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History of television
1. Unlike digital computers – which started out as mechanical devices and then went through a brief electrical period during the 1930s, finally becoming electronic only in the 1940s -television was an electrical medium from the its very beginning. 2. Attempts to send images over distances with the use of electricity date to 1876, the year Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. At that time it was already known that the resistivity of selenium varied with the amount of light falling on it. Thus as soon as *9.2.(1) Bell made it* 4.1. clear that complex signals could be transmitted over a distance, inventors began trying to develop means *11.12of «seeing by electricity», as *9.2.(1)the title of one paper put in (зд.: гласил) at the time. 3. The first television invention that had practical consequences was the «electrical telescope», patented by Paul Nipkow in 1884. At the heart of his camera was the now famous Nipkow disk. It had 24 holes. As the disk rotated, the sequence of holes scanned the image in a straight line. A lens behind the image region collected the sequential light samples (зд.: пятно, точка) and focused them on a single selenium cell. The cell produced a succession of currents, each proportional to the intensity of the light on a different element of the image. 4. The first all-electronic system was described by Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton in a letter to Nature magazine on June 18, 1908. His system was based on the cathode-ray tube invented in 1897 by Karl Ferdinand Braun, in Strassburg. Campbell-Swinton proposed using CRTs as both the transmitter and *9.1.2 receiver. 5. One step closer *3.1 to reality was Boris Rosing of the Technological Institute of St. Petersburg University in Russia, who in 1907 developed a TV system that used mechanical scanning on the transmitting end and the Braun CRT as a receiver. One of his students, Vladimir Zworykin helped to develop television as we know it today. Zworykin invented the kinescope – a TV picture tube- thus becoming responsible for both the key transmitting and receiving elements of electronic television.
X. Письменно озаглавьте 4 и 5-й абзацы текста.
Задания для самостоятельной работы 2
Вариант 1 I. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните причастие, определите его форму, функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык (см. грамм. справ.: 7.3, 7.3.1, 7.3.2,,, а также ссылки после *). 1. Light falling on some metals will cause emission of electrons. 2. Some results obtained by the application of this technique are presented here. 3. Having connected the antenna one can* 4.3 tune the receiver to the carrier frequency. 4. When being rubbed, some substances produce electric charges.
II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение (см. грамм. справ.: 9.3.2). 1. All the diodes you see in the picture are active. 2. The current the wire consumes will be dissipated in the form of heat.
III. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните герундий и переведите предложения на русский язык (см. грамм. справ.: 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, а также ссылки после *). 1. Connecting people on the move is possible using a radiopaging service. 2. Switch S2 permits checking the diode in both *9.1.2directions without removing it from test instrument.
IV. Перепишите предложения, определите, является ли инфинитив подлежащим или обстоятельством цели, переведите предложения на русский язык (см. грамм. справ.: 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2). 1. To measure the velocity of cathode rays was one of the objects of Thomson`s work. 2. To convert the digital data to a form suitable for telephone lines a modem is required. 3. In the new system of digital recording a laser beam is used to create a digital electric system.
V. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните инфинитив в функции определения, переведите предложения на русский язык (см. грамм. справ.: 1. The model of atoms to be discussed here was proposed by Niels Bohr. 2. Try to explain the phenomena to be described below.
VI. Перепишите предложения, содержащие конструкции «сложное дополнение» и «сложное подлежащее» (см. грамм. справ.: 8, 8.1, 8.2, а также ссылки после *). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. We know a vector quantity to be represented by means *10.2, 11.12 of a straight line. 2. An ion striking the cathode causes a molecule to be ejected and deposited (зд.: размещаться) on the substrate. 3. The electron is considered to be an electric charge carrier. 4. Mars is unlikely to have an atmosphere suitable for an earthman to breathe. *8.3
VII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие условные придаточные предложения (см. грамм. справ.: 9.2.1, 9.3.1, а также ссылки после *). 1. Should the signal become stronger *3.1, the d.c. detector output also goes up. 2. If the air were composed only of nitrogen, burning would be impossible.* 1..3 VIII. Определите значения английских слов исходя из контекста (см. грамм. справ.: 11.18, а такжессылки после *) 1. Эта операция consumes много времени. 2. Процессор is the brains * компьютера.
IX. Прочтите и устно переведите текст, затем письменно переведите 1 и 2-й абзацы текста.