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See's Saw and Soar's Seesaw
Mr. See owned a saw.
While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water. (9)
Definition. [u] is back-advanced, close (broad variant), rounded, short.
Articulation. The whole body of the tongue is in the back part of the mouth. The part of the tongue is nearer to the centre than to the back is raised just above the half-close position. There is no firm contact between the side rims of the tongue and the upper teeth. The tongue is lax. The lips are rounded about the same amount as for [o: ] but the mouth is not so open. The vowel is short. This vowel may occur in closed stressed syllables. It never occurs in word initial position, eg good, look, bosom, butcher.
Possible mistakes. 1. Russian students of English can easily replaced the English vowel [u] by the Russian vowel [у]. In this case the tongue should be advanced and slightly lowered. The lips should be by no means protruded. The vowel may be given the shade of the Russian [ы] pronounced with the lips slightly rounded but not spread. 2. If the vowel [u] is not checked and short enough in stressed closed syllables ending in a strong voiceless consonant cut it off by this consonant.
[u] Put some sugar in the pudding. (10)
The old woman took a book and sat in the nook. (11)
Wood said he would carry the wood through the wood. And if Wood said he would Wood would. (12)
How many cuckoos could a good cook cook
[ə: ]
Definition. [ə: ] is central, mid (narrow variant), unrounded, long.
Articulation. The tongue is almost flat. The central part of the tongue is slightly higher than the front and the back of the tongue, which are raised between the half-close and half-open positions. No firm contact is made between the rims of the tongue and the upper teeth, the lips are neutrally spread, they do not cover the teeth. The passage between the teeth is rather narrow. The vowel is long.
Possible Mistakes. 1. If the students pronounce the Russian [e: ] instead of the English [ə: ] they should give the vowel the shade of the Russian [o]. 2. If the students replace the English [ə: ] by the Russian [o: ] the vowel should be given the shade of the Russian [e]. In both cases the lips must be spread, the teeth should be kept close together, the tongue must be more or less flat. 3. If the vowel is not checked and short enough in stressed closed syllables with a strong voiceless consonant at the end it is advisable to cut it off by the following consonant.
[ә: ] Pearl is a circus girl. (14)
First come first served. (15)
It is the early bird that catches the worm. (16)
Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds thumped Mr. Thurber on Thursday. (17)
How much myrtle would a wood turtle hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle?
[ə ]
Definition. [ə ]is central, mid (broad variant), unrounded, very short.
Articulation. The quality of [ə ] is that of a central vowel which varies from a half-open to a half-close position. The lips are unrounded. The opening between the jaws is narrow. This vowel occurs in all unstressed positions in the word.
Possible Mistake. Russian learners often replace the English neutral sound by the strong Russian vowels [a] or [e]. That is quite unacceptable in English. Make the sound very weak and short.
[ә ] Great barkers are no biters. (19)
We never know the value of water till the well is dry. (20)
[i: ] Definition. [i: ] is front, close (narrow variant), unrounded, long.
Articulation. The tongue is in the front part of the mouth. The front of the tongue is rather high in the mouth. The vowel is noticeable diphthongized, especially in open syllables. The tongue glides from a position nearer to the English vowel [i] to a more advanced and high position. The tongue is tense, the side rims of it make a firm contact with the upper teeth. The lips are spread. This vowel may occur in all kinds of syllables, eg bee, leave, eat.
Possible mistakes. 1. If the English vowel [i: ] is replaced by the Russian [и] the front of the tongue should be retracted and lowered at the beginning of the articulation. The vowel must be longer, more tense and diphthongized. 2. If the English vowel [i: ] is replaced by the Russian [ы] at the starting point the tongue must be slightly advanced and lowered. The tip of the tongue should be moved closer to the lower teeth. During the articulation the tongue moves further up and forward to the position of the Russian [ы]. 3. If the vowel [i: ] is not checked and short enough cut it off by the following strong voiceless consonant. 4. In closed syllables ending in a strong voiceless consonant the vowel [i: ] and [i] can be easily confused. Not to make this mistake the diphthongization of [i: ] should be observed, cf beat – bit.
[i: ] It isn’t easy to please Lizzy. (21)
The queen in green screamed. (22)
Fish and chips are cheap and easy to eat. (23)
They keep their streets clean. These trees need heat to keep them green. (25)
Fly and a Flea Fly and a flea in a flue
[u: ] Definition. [u: ] is back, close (narrow variant), rounded, long.
Articulation. The tongue is in the back part of the mouth. The back of the tongue is rather high in the mouth. The vowel is noticeable diphthongized. The tongue glides from a position nearer to [u] to a more retracted and high position. No firm contact is made between the rims of the tongue and the upper teeth. The tongue is tense. The lips are very closely rounded. The mouth is open very little. The vowel is long. This vowel may occur in all kinds of syllables, eg do, cool, fruit. Possible mistakes. 1. If instead of the English [u: ] the Russian [у] is heard the tongue should be slightly be retracted and lowered at the beginning of the articulation. The vowel must be made more tense, longer and diphthongized. The lips must be well rounded but no means protruded. 2. In close syllables ending in a strong voiceless consonant the quality of the vowels [u: ] and [u] can be easily confused. Not to make this mistake the diphthongization of [u: ] should be observed, cf boot – put. 3. If the vowel [u: ] is not checked and short enough cut it off by the following strong voiceless consonant.
