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Отсутствие артикля (Zero Article)
Артикль не употребляется в следующих случаях. 1. Перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, употребляемыми в общем смысле. Children are fond of cartoons. Oranges are tasty. But: The childrenplaying in the yard are my cousins. The oranges from Spain are sweet. 2. Перед неисчисляемыми вещественными существительными, если речь идет о веществе в общем смысле. Water is necessary for life. I like coffee. Snow is white. But: The water in the glass is very hot. Pass me the bread, please. I bought some tea yesterday. The tea was excellent. 3. Перед отвлеченными существительными (названия признаков, действий, состояний, чувств, явлений, наук, искусств) в общем смысле. Knowledge is power. Smoking is harmful for you. Green is her favourite colour. He likes music. I’ll do it with pleasure. She teachers history. English is necessary for me in my future work. But: We study the history of our country. I like the music of this ballet. The English language is very popular nowadays. 4. Перед существительными, уже имеющими определители (местоимения, количественные числительные). My room is large. This book is interesting. I have some magazines. I saw two men in the room. Open page twenty. 5. Перед названиями времени суток day, night, evening, morning, noon, afternoon, dusk, midnight, daytime, sunrise, sunset, dawn, если они употребляются: 1) как часть составного именного сказуемого: It was morning, but they were still at work; 2) после предлогов at, after, before, by, till: We went out at dawn. They returned after sunset; 3) для обозначения «света» и «темноты»: Night came; 4) после прилагательных late, early: It was late evening. It is early morning now; 5) в словосочетаниях: all day, all night, day by day, from morning till night, day and night, from day to day. But: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. It was a frosty night. The day came when he told her of his love. 6. Перед названиями дней недели, месяцев, времен года. Monday is known to be a hard day. See you next Saturday. He phoned me last Friday. It is rainy in October. Summer is my favourite season. But: It was the autumn of 1990 when he joined the army. 7. Перед названиями приема пищи breakfast, dinner, supper, lunch, tea, high tea. He usually has lunch at the club. Who cooks breakfast for you? But: Do you remember the supper in the garden? 8. Перед названиями видов спорта: to play football, to play volleyball. 9. Перед существительными, определяемыми количественными числительными. World War II began in 1939. He lives in Flat 12. Take Bus 2. 10. Перед существительными school, college, university, class, hospital, prison, church, bed, sea, town, home, work, office, holiday в случаях «распредмечивания». I went to school at the age of 7. She goes to University, she is a good student. John is in hospital, he is seriously ill. They are in class at the moment. I am going to bed, I’m tired. Fred is at work now. She always goes to church on Sundays. But: There is a meeting at the school. Harrow is a public school. Make the bed, please. 11. В устойчивых выражениях: by car, by train, by plane, by bus, by ship, by boat, by sea, by land, by air, by Underground, by mistake, by name, by chance, by heart, on foot, on board, on demand, on credit, on sale, in/on time, in fact, in conclusion, in debt, from head to foot, from day to day, from time to time, from beginning to end, day and night, to go to sleep, to take dinner, to take part in, to take place, to take care of, to declare war, to loose sight, out of town, at first sight, out of doors, for hours, for ages. Артикль не употребляется с именами собственными в следующих случаях: 1. Перед именами, фамилиями, кличками, обращениями, званиями: Kate, Miss Brown, Dr Wilmot, Colonel Davidson, Spotty, How old are you, young man? 2. Перед существительными Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt, etc. в роли членов одной и той же семьи: Has Mother come back yet? Father wants to speak to you. 3. Перед названиями континентов, стран, графств, штатов, городов: Africa, South America, Europe, France, Russia, Berkshire, Texas, Moscow, London. But: the north of England, the south of Africa. 4. Перед названиями улиц, площадей, парков, мостов: Oxford Street, 42nd Street, 17th Avenue, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge. But: the High Street, the Mall, the Strand, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Severn Bridge. 5. Перед названиями аэропортов, вокзалов, станций: Heathrow, Sheremetyevo, Victoria Station. 6. Перед названиями школ, колледжей и университетов: Grinnell College, Cambridge University, Smolensk State University. But: the University of London. 7. Перед названиями отдельных островов и гор: Elbrus, Madagascar. 8. Перед буквенными названиями организаций, если аббревиатура произносится как слово: NATO, OPEC. But: the UN. 9. Перед названиями журналов и зарубежных газет: Punch, Language, Pravda, Der Spiegel. 10. Перед названиями космических кораблей: Challenger, Apollo. 11. Перед названиями известных торговых марок: General Motors, Sony. 12. Перед названиями планет: Pluto, Jupiter. But: the Earth.