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The Infinitive

85. Comment on the forms of the infinitives:

1. Lady Franklin was horrified at herself. To have asked his name, to have been told his name, and to have forgotten it! 2. She seemed to be paying no attention to what was going round her. 3. He suddenly awoke from his queer trance, there was a decision to be made. 4. Good-bye, Mr. Jackson. Glad to have been of service to you. 5.1 say, don't you think you ought to be going? 6. He was very tired, and to have been caught napping had irritated him and hurt his pride. 7. There are a great many things to be taken into consideration. 8. Judging from the books and papers on the writing-table he must have been working since they left him in the morning. 9. She told them to take off their shoes so that their footsteps could not be heard in the flat below. 10. " We are very sorry to have disturbed you, " began Peter. 11. I want you to promise me you won't talk to Antonia about that sort of things. 12. That woman is still sitting. She seems to have been waiting over an hour. 13. Well, funny things seem to be happening. 14. To have been so happy and not to have known it! 15. There was nothing to be done, but to wait for the next express, which was due at four.

86. Supply the missing forms of the following infinitives:

to have been done, to be spoken to, to curl, to be breaking, to have nodded, to drive, to be ruined, to be rubbing, to land, to be spoken to, to turn, to have been sleeping, to be got, to be running, to have been read, to be said, to arrive, to be telling, to play

87. Use the appropriate foia» of the infinitives in brackets:

1. I'm so dreadfully sorry (to bother) you in this stupid way. 2. He kept late hours last night, he may still (to sleep). 3. " She must (to be) very beautiful years ago, " Maren thought. 4. It's a secret, and no one else must (to tell). 5. Good-bye. So pleased (to meet) you. 6. He's a talented engineer. He's supposed (to work) at a new invention. 7. Oh, my Margaret, my daughter. You should never (to go). It was all your father's fault. 8. She seems (to work) at her course paper since spring and says she has still a lot (to do). 9. I've just seen him passing the entrance door, so he can't (to work) at the laboratory as you say. 10. The next morning he seemed (to forget) it all. 11. It ought (to do) long ago; at least before their leaving Blackstable. 12. She seemed at times (to seize) with an uncontrolled irritation and would say sharp and wounding things. 13. You probably think that I must (to live) a very gay life in France, but it wasn't so. 14. No words can describe it: it must (to see).

88. Translate these sentences Into English, paying attention to the form of the infinitive:

1. Мэгги пожалела, что не предупредила родителей о том, что задержится. 2. Я была довольна, что посмотрела еще одну пьесу Островского. 3. Дети были счастливы, оттого что их взяли в цирк. 4. Этот вальс заставил его вспомнить молодость. 5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы этот текст записали на пленку еще раз. 6. Не может быть, чтобы он все еще сидел в читальном зале. Наверное, он уже ушел. 7. Она, должно быть, все еще гостит у своих друзей на даче. 8. Неужели она на вас рассердилась? 9. Я очень рад, что проводил их на станцию. 10. Как мне повезло, что я побывала на этом спектакле. 11. Ваша следующая задача заключается в том, чтобы поставить этот эксперимент в нашей лаборатории. 12. Посмотрите на него! Он наверняка решает какую-то важную задачу. 13. Вряд ли они запомнили мой адрес. Они случайно заходили ко мне как-то вместе с моим братом. 14. Об этом печальном событии не следует упоминать в ее присутствии. Она может разволноваться, а у нее больное сердце. 15. Кажется, они ждут, чтобы им дали необходимые указания, связанные с выполнением этого задания.

89. Put to where necessary before the infinitives:

1. The teacher made me... repeat it all over again. 2. You needn't... ask for permission, I let you... take my books whenever you like. 3. Will you help me... move the table? 4. He is expected... arrive in a few days. 5. You seem... know these places very well. 6. You had better... make a note of it. 7. I heard the door... open and saw a shadow... move across the floor. 8. He told me... try... do it once again. 9. I'd rather... walk a little before going to bed. 10. There is nothing... do but... wait till somebody comes... let us out. 11. You ought not... show your feelings. 12. Why not... wait a little longer? 13. I felt her... shiver with cold. 14. We should love you... stay with us. 15. You are not... mention this to anyone. 16. We got Mother... cut up some sandwiches. 17. Rose wanted them... stop laughing, wanted the curtain... come down. 18. I'll have... go there. 19. There doesn't seem... be anything wrong with you. 20. She helped me... get over my fear. 21. Look here, Jane, why,.. be so cross? 22. He was seen... make a note of it. 23. What made you... deceive me? 24. He was not able... explain anything.

90. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the use of the particle to, which implies the verb already mentioned:

1. He hadn't wanted to laugh then, nor did he want to now. 2. You needn't say anything if you don't want to. 3. Michael knew a lot, or seemed to. 4. Well, let's forget it, shall we? — I'm glad to, thanks very much. 5. She always kept her mouth shut when told to. 6. It was my fault. I'm sorry. I didn't want to, I didn't mean to. 7.1 know I should have come to you and told you about it, but I was afraid to. 8. I'd be glad to see you. Come any time you like. — Darling, you know I long to. But I can't. 9. You can't send that letter. —-1 am certainly going to, by air-mail from Port Said. 10. I couldn't do what I wanted to.

91. Respond to the following questions or statements, using the phrases from the list in brackets:

1. They say you read a lot. 2. Why didn't you invite them? 3. Will you write a letter to her? 4. Why can't you go with us? 5. I'm afraid you can't come. 6. I see you haven't bought any oranges. 7, You must take more care of it. 8. She says you are going to help her. 9. Why didn't you dance with him? 10. You didn't sign your tesj paper.

(Nor so much as I used to; I simply didn't want to; Yes, if you wish me to; But Г11 try to; Гт not allowed to; I mount to, but I forgot; Yes, I ought to; I suppose I'll have to; He didn't ask me to; No, I forgot to.)

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