[u: ] Sue is beautiful. (27)
Hugh’s tooth is loose. (28)
I‘d like some fruit juice. (29)
A tutor who tooted the flute Tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor: “Is it harder to toot, or To tutor two tooters to toot? ” (30)
‘Whose shoe? ’ sighed Sue. ‘My shoe, ’ lied Lou. ‘Here’s your shoe Lou, ’ cried Sue. ‘Shucks, Sue, thank you, ’ Lou sighed. ‘My shoe, ’ cried Blue, ‘I’ll sue Lou and Sue! ’ (31)
[ei] Definition. The nucleus of the diphthong is front, mid (narrow variant), unrounded.
Articulation. The nucleus is the vowel [e]. For the glide the tongue moves upward in the direction of [i] and the mouth gets closer. The lips are spread.
Possible Mistakes. 1. Russian students of English can easily replace the diphthong [ei] by the Russian sound combination [эj]. In this case raise the front of the tongue a bit higher and make the second element very weak. 2. [e: ]. The second element may be completely dropped. Be sure that there is a slight movement of the sound towards [i]. The sound gets closer to the end, cf gate – get.
A train is waiting at a railway station. (32)
I rained and rained on that gray April day. (33)
He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. (34)
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. (35)
I know a boy named Tate Who dined with his girl at eight eight. I'm unable to state what Tate ate at eight eight Or what Tate's tê te à tê te ate at eight eight. (36)
[aı ] Definition. The nucleus of the diphthong is central, open (broad variant), unrounded.
Articulation. The sound starts from the advanced vowel [Λ ] with the vouth wide open and the lips neutral. For the glide the tongue moves upwards in the direction of [i], with the vouth very narrowly open and the lips spread and not rounded. The sound [ai] occurs in all positions of the word, eg ice, time, fly. Possible Mistakes. 1. The nucleus is too back. Russian learners should not practice overretraction. 2. The second element is too prominent. Care should be taken to make it very weak and not to glide to a too close position.
[ai] A stitch in time saves nine. (37)
A white kite is flying in the sky. (38)
My wife gave Mr. Snipe’s wife a swipe. (39)
I like to write to my wife and child. (40)
Tommy Tye Tried to tie his tie, But tugging too tight Tore his tie. (41)
[oı ] Definition. The nucleus of the diphthong is back, open (narrow variant), slightly rounded.
Articulation. The nucleus lies between the sounds [o: ] and [ə ]. It starts with the position between back half-open and open. For the glide the tongue moves upwards in the direction of [ı ], though the tongue rarely reaches there. The lips are slightly rounded for the nucleus changing to neutral for the glide. The sound [oı ] occurs in all positions of the word, eg. oyster, voice, toy.
Possible Mistakes. 1. If the nucleus is too close the back part of the tongue should be kept lower. 2. Russian students of English can easily replace the diphthong [oı ] by the Russian sound combination [oj]. When [oj] is heard make sure that the second element is very weak. Follow all the recommendations given above.
[oi] Joyce enjoys annoying Roy. (42)
The boy joined us with joy. Does this noise annoy those boys? (43)
How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? (44)
Definition. The nucleus of the diphthong is central, mid (narrow variant), unrounded.
Articulation. The starting point of the tongue position is similar to that of [з: ]; it starts with a central position, between half-close and half-open. For the glide the tongue moves upwards in the direction of [u] there being a slight closing movement of the lower jaw. The lips are neutral for the first element and get slightly rounded for the second. The sound [ou] occurs in all positions of the word, eg open, road, no. Possible Mistakes. 1. If the nucleus is [o]-like give it the shade of the Russian [э]. 2. If the nucleus is [e]-like give it the shade of the Russian [o]. 3. [зу] – the glide is too strong. In this case do not make the glide too close and the lips too rounded for it, make it very weak.
If you notice this notice,
A minute ago he spoke to Mr. Snow over the phone. Don’t poke your nose into things you don’t know. (46)
There was an Old Man with a nose Who said, “If you choose to suppose That my nose is too long, You are certainly wrong! ” That remarkable man with a nose. (47) [au] Definition. The nucleus of the diphthong is central, open (broad variant), unrounded. Articulation. The starting point of the diphthong is between the back and front open positions. The sound starts with the position slightly more retracted than for the nucleus of the diphthong [ai] and more advanced than for the vowel [a: ] For the glide the tongue moves upwards in the direction of [u], the mouth gets closer. The lips are neutral for the first element and get slightly rounded for the second. The sound [au] occurs in all positions of the word, e.g. out — town — now. Possible Mistakes.The nucleus is too back. The glide is too strong and close. Start the diphthong with a more advanced position very close to the vowel [a]. Make the glide very weak.Thelips are not at all protruded andare only slightly rounded.
[au] Snow came in the night Without a sound Like a white cloud Trembling down to the ground. (48)
How many counts would a recount count
How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground. (50)
[iə ]