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A. Compound Sentences with Anaphoric Pronouns/ Складносурядні речення з анафоричними займенниками

The succeeding (second) clause joined to the preceding clause by the copulative conjunction " and" may depend semantically on a noun or any other notional word/part of the sentence performing some function in the first clause. This subtype of compound sentences is common in the contrasted languages; it has mostly equivalent structure forms of the same sentences:

We quarrel and that makes the time pass. (Hemingway)

Ми гиркаємося, і це коротає наш час.

You kept from thinking and it was Ти переставав задумуватись, і

all marvellous. (Ibid.) це було чудово.

The anaphoric pronoun may be located at some distance from the antecedent noun, eg:


He had no prospects and he knew that. (M. Quin) Він не мав жодних перспектив і він знав це.

Anaphoric may also be a predicative construction with a pronoun it as the subject of the clause:


In her dream she was at the house on Long Island and it was night before her daughter's debut. (Hemingway) Їй снилася домівка на Лонг-Айленді, і ніби то був вечір перед доччиним дебютом.

Here the anaphoric pronoun it in the second clause is enclosed in the predicative word-group it was night which functions as a single anaphoric pronoun both in English and in Ukrainian (cf. то був вечір перед... дебютом).

The co-occurrence of compound sentences with anaphoric pronouns (word-groups with pronouns) is considerably high in English and Ukrainian.

B. Compound Sentences with Disjunctive Interrelations Between Clauses/ Складносурядні речення з роз'єднальними сполучниками

Disjunctive relations are expressed in English through the conjunctions or, either... or whose semantic and partly structural equivalents in Ukrainian are або, або...або, чи...чи, чи то...чи то, не то...не то. Cf.

Не can try for the ditch again or he can dodge around the house. (P. Grimm)...I must weep or else my heart will burst. (Byron) Він може знову сховатися в рові, а чи хитро крутне за будинок. ...Я плакати мушу, а то в мене серце розірветься.


Note. Some repeating conjunctions of the group are often used to express co-ordinate actions excluding, in turn, each others. As a result, clauses in such sentences may sometimes change their position without losing their disjunctive interrelation, eg: Чи то було сьогодні, чи нічого не було? (Коцюбинський) Чи нічого не було, чи то було сьогодні? Or in English: Either it was today or it was nothing? Either it was nothing, or it was today?

C. Compound Sentences with Causative and Consecutive In terrelations between Clauses/Складносурядні речення з причин но-наслідковими відношеннями між складовими (підрядни ми) реченнями в українських відповідниках.

The interrelations of cause and consequence are expressed through the causative and co-ordinate conjunction/or which has corresponding subordinate conjunctions in Ukrainian (бо, тим-то, оскільки):

But the scholarship would help him Зате стипендія дуже допомогла

a great deal/or they were not rich б йому, адже/тому що вони

people. (Hughes) були не з багатіїв.

And he discharged me first for my І він звільнив мене першим з ро-

hair was white. (Reed) боти, оскільки/бо я вже був сивий.

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