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They were sure they would find the robber.
В придаточных предложениях, начинающихся с вопросительных слов, используется прямой порядок слов: Не asked the secretary why the mail had not been sent.
§ Exercises
a Underline the verbs in the object clauses, write down the Tenses in which they are used and translate the sentences into Russian:
1 He said he was a real estate agent...... Past. Ind........................................................................ 2 We were sure he had legated his house..................................................................................... 3 The man thought they would evade the law.............................................................................. 4 He asked how many clauses there were in the Contract.......................................................... 5 The officer inquired when the arson started............................................................................. 6 He wondered if the agreement had been signed..................................................................... 7 They wanted to know if the lawyers would take part in the negotiations................................
b Translate the following sentences into Russian using the Past Tenses:
1 Директор сказал, что контракт будет подписан через несколько дней. 2 Стороны решили, что внесут эти изменения позднее. 3 Он заверил, что дополнение уже составлено. 4 Я поинтересовался, подготовили ли они Протокол. 5 Он спросил, будет ли изменена процедура подписания. 6 Он официально заявил, что оба экземпляра имеют одинаковую, юридическую силу. 7 Я спросил, кто мне выдаст доверенность.
с Rewrite this dialogue between a police officer (PO) and a tenant (T) after the house had been burgled, in inderect speech:
d Have a look at this picture and describe the episode. Write down a few sentences in indirect speech:
e Read this interview of a journalist with a local police authority and write it down in indirect speech:
– I have given money to a telemarketer and have not received anything, what do I do? – Contact your local police agency and they can direct you to the correct reporting agency. – Do the police work every case referred to them? – In an ideal world probably. In a realistic world, it depends. Due to governmental cutbacks, cases have to be priortized. Cases which are of a high priority will more-than-likely be worked first. Some agencies have placed thresholds on the amount of loss incurred by the victim as to whether they work the case. In many cases, involving loss of money, civil action can be taken in small claims court to seek redress.
§ The Use of Tenses in When / If - clauses
§ Exercises a Underline the clauses and translate the following sentences into Russian:
b Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the use of Tenses:
1 Если вы представите все необходимые документы, мы немедленно рассмотрим этот вопрос. 2 Как только мы получим новую инструкцию, мы направим вам копию. 3 Если у вас будут вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. 4 Как только юристы завизируют Соглашение, мы передадим его вам на рассмотрение. 5 Если они увеличат плату за юридические услуги, мы обратимся к другим специалистам. 6 Если они понесут убытки, мы сможем компенсировать только часть этой суммы.
§ The Passive Voice
§ Exercises
a Make a few sentences from the following elements:
b Underline the verbs used in the Passive Voice, write down in what Tenses they are used and translate the sentences into Russian:
1 In English law a contract is formed when the offeree accepts the offer which the offerer has made. Pr. Ind. По английскому законодательству договор считается заключенным на момент, когда сторона-заказчик принимает предложение, сделанное исполнителем. 2 According to English law, people are innocent until they are proved guilty.................................................. 3 All defendants are entitled to legal representation which will be provided free if they cannot pay for it....... 4 A burglar alarm has been installed in the apartment....................................................................................... 5 If he starts speaking the secret wilt be revealed.............................................................................................. 6 He was caught red handed............................................................................................................................... 7 I asked him if the goods had been delivered in strict conformity with the Contract....................................... 8 It was understood that the police wanted to speak to Mr. Norton in connection with a number of his financial dealings.............................
с Have a look at the picture and say how the businessman was robbed:
d Open the brackets by using the verbs in the correct forms:
Yesterday evening, a black BMW (to steal) from outside the home of Mr. John Simpson. Mr. Simpson (to telephone) the police. Later that evening, the car (to see) in the High Street by Mr. Simpson's wife, Laura. It was outside the Red Lion Hotel. The keys were in the car, so she (to drive) it home! The police (to look) for a careless thief!
e Underline the verbs in the Passive Voice, and reproduce the text: