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Revision exercises on the verbais
138. State the function of the Infinitive in the following sentences and translate them into Russian: 1. To live a healthy life in the country was good for them. 2. It was a great happiness to him to discover that she was in complete agreement with him in opinions. 3. It was a real pleasure to him to give pleasure to others. 4. She had never learned the habit of command: her habit was to ask permission. 5. The dearest wish of his heart was to have a boy. 6. His first act was to seek the tailor that Glover had recommended. 7. Margaret's visit was exciting. He started to plan her reception. 8. The company began to drift in a polite group towards the door. 9. The train began to slow down. " Why, here we are in Oxford! " said the man. 10. We used to play in the garden behind the house. 11. Now you can do whatever you like. 12. But she had to turn round again; her father was coming. 13. " Listen, Gilbert, I've got to talk to you seriously." But Mr. Pinfold would not answer. 14. Dixon tried to suppress his irritation. 15. He asked us not to move and stay where we were. 16. He taught his boy to swim. 17. Mary warned us not to be late, 18. My dear child, it's not a thing to joke about. 19. " How am I to find that house, " he thought, " There isn't anyone to ask." 20. This is the right thing to do. 21. I need a pen to write with. 22. " I don't want anything to eat, " said Felicity. 23. And William went to London to start a new life. 24. He opened his eyes too late to see the momentary gleam of light from the corridor. 25. I wish I were young enough to help you. 139. Complete the following sentences, using infinitives or infinitive constructions: 1. I didn't expect.... 2. Oh, how nice of you.... 3. We are all very glad.... 4. She doesn't like.... 5. What would you do if you saw.... 6. I'm so sorry....7. The book seems.... 8. It would be of great use.... 9. What is done.... 10. There's nothing.... 11. The difficulty is.... 12. I'm not quite sure.... 13. It hasn't yet been decided.... 14. He is unlikely.... 15. Nobody will ever make.... 16. You are too inexperienced.... 17. She appeared.... 18. She is old enough.... 19. It's too late, he can't.... 20. Judging from the shadows under his eyes, he must.... 140. Use the Gerund or the Infinitive of the verbs in brackets. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1. He was so young, so gay, he laughed so merrily at other people's jokes that no one could help (like) him. 2. Yalta is a nice town (live)..., 3. He was on the point... (quarrel) with her. 4. I want you (help) me (pack) this suitcase. 5. I should love (go) to the party with you; I hate (go) out alone. 6. Don't forget (put) the book in the right place. 7. I forgot (put) the book on the top shelf and spent half an hour or so... (look) for it. 8. She told me how (make) clothes (last) longer. 9. Mother says she often has occasion (complain)... (he, come) late. 10.... (do) the exercise you should carefully study the examples. 11. You must encourage him (start) (take) more exercise. 12. Bob was greatly ashamed... (beat) in class by a smaller boy. 13.1 looked around me, but there was no chair (sit).... 14. We heard... (he, come) back today. 15. She could not bear the thought... (he, stay) alone. 16. Are you going (keep) me (wait) all day? 17. He pushed the door with his toe... (put) his suitcases down. 18. I should have gone (fetch) the doctor instead... (remain) where I was. 19. Oh, Robert, dearest, it's not a thing (joke) about. I've so loved (be) with you. I'll miss you more than anyone. 20. His first impulse was (turn) back, but he suppressed it and walked in boldly. 21. " I'm sorry, Margaret, " he said, " I'm too old (start) (play) hide-and-seek with school girls." 141. Translate the sentences into English, using the Gerund: 1. Ты предпочитаешь готовить сама или обедать в институтской столовой? 2. Нельзя быстро выздороветь, не принимая лекарства регулярно. 3. Я советую вам перестать беспокоиться о ребенке. Он уже вне опасности. 4. Всем понравилась мысль отпраздновать день рождений Джона за городом. 5. Мы решили прогуляться перед тем, как лечь спать. 6. Мальчик боялся появиться дома в таком виде. Было ясно, что он заслуживает наказания. 