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Контрольная работа №1
1. Переведите данные существительные. Определите, являются ли они исчисляемыми или неисчисляемыми. Образуйте множественное число, где это возможно.
lawyer, justice, service, assistant, congress, department, university, officer, water, constitution, coffee, organization, tea, liberty, crime, academy, man, certificate
исчисляемые существительные: lawyers, assistants, departments, universities, officers, organizations, men, certificates 2. Определите, в каком случае форма притяжательного падежа существительного составлена правильно:
1. Любимый спорт моего брата my brother's favourite sport
2. Уголовные дела судьи the judge's criminal cases
3. Экономика этих двух стран these two countries’ economy
4. Имя того человека that man’s name
5. Решения суда the courts decisions
6. Работа депутата the deputy’s work
7. Права и обязанности людей people’s rights and duties
3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Вставьте определенный или неопределенный артикль
1. When a crime is first discovered, the police often don’t know who has done it or why. Usually, though, the person who has committed the crime will have left some evidence of their identity at the scene such as a footprint, blood, or fibres from clothing. This evidence often forms the basis of any case against a suspect who the police may take to court.
4. Переведите следующие прилагательные, образуйте от них сравнительную и превосходную степень
Short- shorter-the shortest короткий-короче-самый короткий Young-younger-the youngest, молодой –моложе-самый молодой Popular-more popular-the most popular, популярный-популярнее-самый популярный Firm-firmer-the firmest, решительный-решительнее-самый решительный High-higher-the highest, высокий-выше-самый высокий Serious-more serious-the most serious, серьезный-серьезнее-самый серьезный Simple-simpler-the simplest, простой-проще-самый простой Essential-more essential-the most essential, существенный-существеннее-самый существенный Fast-faster-the fastest, быстрый-быстрее-самый быстрый Happy-happier-the happiest счастливый-счастливее-самый счастливый Different-more different-the most different, различный-различнее-самый различный Reliable-more reliable-the most reliable, надежный-надежнее-самый надежный Rational-more rational-the most rational, рациональный-рациональнее-самый рациональный Intensive-more intensive-the most intensive, интенсивный-интенсивнее-самый интенсивный Peaceful-more peaceful-the most peaceful, мирный-мирнее-самый мирный Easy-easier-the easiest, легкий –легче-самый легкий Important-more important-the most important, важный-важнее-самый важный Big-bigger-the biggest большой-больше-самый большой
5. Переведите предложения, образуйте сравнительную степень прилагательного
1) You study better than me. 2) She is taller than her friend. 3) It's colder today than it was yesterday. 4) My friend is more interested in Civil law than me. 5) The entrance exams were very difficult. They were more difficult than we expected. 6) This student is more hardworking than his group-mate.
6. Переведите предложения, образуйте превосходную степень прилагательного
1. They stayed in the worst hotel on the island. 2. Alan is the youngest student in our group 3. What is the highest judicial organ in Great Britain? 4. We have visited one of the best police departments. 5. He is the cleverest lawyer I know. 6. The Supreme Court sits as the court of trial to consider the most serious cases.
7. Заполните пропуски формой глагола to be в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple. a) He is a student now. b) I am a young lawyer. c) They were students last year. d) Next year he will be here. e) You were ill yesterday, but now you are well. f) Her flat is in the centre of the city. g) My friend's wife is a good judge. h) I’ll be very busy tomorrow.
8. Заполните пропуски формой глагола to have в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple. a) Yesterday he had little time and could not finish his work. b) We‘ll have much free time tomorrow morning. c) He has two brothers, and he always helps them with their work. d) These workers always have dinner at half past one. e) My friend has a lot of good films.
9. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу местоимениями
1. I do not know where I put my dictionary. a) my b) mine c) me 2. Yesterday she told me about her trip to Moscow. a) my, her b) me, her c) me, his 3. She likes to tell us about her children. a) us b) my c) they 4. This is my dictionary, and that is yours a) mine b) yours c) my 5. I have lost my pen. a) you b) me c) my 6. They always do their lessons at home. a) your b) his c) their 7. Where did you spend your holidays? a) his b) your c) my 8. Her flat is on the ground floor, mine is on the second floor. a) my b) me c) mine 9. Whose map is this? It's his. a) hi b) his с) hers 10. Ask him about his new flat. a) him b) his с) he 11. His daughter is seven year old. a) his b) him c) her 12. Her parents are pensioners. a) his b) her c) she 13. Tom is telling us about his work. a) them b) our c) us 14. Show them the plan of our work. a) they b) them c) us 15. Their children are at home. a) their b) they c) our 16. The room is large but her windows are not large. a) their b) its c) her 17. She is helping her brother with his lessons. a) our b) his c) her
10. Переведите предложения с английского на русский язык, обращая внимание на оборот there is/there are
А 1. There is an interesting article about our Institute in today's newspaper. Сегодня в газете интересная статья о нашем институте. 2. There are millions of books in the Scientific Library of TSU. В научной библиотеке ТСУ есть миллионы книг. 3. There are limits to human endurance. Есть предел человеческой выносливости. 4. There are two unknown words in this sentence. В этом предложении есть два незнакомых слова. 5. Tomorrow at 6 p.m. there will be a lecture on the state system of England at our club. В нашем клубе завтра в 6 часов вечера состоится лекция о состоянии системы Англии. B 1. There are no students in the cafe at this hour of the day. В этот час дня в кафе не бывает студентов. 2. I know that in this Institute there is no big conference hall. Я знаю, что в этом институте нет большого зала для конференций. 3. There was no need for you to come here yesterday. Вам не нужно было приходить сюда вчера. 4. There were not any new expressions in that text. В том тексте не было новых выражений.
C 1. Is there a big conference hall in your Institute? В вашем Институте есть большой зал для конференций? 2. Are there many students in your group who are not Moscovites? Много ли в вашей группе студентов - не москвичей? 3. Were there many exams at your department last term? В последнем семестре много было экзаменов на вашем факультете? 4. Was there a student's conference at your Institute last month? В прошлом месяце в вашем институте была студенческая конференция? 5. Will there be a meeting at your department tomorrow? Завтра будет собрание на вашем факультете?
11. Поставьте сказуемое в соответствующую временную форму (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple)
1. We ‘ll study Criminalistics next year. 2. The students had a meeting yesterday. 3. My friend go to the Institute every day. 4. I worked as a militiaman 2 years ago. 5. Will you to see him next Saturday? 6. We did not know about it. 7. I took a pencil from my friend 5 minutes ago. 8. Do you study English or German? 9. We’ll translate the text at the next lesson. 10. My father reads newspapers every day. 11. He came home at 6 o'clock last night. 12. I did not see this film yesterday. 13. Jane does not drink tea very often. 14. It takes me an hour to get to work. How long does it take you? 15. It was warm, so I took off my coat. 16. Don't worry about your exam. I'm sure you’ll pass it. 17. We went to the Kate's house but she was not at home. 18. What time do the banks close in Britain? 19. The bed was very uncomfortable. I did not sleep very well. 20. It's raining. Don't go out. You ‘ll get wet. 21. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I did not disturb her. 22. I don't understand this sentence. What does this word mean? 23. It was a funny situation but nobody laughed. 24. 'Where does Martin come from? '. 'He's Scottish'.