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VII. Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions wherever necessary.


1. --- this point Matilda noticed that Miss Honey’s face had gone all tight and peculiar looking.

2. --- --- space--- thirty seconds --- atmosphere --- --- tiny room had changed completely.

3. Matilda was waiting --- what was coming next.

4. She had all --- powers --- --- parent --- me.

5. Miss Honey found --- later that there was --- good deal --- mystery surrounding her father’s death.

6. Matilda stared--- Miss Honey.

7. Suddenly Miss Honey was --- heroine --- Matilda’s eyes.

8. All --- once Matilda was able --- see --- whole situation --- absolute clarity.

9. You would be – lot better ---.

10. Parents will often give --- guardian --- right --- occupy --- house --- --- certain length --- time, but it is nearly always left --- trust --- --- child.

* * * * *



I. Look up the following words and expressions in the dictionary and find them in the text.


Rotten, cautious, snippet, authority, ponder (on, over), take charge of smth.,


II. Find one word to express the meaning in each sentence.

1. To spend time carefully considering.

2. The ability, power or right to control and command.

3. Using or showing caution.

4. Decayed; bad.

5. A small bit of something, esp. a short piece from something spoken or written.


III. Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions wherever necessary.


1. --- two --- them walked all --- way --- Matilda’s house --- complete silence.

2. “I’ve been thinking --- it all --- way back --- your cottage and I believe I’ve got just --- tiny little bit --- --- idea.

3. Miss Honey wondered what --- earth was going --- --- --- mind --- this child.

4. “Well, ” she said, “ that depends--- what --- questions are.”

5. I am much more interested --- just how much you can do --- those amazing eyes --- yours.


IV. Find synonyms in the text.


Power, fragment, consider, careful, decayed.


V. Phrasal words with “look”

1. I’ll look her town --- in the atlas.

2. She is very good at looking --- her sister.

3. I’m looking --- --- starting work.

4. If you don’t look --- he’ll take your job from you.

5. The police are looking --- the case.


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I. Look up the following words and expressions in the dictionary and find them in the text.


Invisible, vital, intense, sheer, spark, band, lift, summon up, gasp, apply, settle.

II. Find synonyms in the text.


Unseen, carry out, raise, call for, resolve, flash, breath, absolute, strong, essential.


III. Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions wherever necessary.

1. There was --- small dressing table --- Matilda’s room --- her hairbrush and comb ---it and two library books.

2. She sat --- --- end --- --- bed and started again.

3. With --- colossal effort, she managed --- hold it there --- about ten seconds.

4. --- --- next hour, Matilda kept practicing, and --- --- end she had managed, --- --- power --- her eyes, to lift --- whole cigar off --- table about six inches into --- air and hold it there --- about --- minute.

5. --- first cigar started to roll ---.


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