7. Она не привыкла получать подарки и была удивлена, увидев на столе великолепные розы. 8. Вам не следовало бы настаивать на том, чтобы вам сказали об этом. 9. Из-за одного этого стоило вернуться домой. 10. Мы не могли не улыбнуться серьезности ребенка. 11. Помимо того, что он прекрасный актер, он еще и опытный режиссер. 12. Я не помню, чтобы он когда-либо поздравлял меня с днем рождения. 13. Почему вы отпустили пациента, не измерив ему кровяное давление? 14. Я думаю принять участие в первенстве института по шахматам. 15. Моя спутница поблагодарила меня за то, что я присмотрела за ее багажом. 16. Я очень люблю плавать и стараюсь никогда не упустить возможности искупаться. 17. После этой неприятной сцены она избегала, чтобы ее видели в обществе. 18. Вы не возражаете, если я положу вам еще порцию пирога? 19. Мы не могли даже мечтать о том, чтобы попасть на премьеру этого спектакля. 20. Она продолжала развлекать гостей, как будто ничего не случилось. 142. State whether the -ing- form is a participle, a gerund or a verbal noun: 1. To my mind the setting of the scene was beautiful. 2. As to his stooping, it was natural when dancing with a small person like myself, so much shorter than he. 3. I found him in exactly the position I had left him, staring still at the foot of the bed. 4. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. 5. There you can see the Fire of London with the flames coming out of the windows of the houses. 6. Having finished the work, he seemed more pleased with himself than usual. 7. Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me. 8. I admired the grounds and trees surrounding the house. 9: Father said that we were not to let the fact of his not having had a real holiday for three years stand in our way. 10. I saw there wooden cabins with beds, electric light, running water. 11. Most Englishmen are not overfond of soup, remarking that it fills them without leaving sufficient room for the more important meat course. 12. The evening meal goes under various names: tea, " high tea, " dinner or supper depending upon its size and also social standing of those eating it. 13. Colleges give a specialized training. 14.1 want you to give my hair a good brushing. 15. The boys could not go without asking permission. 16.1 am much pleased with my surroundings. 143. Point out the verbals and comment on them: 1. She often took care of my little sister Polly giving me a possibility to play with other boys in the neighbourhood. 2. Having bathed her face in cold water, she came up to the window and burst it open. 3. Renton Heath is a charming village, situated in the loveliest part of the West of England? 4. " I'm leaving for South America and have come to say good-bye, " Jim said staring into her eyes. 5. She seemed to be asking not him but herself. 6.1 seated myself at the table and was on the point of filling my cup from the teapot when the sound of the door opening made me look up. 7. After spending the night in the farm, the weather remaining fine, they set out again on their journey in the same way. 8. He had to stand aside for the maid to carry in the luncheon. 9. I'm afraid I never seem to get any time for reading. 10. He began moving away down the drive, keeping his eyes on Dixon. 11. It's no use trying to argue with me. 12. Looking in Ferrand's face he saw to his dismay tears rolling down his cheeks. 13. He said it bending forward to be out of hearing of the girl. 14. Douglas sat down again, having evidently changed his mind about going. 15. When we had lain on the bank for some time without speaking I saw a man approaching from the far end of the field. 16. I know why I make you laugh. It's because you're so far above me in every way that I am somehow ridiculous. 17. It was past two o'clock when she heard the car return. There were steps on the gravel, the opening and shutting of the door, a brief murmur of voices — then silence. 18. From room to room he went and, though each gave signs of having recently been occupied, it was clear that its inhabitants had departed. 19. Were it not for his having asked me to spend a week with him in the country, I should certainly be very glad to go with you to Madrid. 20. Get a blanket spread and make them hold it tight. 21. The darkness found him occupied with these thoughts. 22. " Three years ago it was, " she broke off and stood still, her mouth set in a rigid grimace of pain. 23. He felt anger against the gipsy for having given them such a fright.