according to (в соответствии с чем-то)
| Everything went according to our plan. According to my map, I am twenty miles from the town.
in addition to (в дополнение к)
| In addition to a full meal we ordered ice-cream.
because of (из-за)
| Because of the heat the window was open.
due to (owing to, thanks to) (благодаря, в силу)
| Due to bad weather the match was cancelled. I missed the flight owing to a traffic jam.
on behalf of (от имени)
| Let me thank you on behalf of our group.
in favour of (за, в пользу)
| He was in favour of reconstructing the plant.
as far as (до (о расстоянии))
as to / as for (что касается)
| Go as far as the post-office.
As to the other contract it was not accepted. As for me I am happy.
instead of (вместо)
| I try to drink milk instead of coffee.
by means of (посредством, при помощи)
| People communicate by means of languages.
in spite of (despite) (несмотря на)
| In spite of heavy traffic we got to the theatre on time.
in view of (принимая во внимание)
| They can hardly buy a car in view of money difficulties.