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British criminal law

There are two forms, common law and statute law Common law is made up of general customs, some of which have been regarded as the laws in the land for centuries. Common law has grown up slowly through the ages, like the British Constitution. It is sometimes called unwritten law. However, much of common law has become statute law, that is to say, it has been put down in writing by Acts of Parliament. Murder still belongs to common law, while attempts to murder have become statute law.


§ The Complex Object


After the following verbs Complex Object Examples
to see to hear to make to let somebody do (doinq) something I saw him enter (entering) the building. Let me introduce my friend.
to allow to ask to tell to order to force to persuade to want to expect somebody to do something He ordered the man to drop the gun.


§ Exercises


a Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the use or non-use of the particle to before the Infinitives:


1 Они заставили его выплатить выкуп.....................................................................................................

2 Обстоятельства заставили его задержаться в городе............................................................................

3 Я сам слышал, что они хотят внести дополнение к этому контракту...................................................

4 Это позволит нам принять ваше предложение........................................................................................

5 Изменения сроков заставили нас исключить этот пункт из текста договора......................................

6 Все видели, как он выхватил сумочку из рук женщины.........................................................................

7 Мы видели, как его арестовали..................................................................................................................


b Have a look at the picture and say what you see in it:



с Write down the answers to the following questions:




N о t e: В русском языке в главном и придаточном предложениях употребляется одна и та же форма сослагательного наклонения: Я бы пошел на концерт, если бы вы пригласили меня.


§ Examples:


1 If you had informed the freight forwarder he would not have issued the document.

2 If the consignor had wanted to ship cigarettes from Poland to France he would have used the same scheme, to my mind.

3 If the consignor shipped tobacco he might have used the same tactics.

4 If I met an English customs official I would ask him a few questions about similar frauds.


§ Exercises


a Underline the verbs in the principal clauses and translate the following sentences into Russian:


1 He would stay at home today if he were ill.

2 They would not have supported us even if we had them for help.

3 If I were you I would tell him the truth. Believe me, it would be much better. And you would feel better.

4 I saw him yesterday. If I had not I would not have learned the news.


b Complete the following sentences by opening the brackets and adding some necessary words:


1 If I were you... (to tell the truth)

2If I had seen him yesterday... (to deliver the goods)

3 If we had not signed this Contract last month... (to ask for advice)

4 We would refer the matter to arbitration... (not to observe the terms)

5 I would call the police if... (to threaten)

6 I would have been much confused... (to ask this question)

7 I would not have had the courage to intervene... (to be present)


с Read and reproduce the following:


Punishment by hanging was abolished by law in England in 1969. There was a free vote in the House of Commons: 343 votes for abolishion and 185 against. The police would probably have voted against, yet the murder rate has hardly changed since 1969, as Englishmen stress.


d Have a look at the picture and say what you see in it.


Write down a few sentences about the possible thoughts of the two persons at that moment, like this:


The man: If I had shaved off my beard...

The policeman: If I had not seen...



§ The Modal Verbs




1 Вслед за модальным глаголом (за исключением глагола to be) употребляется инфинитив без частицы to

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