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On Economics


I. Find in the text international words. Write them out. Translate them. Consult the dictionary if it is necessary.


Text. US Economy

The United States is rich in natural resources, the main being iron ore, coal and oil. The nation produces more than 100 million tons of iron a year. Four fifths of the ore mined in the USA comes from the Great Lakes region. Though a great deal of the ore has been used up, its resources have not been exhausted. Most of the coal mined in the USA is used by power plants to produce electricity. Coal is also used in the chemical industries for the manufacture of plastics and other synthetics. The production, processing and marketing of such oil products as petrol (called «gasoline» or «gas» in the USA) make up one of America's largest industries.

The basic metals and minerals mined in the United States are zinc, copper and silver.

Some of the main crops grown in the USA are wheat, maize, cotton, tobacco and fruit.

Cattle breeding and pig raising make up an important branch of America's agriculture.

To make the farmer's work more productive scientific methods of farming are employed and modern technique of freezing, canning and packaging farm products is used.

The United States is a highly industrialized country with various branches of heavy industry prevailing, namely, the mining, metallurgical, automobile and chemical industries as well as engineering. Many branches of light industry are also developed, among them are the textile, food and wood-working industries.

A great deal of attention in American industry is devoted to re­search and emphasis is made on the use of labour-saving machines. In the past few years the number of workers has increased only a few per cent, while the number of scientists and engineers in the plants has almost doubled.

Mechanisation and automation do away with thousands of office jobs, intensify production and increase labour productivity. But they also bring about a further growth of unemployment.

New industries are created as new discoveries are made in physics, chemistry and other sciences. Atomic energy, for example, has created a wide range of new industries. Electronics has become a major industry.

Throughout American industry great emphasis is being made on management training. A great number of schools are training young people to become industrial leaders.

American industry is distributed unevenly. Most of the industrial enterprises are located in the eastern part of the country. But industry is spreading out as there is a tendency to build factories far removed from the home plant and closer to natural resources and markets. Good transportation facilities and rapid communications systems make it possible for the main plants to keep in touch with branch factories.

The leading US exports are industrial machinery, electronic equipment, textiles, grain, iron, coal, oil products and chemicals.


II. Finish phrases, using the necessary word combinations or sentences.

1....is rich in... (coal; oil; iron ore; gold; zinc; copper; uranium ore; water resources). 2. The greater part of the population is employed in... (fishing; hunting; heavy industry; light industry; agriculture; the manufacturing industry; trade). 3. Industry is... (concentrated in one area; widely dispersed; distributed unevenly; concentrated in several industrial regions). 4. The main industries are... (the metallurgical industry; the chemical industry; the electronic industry; the textile industry; the automobile industry; the wood-working industry; the food industry; the shipbuilding industry; the mining industry; the war industry). 5. Great emphasis is made on... (the development of industry; the development of agriculture; research; management training; employing scientific methods in farming). 6. In the past few years... (new industries have been created; automation has been introduced at most factories and plants; labour productivity has increased greatly; industrial output has decreased). 7. As a resultof mechanisation and automation... (many workers lost their jobs; labour productivity increased greatly; the standard of living was raised considerably). 8....trades with...(the neighbouring countries; many countries; a great number of countries all over the world). 9. The main exports (imports) are... (grain; fruit; fish; wines; tobacco; electronic equipment; electrical goods; chemicals; cars; machines; weapons; raw materials; consumer goods; manufactured goods).


III. Complete the sentences.


1.... is rich in... 2. The greater part of the population is employed in... 3. Its industry is... 4. The main branches of industry are... 5. Great emphasis is made on... 6. In the past few years... 7. As a result of automation... 8.... trades with... 9. The main exports are... 10. The main imports are...


IV. Render the following text in English.


Экономика США

США богаты полезными ископаемыми. Основными полезными ископаемыми являются железная руда, уголь и нефть. США имеют высокоразвитую промышленность. Основные отрасли ее тяжелой промышленности — металлургическая, горнодобывающая, маши­ностроительная, автомобильная, химическая и военная. Многие отрасли легкой промышленности, такие, например, как химичес­кая, текстильная и пищевая, также высоко развиты.

Большое внимание в США уделяется научно-исследовательской работе. За последние годы значительно возросло число ученых и инженеров, тогда как число рабочих возросло лишь на несколько процентов. Большое внимание уделяется также подготовке руко­водящих кадров.

Американская промышленность распределена неравномерно. Большая часть промышленных предприятий сосредоточена в вос­точной части страны. Однако имеется тенденция строить заводы и фабрики вдали от крупных промышленных центров, ближе к источникам сырья и рынкам.

США ведут торговлю со многими странами. Ведущими статьями экспорта являются электронное оборудование, изделия химической промышленности, текстиль, железо, уголь, нефтепродукты, зерно и другие товары.

Одной из ведущих отраслей американской промышленности является военная промышленность.


V. Speak about the economy of Great Britain, USA or any other country. Use the offered scheme.

1....is rich (poor) in natural resources. 2. It imports (exports)... from (to)... 3. It is a highly industrialised country. (It is an agricultural country.) 4. Its industry is located... 5. Nearly (Over)... workers are employed in manufacturing work. 6. Special emphasis is being placed on the development of such industries as... 7. In recent years new branches have been added to the traditional industries of the country, such as.... 8. It is (not) profitable for the country to produce... because it has a lot of (very few) raw materials. 9. Great attention is also paid to the development of... 10. The country's share in the world industrial output has (greatly) increased (decreased) in the past few years. 11. It trades with... 12. The main articles of its import (export) are... 13. The demand for its products is (great; increasing with every passing year; decreasing). 14. It is very profitable for... to trade with... 15. The main crops grown in the country are....


VI. Answer the questions about the economy of the country you are interested in.

1. Is... rich in natural resources? What are its main natural resources? 2. Does it import raw materials from other countries? What raw materials does it import? From what countries? 3. What are its main industries? Where are the main industrial centres located? 4. Is it profitable for the country to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles? Why is it (not)...? 5. Are many workers employed in manufacturing? How many...? 6. Does... trade with other countries? What countries...? 7. Does it depend financially and economically on any other country? 8. Is the policy of its government influenced by any other country? By which country...? 9. What is being done to intensify production and increase labour productivity? 10. What is being done to make the farmer's work more productive? 11. How is management training organised?


VII. Your friend has just come from the country you are interested in. Question him about the economical situation of this country.




Read the following dialogues. Reproduce them in pairs.


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