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The beard ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
In ancient Russia used to say: " The beard is more expensive head." In times Petrovsky riot caused by the desire of Peter I shave all men, even put to death on Calvary shouted: " You chop our heads, do not touch our beards! " Pull the beard or spit on it was so serious insult that you can wash off the blood was only. The ancients believed that " Who Vlas, from him and the power of …", so carefully hid their cropped hair. Torn in a fight for a lock of hair from the beard or mustache took a huge fine for that time — 12 hryvnia, more than a broken arm. Custom cut bald slaves, prisoners, recruits novices sense underscore the low social status of a person, his dependence. The ancient warriors, cutting off the hair of the vanquished, followed the principle of " haircut to subdue." Roman emperor Nero ordered to shave shaved all his foreign players. When asked about the reason for such an order, he replied: " I do not want them to think for themselves! I wish they had just executed my orders! ". In Russian Vedas have a phrase: " Do not cut your Vlasov brown, but with different Vlasov haired, for the wisdom of God and do not comprehend the health lose! " … " The man cut off the hair and shave his beard and mustache, it would be like to kill him " as well as" Beware, O daughters of God, since childhood Vlasov brown — the honor of their fathers, to braid their Vlasov blond tresses in wonderful clothes on their Guardian ". Slavs first shorn of their children only when they reach seven years and cut hair hidden under the ridge of the roof or Matica (main ceiling beam house). If the child's hair trimming to a year — to suspend the development of his speech, when up to seven years — slow brain development. Woman obstrigshuyu hair, called Carney (goddess named Karna, responsible for enforcing the law of cause and effect), which meant that it had punished Karna. (In Sanskrit, the word sounds like " Karma"). On the human head are several major energy centers: on top — a liaison with the spiritual egregor on the crown (Spring) — a liaison generic egregor on the forehead between the eyebrows — the center of clairvoyance. Hair color is the organ of perception, and the accumulation of subtle energies from the environment and space (hence the ancient name of hair — Cosmo). In ancient Russia as headgear used hu, bandages, beaters and frontal tape, do not cover the head. Winter hair themselves protected the head from the cold. Only much later, with the advent of Christianity, it became the custom for married women to cover the head. Formerly home all women went bareheaded, and the people married women removed hair povoynik, Kichko, Shamshur or scarf to protect its energy from negative outside influences. Long, woven of three strands braid girl, dropped along the spine, where there are many energy channels is the same amulet and the personification of the unity of the three worlds: Navi, Reveal and law. In braid or ribbon interweaved patterned braid, it is often decorated nakosnikami. Long hair at all times continued to use nymphs that live far away from the madding crowd and temptations. Of hats they lived outdoors, always use only hu and simple dressing for the hair. Combs Combs out of unnatural materials lead to brittle hair. For example, plastic comb will cause static electricity. Ancient people prefer to use a comb made from natural materials: bone, horn or wood: beech, alder, birch, maple, fir, juniper, cypress, apple, apricot, mulberry, walnut, cherry, ash, ash, aspen, cherry. In ancient tomes says Combs of beech wood cure for dandruff and have a positive effect on hair growth, and the central nervous system as a whole, as the head are the nerve endings associated with many internal organs. When choosing a comb, you can simply hold it in their hands, or bring it to your hair, if there is a pleasant feeling, then this comb for you.