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Industrial waste



Industrial waste is the waste produced by industrial activity which includes any material that is rendered useless during a manufacturing process such as factories, industries, mills, and mining operations. It has existed since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

Toxic waste, chemical waste, industrial solid waste and municipal solid waste are designations of industrial wastes. Sewage treatment plants can treat some industrial wastes, those consisting of conventional pollutants such as biochemical oxygen demand. Industrial wastes containing toxic pollutants require specialized treatment systems.

Commercial and institutional, or industrial, waste is often a significant portion of solid waste, even in small cities and suburbs. In contrast to most residential waste, commercial material is usually collected by the private sector, and municipalities have been slower to target this waste stream for recovery.


Types of industrial waste:


· Solid waste

· Liquid waste

· Gaseous waste

· Coffee waste

· Commercial waste

· Electronic waste

· Food waste

· Mineral waste

· Human waste

· Industrial waste

· *Packing waste




· Can cause health issues such as birth defects.

· May be toxic and reactive.

· Can cause environmental issues.


· Reducing of harmful chemicals in production process.

· Recycle waste materials.

· Treatment plants.






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Теоретическая тягово-скоростная характеристика трактора T-10M с гидромеханической трансмиссией | I. Введение. Государственная Стратегия противодействия распространению заболевания, вызываемого вирусом иммунодефицита человека (далее - ВИЧ-инфекции)
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