39oC. Flora and fauna: Approximately 30, 000 species of plants grow in Ukraine. More than 400 of them are included in the Red Data Book. 14% of Ukraine’s territory is covered with forests. Forests in Ukraine are rich in berries, mushrooms, fruits of wild-growing plants, as well as herbs. Ukraine has approximately 1% of the world's population, but 6% of the world's physicists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists, computer programmers and other highly trained professionals. Although Ukraine became independent only in 1991 the history and culture of Ukrainian people extends on centuries. Ukraine is a young state, and a valuable trading partner in the world market.
11. What is the most unforgettable childhood experience? What does the word “success” mean to you? Do you consider Albert Einstein’s idea – “Try not to become a man of success but a man of value” – to be right or wrong? The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. (Lombardi) Success is something that can be judged based upon achievement of goals. However someone who is successful does not necessarily have to give anything valuable to the world. I have quite many childhood experiences that i remember but following is the one what i can remember really well I was 5 years old just learned to ride a bike and as most of kids at the same age so do i wanted a new bike One day that my mother came to brought me home from kindergarten we went home and i was very surprised when i saw brand new bike standing at living room I was so excited and immediately wanted to go for a ride but in outdoors was already dark so I had to wait next day At that night i couldn’t sleep. 12. Your friend became redundant. What should he start job-hunting with? Advise him how to write a resume. What services do employment agencies offer? There are several traditional ways of looking for a job. A civilized and active means of looking for a Job is studying the market of the vacancies offered to get an idea of necessary demands and assess and size up your own chances. Many agencies specialize in certain types of work, within certain sectors or in particular geographical areas. The employer pays the agency to assist them in filling a particular job. You should not be asked to pay the agency for finding you work. On filling the post, the employer will pay the agency a fee (normally a percentage of the first year's salary). Frequently, the advert will not name the employer. When registering with agencies remember that the employer is the agency's primary client and not you. Online recruitment agencies - These online agencies enable you to post your application form on the site for employers to view. You need to check the security of the site, as you are supplying personal information. If your employment agency provides services which are charged for, you must be given full written details of the services. 1/ Before you begin constructing a resume, take the time to think about your experience and what type of job you're looking for. Take a look at some sample resumes online. Boston College, the Wall Street Journal have some good examples. Determine if there's a style of resume often used in your desired field. Next, look at sample resumes from other people in your industry. Is there a section or format they're using? The general layout is as follows: Header with personal information (name, address, phone numbers, email). Objective statement (optional). Career and skills summary (optional). Reverse chronological career listings (include employer names and locations). Educational background (school name, location, graduation date and GPA). 2/ Tailor your resume. Do not use a " one size resume fits all" model. Remove extraneous information. Do not detail every job experience you have had if it does not relate to the job you're pursuing. 3/ Polish Your Resume. Always check for typos and grammatical errors. These types of mistakes make a big difference in whether or not an employer will consider you for a job. Only include college and graduate school when listing your education. The fact that you won a spelling bee in first grade will not help you land a job interview.
13. Is it possible to have a happy family life and a successful career? What are the advantages of a work-life balance scheme? Give the foundations for your choice. Paraphrase the quotation: “It doesn’t matter what job you do, it’s how you do it”. The key is to keep a right balance between your work and your private life. In case you are an aspiring, responsible, creative, optimistic, reliable person, who is ready to learn and be laborious, who is not afraid of any difficulties of the future and ready to solve any problem with a smile, the world of jobs and careers will be open to you. But do not forget about your private life. To have a really good marriage, you need to work at it. Here are some things you can do to help build a strong marriage. 1. Watch Your Relationships. To preserve your determination to make your marriage succeed, don’t get too close flirt with members of the opposite sex. If you do, in the back of your mind, you might begin to view them as alternatives in the event that your marriage doesn’t work out. This will weaken your resolve. After all, why work so hard when you have an escape route? Also, these types of close relationships are likely to make your spouse feel threatened. 2. Pay Full Attention. Listen to your spouse when he or she talks to you. It’s a sign of respect. Try to give him or her your undivided attention. Also, nod in agreement occasionally—it tells your partner you’re listening. If your spouse talks to you when you’re in the middle of something important, say so, and suggest a time when you’ll be able to pay full attention. 3. Share Enjoyable Activities. Do fun things with your spouse. Exercise together, take leisurely walks. Such activities strengthen your relationship and make it easier for the two of you to endure the hard times that come in every marriage. 4. Learn from Your Experiences. Learn from the past. For example, if you find that you’re often tense when you’re very hungry, minimize your conversation with your spouse during those times. Similarly, if you see that your spouse gets worked up whenever you mention the name of a certain relative, don’t mention that person’s name unless absolutely necessary. Try to learn from the past. 5. Be Polite. Be courteous to your spouse. When speaking with him or her, use phrases such as “please, ” “thank you, ” “would you mind if I…., ” and so forth. It will make your spouse feel appreciated and respected. 6. Never Say “I Told You So.” Remove the phrase “I told you so” from your lexicon. Saying these words only causes ill will between you and your spouse. People say this phrase for two reasons: -To show off that they were right, -To get their mates to listen to them in the future. What they don’t realize is that the message that comes across is, “Aren’t I smarter than you? ” which is insulting. If you are right after an argument, your spouse will realize this on his or her own. There is no need to point it out. 7. Don’t Keep Score. Don’t walk around with a watchful eye making sure your partner carries his or her share of the workload. Instead, take the view that it doesn’t matter if you end up doing more than half of what has to be done. So unless your spouse is very lazy or a real responsibility shirker, don’t keep track of who does more. 8. Watch Out for the Little Things. A family court judge once commented that in 99 percent of the divorce cases he presided over, the couples were upset about very small matters like: 1/-“She never lets me leave the window open at night.” 2/-“She never replaces the toilet roll when it’s finished.” 3/-“He always leaves his socks on the floor.” These small matters can be very detrimental to a relationship, so watch out for them. Women in particular often need small but frequent gestures of love. 9. Greet Your Partner Happily. Smile at your mate when you greet him or her. It will make your spouse feel appreciated and loved. Even if you’re in a bad mood, be sure to flash that grin. It’s a small investment that can go a long way. 10. Respect Your Spouse’s Privacy. Privacy is a fundamental need all humans have, so be sure to respect it.
