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Typology of the compositesentence in the contrasted languages

A composite sentence in English and Ukrainian, like in all other languages, contains two or more primary predication centres mostly repre-

sented by as many corresponding clauses. The structural types of the composite sentence are identified on the ground of the syntactic reflection (and connection) of its predicate parts which are not always distinctly identified. Thus, common in the syntactic systems of English and Ukrainian are sentences that are semantically intermediate between simple extended on the one hand and composite sentences on the other. These are the so-called semi-compound and semi-complex sentences. For example, the sentence " One does not give up a god easily and so with White Fang." (London) can not be treated as a simple extended one. Neither can it be identified as a composite sentence since the second part in it (and " so with White Fang") contains no subject and no predicate and wholly depends on the predicative centre of the first clause. Though the implicitly perceivable subject is the demonstrative pronoun " it" which logically requires the predicate verb " be". Cf. One does not give up a god easily, and so (it is/or was) with White Fang in Ukrainian equivalents are as follows:

1) He так легко відмовитися від свого 2) Не так легко відмовитися від

власника — бога, саме так і в свого власника — бога, саме

Білозубця. так (було це) і Білозубцеві.

Similarly with English extended sentences containing the secondary predication constructions or complexes, as they are traditionally called, that represent semi-complex sentences as well. They mostly correspond to Ukrainian complex sentences. Cf. White Fang felt fear mounting in him again. (London) Білозубець відчув, що " ним опановує страх" (the construction " fear mounting in him" becomes an object clause: White Fang felt /how? /that fear was mounting in him).

Present-day Ukrainian, as has been pointed out on the foregoing pages, has only some similar constructions of this nature. Cf. 1) Він застав двері зачиненими. == Він застав двері (вони були) зачиненими. 2) Санітари знайшли вояка пораненим. ==... (він був) пораненим.

The absence of almost all the secondary predication constructions in Ukrainian makes it impossible to obtain direct correlative transforms of some simple and composite sentences. Hence, English compound sen-

tences may have complex sentences for their equivalents in Ukrainian. Cf.

He leaned far out of the window and Він висунувся далеко з вікна і

he saw the first light spread. помітив, що починають

(Galsworthy) пробиватися перші промені.

Because of the objective with the infinitive construction in the second/succeeding English clause of the compound sentence above the Ukrainian equivalent of it can be only an object subordinate clause.

There are, however, many common features in the system of the composite sentence of English and Ukrainian. One of them is the semantic ambiguity of some compound sentences that have the implicit meaning of complex sentences, which will be exemplified on the forthcoming pages. For example, the compound sentence " It (the play) stinks, but I'm Benedict Arnold" (Salinger) has an implicit concessive meaning of " Though the play stinks, I'm Benedict Arnold" (i. e., I'll act the part of Benedict Arnold in it). Similarly in Ukrainian: " П'єса препогана, але ж я граю Бенедикта Арнольда", і. е. Хоч/незважаючи на те, що п'єса препогана, але я погодився грати в ній головну роль..." Nevertheless there is much common in the nature and structure of the composite sentence in the syntactic systems of English and Ukrainian. Isomorphism is observed first of all in the nomenclature of the Major Syntax units represented by the compound and complex sentences.

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