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Intelligence and ability; emotional stability; conscientiousness.

Do you agree? Explain your opinion.

c These words are often used in job advertisements. Companies

look for people who are:


· self-starters, proactive, self-motivated, or self-driven: good at working on their own.

· methodical, systematic and organized: can work in a planned, orderly way.

· computer-literate: good with computers.

· numerate: good with numbers.

· motivated: very keen to do well in their job.

· talented: naturally very good at what they do.

· team players: people who work well with other people.


d Complete these extracts from job advertisements using

words from above.


1)You’ll need to be................, as you’ll be working on financial budgets.

2) As part of our sales team, you’ll be working independently, so you have to be self- …………….................. and self-............................................

3)We’re looking for someone who can work on ten projects at once. You must be.............................,...........................................


4)We need......................... journalists who are very good at their job and extremely....................... to find out as much as they can.

5)You’ll be researching developments on the Internet, so you have to be.......................................... You must be......................., able to work on your own initiative, and a....................................................................... But as part of a team of researchers, you need to be a good......................................……........................ too.

13 Job interview

a Read the information below which can be helpful.


There are different kinds of interviews: traditional one-to-one interviews, panel interviews where one or more candidates are interviewed by a panel of interviewers and even ‘deep-end’ interviews where applicants havetodemonstrate how they can cope in actual business situations. The atmosphere of an interview may vary from the informal to the formal and interviewers may take a friendly, neutral or even hostile approach. Different interviewers use different techniques and the only rules that applicants should be aware of may be ‘Expect the unexpected’ and ‘ Be yourself’.

Progress interviews are interviews where employees have a chance to review the work they are doing and to set objectives for the future. Such interviews usually take place after a new employee has been working with a company for several months, and after that they may take place once or twice a year.


b Some interviewers give candidates a hard time by asking them

difficult questions – like the 13 questions below.


· Can you think of three more questions you might be asked at an

interview? Add them to the list.


· What would your own answers to each of the questions be?

Rehearse your answers with your partner and make notes.


1) Tell me about yourself.

2) What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?

3) We have a lot of applicants for this job, why should we

appoint you?

4) Which is more important to you: status or money?

5) How long do you think you’d stay with us if you were


6) Why do you want to leave your present job?

7) What would you like to be doing ten years from now?

8) What are you most proud of having done recently?

9) What is your worst fault and what is your best quality?

10) Don’t you think you’re a little young/old for this job?

11) What are your long-range goals?

12) What excites you about the job you’re doing now?

13) How would you rate your present boss?




c How would you feel in the following situations during an

interview for a job you really want to get? What exactly would

you say or do in each situation?


1) You are still waiting for the interview to begin half an hour

after your appointment.

2) Unexpectedly, you find that you’re going to be interviewed in a

group with several other candidates.

3) You have to sit in an uncomfortable, low chair.

4) The interviewer hasn’t prepared for the interview: he/she

doesn’t seem to have read your CV and application letter.

5) You take an instant dislike to the interviewer.

6) The interviewer never looks you straight in the eye.

7) You have a terrible headache. The room is very hot and stuffy

and the windows are closed.

8) You are asked about your political and religious beliefs.

9) The interviewer receives a phone call which seems to be going

on too long.

10) The interviewer talks too much and keeps interrupting you.

11) The interviewer keeps asking questions you can answer with

Yes or No.

12) At the end of the interview you still don’t have a clear picture

of the nature of the job.

13) The interviewer doesn’t tell you when you may expect to hear

his/her decision.


d Here is some advice that might be given to an inexperienced

interviewer. Which points do you agree with? If you don’t

agree or only partly agree, give your reasons.


1) Make sure you are not interrupted or phoned during the


2) Read the candidate’s CV and application letter before the

interview begins.

3) Ask the candidate to explain why he/she keeps changing jobs.

4) Make sure you have a clear picture of the nature of the job.

5) Ask each candidate the same questions.

6) Decide on a maximum of four key qualities required for the job.

7) Make sure the candidate has an uncomfortable, low chair.

8) Ask the candidate about his political and religious beliefs.

9) Only trust a candidate who looks you straight in the eye.

10) Trust your first impressions.

11) Never let the candidate feel relaxed.

12) Avoid talking too much yourself.

13) Avoid asking questions that can be answered with Yes or No.

14) Find out the candidate’s opinions on a variety of topics.

15) Encourage the candidate to ask you about fringe benefits, the

pension scheme and promotion prospects.

16) Tell the candidate about the scope of the job and its terms and


17) Interview groups of candidates, rather than one-by-one.

18) Tell the candidate when he/she may expect to hear your



e Read this letter making an offer of employment. Then decide

whether the statements below are true or false.


1) Mr Wills will start work immediately.

2) He will receive one month’s salary on his first day at work.

3) His salary will be reviewed after six months.

4) His deputy will be Robert Stephens Jr.

5) He is allowed to join the company pension plan.

6) His working hours will be decided after discussion with Slim

Gym’s management.

7) He has to work a minimum of three months before leaving the


8) Lyn Ashley expects him to telephone her to accept the job.


Mr. Bob Wills

5 York St.

Greenwich Village

New York NY 10011

August 26


RE: General Manager vacancy


Dear Mr. Wills,

Following your interview for the above position on August 24, I am delighted to confirm our offer of the job, starting on January 1.

Your salary will be paid monthly in arrears. It will be reviewed annually in July. You will report to Robert Stephens, Jr., Managing Director. Our normal terms of employment are enclosed with this letter. We have a company pension plan which you will be eligible to join.

Your working hours each week will include some evenings and weekends, to be determined by mutual agreement. You will be entitled to ten days’ annual vacation in addition to public holidays.

One month’s notice is required on either side to terminate the contract. There will be a probationary period of three months. Should you decide to accept the offer, please sign the enclosed copy of the contract and return it to me as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Yours sincerely,

Lyn Ashley

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