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Глава вторая. 1 New York Times, 23

1 " New York Times", 23. I. 1970.

8 Paul Dickson. Think Tanks. New York, 1971, p. 7.

* " Los Angeles Times", 17. VII. 1972.

* " Broadcasting", 17. VII. 1972, p. 29.

* " Variety", 12. VII. 1972, p. 34.

* Совет по проблемам политики и планирования правитель­
ственной информации провел свое первое заседание 28 апреля
1972 г. под председательством директора Управления по поли­
тике в области телекоммуникации Клея Уайтхеда. Состав совета
подтверждает тезис о тесной связи правительственной политики
в области информации с господствующими военными и частными
корпоративными блоками страны. В состав совета входили: помощ­
ник государственного секретаря по делам администрации, помощ­
ник министра обороны, помощник министра торговли по делам на­
уки и техники, помощник министра транспорта, заместитель дирек­
тора ЦРУ, специальный уполномоченный по делам транспорта и
коммуникаций Администрации общих служб, помощник замести­
теля директора НАСА. Telecommunications Reports 38", N 16,
24. IV. 1972, p. 23.

7 U. S. Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstracts of the United
States. Washington, 1971, p. 509.

8 Nicholas Wade. NBS Loses Branscomb to IBM. — " Science",
14. IV. 1972, p. 147.

9 Donald Stevenson Watson and Mary A. Holman. Concentra­
of Patents from Government Financed Research in Industry.—
" Review of Economics and Statistics 49", N 3, VIII. 1967, pp. 375—381.

10 Dickson. Think Tanks, p. 10.

11 /. E. Goldman. Toward a National Technology Policy. — " Sci­
ence", N 2, IX. 1972, p. 1079.

11 Harry Howe Ransom. The Intelligence Establishment. Cambrid­ge, 1970, p. 8.

18 U. S., Congress, Senate, Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Committee on the Judiciary. — " Army Surveillance of Ci­vilians: A Documentary Analysis". Washington, 1972, pp. 96—97.

u U.S., Congress, Senate, Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Committee on Judiciary. —" Staff Report", IV. 1972, p. 4.

4 U. S., Congress, House. Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, III. 1972, p. 1285. (Да­лее — The Moorhead Hearings.)

16 Ransom. The Intelligence Establishment, p. 88.

17 " Intelligence Costs for Military in '70 Put at $ 2. 9 Billion". —
" New York Times", 14. V. 1970.

18 Benjamin Welles, Nixon Reported Weighing Revamping of
Intelligence Services. — " New York Times", 11. V. 1971.

" The Moorhead Nearings, p. 1033.

20 Carol M. Barker and Matthew H. Fox. Classified Files: The
Yellowing Pages. New York, 1972, p. 15.

21 " Cost Twice as High to Conceal as Reveal". — " Los Angeles
Times", 16. V. 1972.

22 Robert S. Semple. Nixon Vetoes Bill to Fund Public TV. —
" New York Times", I, VII. 1972.

23 " Действия Никсона позволили его администрации добиться
двух целей: (1) выхолостить общественное телевещание — скром­
ную, но развивающуюся образовательную телесеть и (2) расстроить
направленную на службу общественности деятельность образова­
тельного телевидения". " Politics in Public Broadcasting". — " Los
Angeles Times", 25. X. 1972.

24 Fred Powledge. Public Television: A Question of Survival.
New York, 1972.

26 Bill Greely. Deem СРВ as a White House 0 & 0 Via Loomis and
Other Appointments. - " Variety", 27. IX. 1972; 20. XII. 1972.

2«Alan Wells. Picture — Tube Imperialism? New York, 1972, p. 96.

27 Ibid.

28 U. S., Congress, Senate, hearings before a subcommittee of
the Committee on Appropriations. Washington, 1971, pp. 815—820.

2» John J. O'Connor. U.S.I.A. Propaganda. — " New York Times", I, IV, 1972.

30 John W. Finney. U.S.I.A. Confirms Role in Unattributed
Pamphlets. — " New York Times", 22. III. 1972.

31 Bernard Gwertzman. U. S. Radio Abroad Wins Senate Test. —
" New York Times", 8, VI. 1972.

81 James Aronson. The Press and the Cold War. New York, 1971. 88 Bernard Gwertzman. U. S. Radio Abroad Wins Senate Test. — " New York Times", 8, VI. 1972.

84 Erik Barnouw. The Image Empire. New York, 1970, pp. 91—92.

86 Hillter Krieghbaum. Pressure on the Press. New York, 1972,
p. 210.

8e Susan Wagner. Publishing on the Potomac: The Selling of the Government. — " Publishers' Weekly", 9. VIII. 1971, p. 28.

87 Krieghbaum. Pressures on the Press, p. 210.

88 /. William Fulbright. The Pentagon Propaganda Machine.
New York, 1970.

8* U. S., Congress, House, Committee on Government Operati­ons. — " Administration of the Freedom of Information Act", report N 92—1419. Washington, 1972, p. 60.

40 The Moorhead Hearings, pp. 1007—1008.

41 Ibid., p. 1056.

42 Ibid., pp. 1013-1014, 1047.
48 Ibid., p. 3019.

44 Ibid., p. 2997.

44 Член палаты представителей Lionel Van Deerlin, 17. XII. 1971.

44 " Broadcasting", 26. VI. 1972, pp. 43, 46.

47 The Moorhead Hearings, p. 3023.

«• Ibid., _p. 3059.

49 " GQ Fact Sheet on Committee Secrecy". — " Congressional Quarterly", 12. II. 1972, p. 301; " Committee Secrecy: Still Fact of Life in Congress". — " Congressional Quarterly", 11. XI. 1972, p. 2974.

60 U. S. Congress, House, Committee on Government Operations, Freedom of Information Act. Washington, 1968.

51 James Reston. Washington: The New " War Profiteers". — " New York Times", 3. V. 1968.

63 The Moorhead Hearings, p. 3061.

68 David WUe. The Institution of Lying. — " New York Times", 18. XI. 1971.

64 Barker and Fox. Classified Files, p. 60.
■» The Moorhead Hearings, p. 1040.

•• " Government Easing Attitude Towards Private Enterprise In Use of Federal Information", — " Publishers* Weekly", 12. IV. 1971, p. 27.

*7 Ibid.

? 8 Ibid., p. 28.

Sf The Moorhead Hearings, p. 3129.

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