14. In your opinion why are reality shows popular nowadays? Do you agree with the quotation " In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes". Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilizations. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media/ People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, TV. The earliest kind of mass media was newspaper. TV is very important thing in our life. We can say that TV is our eyes because TV helps us to know more about the world, about the others counties, about the events that happened in the world. TV even helps you to know more about yourself. Can you imagine life without television? For many people today TV shows have become an indispensable part of their everyday existences. These TV shows are so popular nowadays, because reality TV seems to tell stories of “ordinary people” with real lives, real emotions - people like us instead of professional actors. Of course sometimes these people are unlike us and may be this is the temptation – to identify with someone else who you really want to be but you can not. Nowadays there are a lot of programs influencing on people’s outlook, behavior and opinions on TV. For example, one of the most popular reality shows in Russia is «Dom 2». Married couples build a house that is in final draft played out among them by audience voting. It was led by many famous people. On one hand, there are some positive aspects to reality shows. To begin with, they show us many life situations. We are a part of show. It teaches us not to do silly and thoughtless actions. As a result, we can obtain some life experience. In addition, it helps to relax after a hard day. But on other hand, reality shows have disadvantages. Firstly, there is a lot of violence in these programs. Secondly, most viewers are teenagers. They have unformed tastes, characters and beliefs. These shows influence on their psyche. Finally, psychologists attribute the popularity of these shows with the desire for peeping at someone else’s life, which is satisfied by such programs. Of course, there are other factors defining popularity of any scandal programs: curiosity and a desire of strong feelings. For this reason, I am against reality shows. I don’t think it’s the best way to spend time. Reading books or communication with friends is a better way to relax. " In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes" (Andy Warhol, 1968). Over forty years after this famous quote, Andy Warhol’s prediction seems to have come to pass. Internet platforms such as online video-sharing sites, online publishing websites, and social networking sites allow nearly anyone to connect with a virtual audience of friends and strangers, giving everyone the potential for fame. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WATCH reality television, it's becoming hard to avoid. The salacious Temptation Island was featured on the cover of People magazine. Big Brother aired five days a week and could be viewed on the Web 24 hours a day. And the Survivor finale dominated the front page of the New York Post after gaining ratings that rivaled those of the Super Bowl. Is the popularity of shows such as Survivor, Big Brother and Temptation Island a sign that the country has degenerated into a nation of voyeurs? Americans seem hooked on so-called reality television-programs in which ordinary people compete in weeks-long contests while being filmed 24 hours a day. Some commentators contend the shows peddle blatant voyeurism, with shameless exhibitionists as contestants. Others believe that the show's secret to ratings success may be as simple and harmless as the desire to seem part of the in crowd.
You participated in an international sports competition. Tell your friends about the events you took part in. Describe your impressions and the atmosphere in which the events took place. Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Firstly, sport helps people to become strong and to develop physically. Secondly, it makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. Also sport keeps your mind healthy. Sport helps people to keep in good health. In October 2000, in Poland was organized a traditional sports event, " Dad, Mom and I are a sporty family". The competition was attended by pupils of the 1st class and their parents. Students of 11th class were active in the event, they showed care for all of first class pupils. The competition was well organized and held in a fun and friendly atmosphere. This is the first competition in which 1st grade students took part in school. And this experience brought a lot of happy moments, taught them to celebrate victory and do not worry about bad results. And also parents of first graders’ showed the willingness to win and encouraged their young teammates. The winner was 1 " M". Among family teams 1st place went to Bogdan Nomofilov’s family. He was from Russia, the second place won the team from Poland, the third place was shared by two family teams from Ukraine. Each participant received the gifts, and family teams awarded prizes, medals and certificates. Wonderful music, colorful dresses and astonishing performance created an amazing atmosphere.
16. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Some people prefer to travel abroad; others say that there is much to be seen in our own country. Nowadays globalization plays a great role in our life, and you can be a part of it by traveling abroad and meeting people from all over the world.