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Answer the following questions.

1. Would you listen to the Monster in Victor’s place? Why?

2. How did the Monster manage to stay alive after the fire in the laboratory?

3. Why didn’t people want to communicate with the Monster?

4. Why wasn’t the old man afraid of the Monster?

5. What role did the old man play in the Monster’s life?

6. Why did the Monster have to leave that place?

7. Would you act in the same way if you were the girl’s brother?

8. What made the Monster come up to William? What did he hope for?

9. Why did everybody think William’s nurse was to blame for the murder?

10. Do you sympathize with the Monster? Who do you think was to blame: Victor, the Monster himself or the people the Monster met?

3. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the following phrases:

- I stick to the same opinion;

- I differ from you;

- I see eye to eye with you here;

- I see your point, but// I see what you mean, but …;

- Yes, but on the other hand…

- There is something in what you say, but…

- I absolutely agree;

- I’m afraid, you are not quite right.

1. The Monster wasn’t aware of the fact that he was ugly. 2. The Monster had to steal food from people. 3. The Monster made a promise to revenge upon all people. 4. The old man wasn’t afraid of the Monster because the latter told him he had got into an awful accident. 5. The young man shot because he thought the Monster was going to kill his sister.

4. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. Fear … smb’s eyes, to smile … smb., to run away … smb., to knock … the door, to shoot … smb., to take smb. … by arm.

Think of five tag-questions with the expressions from the previous task.

Translate the following words and words - combinations. Try to remember the situations they were used in.

To pick up, cloak, to protect, to revenge, to bend over, wanderings, to make a promise.

Think of three sentences with the words from the previous task to be translated from Russian into English.

8. Listen to the text again and write out the synonyms to the word ‘awful’ which you will come across in the text.

Correct the following. Some sentences contain more than one mistake.

1. The Monster replied he used the clock to cover oneself. 2. The Monster wondered through the world finding his revenge. 3. Once the Monster knocked the door and came in. 4. When the boy saw the Monster he stopped to sing. 5. My father will put you in the prison if you will hurt me.

10. Write the following sentences in indirect speech:

1. ’The murderer is a young woman’, my father said. 2. ‘How can you know the murderer? ’ Elizabeth asked me. 3. ‘I must talk to someone’, I cried. 4. ‘I will make this child my friend’, the Monster thought. 5. ‘He will put you in prison if you hurt me’, William screamed.

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