
Acpt. acceptance

a/d after date ,

afsd aforesaid

agst against

agt 1) agent ; 2) agreement

amt amount

a/o account of

a/or and/or /

Appd approved ,

asf and so forth ..

Bros. brothers ( )

bt. bought

C. 1) collected ; 2) contract

C/A commercial agent

cfmd confirmed

ch.pd. charges paid

CL clause ,

D/A documents attached

dct. document

Dr debtor

E & OE, e. and o.e. errors and omissions excepted

E.A.O.N., e.a.o.n. except as otherwise noted ,

e.g. exempli gratia (.)

e.o.d. every other day ,

E.O.M. 1) end of month ; 2) every other month

etc. et cetera (.) ..

exc. except

ex(p)s expenses

F.C.V. full contract value

ff following

G.A., G/A general agent

GT greater than

Gvt. government ,

ib (id) Ibiden (.) ,

i.e. id est (.)

L. 1) law , ; 2) legal ,

L/A letter of authority

m/d, M/D months after date

MGR, mgr. manager ,

n/e not exceeding

n.e.i. not elsewhere indicated -

noibn not otherwise indexed by name

nop., N.O.P. not otherwise provided for ,

nos., N.O.S. not otherwise stated

o/d, O.D. on demand

O.K. all correct ,

O/O order of , -

OT, o/t old terms

pd paid

Plc public limited company

pp pages

ppt prompt

pry priority

ps pieces

P.T.O. please turn over .

qty quantity

qual. quality

Rp. representative

s.a. subject of approval

sgd signed

spec. specification

u.c.e. unforeseen circumstances excepted

u.t. usual terms

u.u.r. under usual reserve

vs. versus (.) ,

viz. videlicet (.)

w.c. without charge

w.e.f. with effect from ( - )

wk week

Y(r) year


mylektsii.su - - 2015-2025 . (0.006 .)