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Text 3: The Background to the Tyrer Case


The Isle of Man is not a part of the United Kingdom but a dependency of the Crown with its own government, legislature and courts and its own administrative, fiscal and legal systems. The Crown is ultimately responsible for the good government of the Island and acts in this respect through the Privy Council on the recommendation of Ministers of the United Kingdom Government in their capacity as Privy Counsellors. In that capacity, the Home Secretary is charged with prime responsibility for Isle of Man affairs.

The Isle of Man's parliament, the Court of Tynwald, is one of the oldest in Europe. It consists of a Lieutenant-Governor appointed by and representing the Crown, an Upper House (the Legislative Council) and a Lower House (the House of Keys). Tynwald legislates in domestic matters, the laws it adopts requiring ratification by the Queen in Council; the Home Secretary is responsible for advising the Privy Council whether or not to recommend that the Royal Assent be given.

In strict law, the United Kingdom Parliament has full power to pass laws applicable to the Isle of Man but, by constitutional convention, does not in the ordinary course legislate on the Island's domestic affairs, such as penal policy, without its consent.

Judicial corporal punishment of adults and juveniles was abolished in England, Wales and Scotland in 1948 and in Northern Ireland in 1968.

The punishment remained in existence in the Isle of Man. While under various provisions judicial corporal punishment could be imposed on males under the age of 21 for a number of offences, since 1969 its application has apparently been restricted in practice to offences of violence.

The name and address of a juvenile sentenced in the Isle of Man, whether to corporal punishment or otherwise, are not published.


§ Vocabulary notes


dependency [dI'pend@nsI] зависимая территория, страна
ultimately ['ö ltIm@tlI] в конечном итоге
the Privy Council   Тайный совет
capacity [k@'p{sItI] 1) положение, качество; 2) правоспособность
in the capacity of a teacher   в качестве преподавателя
in his capacity as Privy   он как член Тайного совета (юрисконсульт...)
Counsellor (legal adviser...)    
counsellor = councillor    
lieutenant-governor   губернатор территории (провинции)
royal assent [@'sent] королевская санкция (одобрение монархом законопроекта, принятого обеими палатами парламента, после чего законопроект становится законом)
course   1)порядок; 2) течение
in the ordinary course   в обычном порядке, в обычном смысле
in the course of a year   в течение года
to abolish [@'bolIS] упразднить, отменить


Note: The Privy Council – юридически основной орган государственного управления в Англии; созданный в Средние века как совещательный орган при монархе. В настоящее время выполняет номинальные функции и служит главным образом для придания юридической силы королевским указам. Глава Совета – монарх; фактически деятельностью Совета руководит лорд-председатель (Lord President of the Council); члены Совета назначаются монархом пожизненно, это принцы крови, высшая аристократия, высшие судебные чиновники, высшее духовенство, члены кабинета, политические деятели.


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