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Suggested activities. aChoose the correct answers:
a Choose the correct answers:
b Say if you agree or disagree and support your point of view:
1 Mr Schoolman said that he had snatched his wife's evening bag because he was a cleptomaniac. 2 Alice Schoolman was very careful and she always used the chain not to lose her bag. 3 There were four persons close to the Duchess to steal the medallion. 4 Tarleton was known of always working alone. 5 When Schoolman and his wife were waiting for a taxi Tarleton was speaking on the phone in his room. 6 Tarleton and Alice Schoolman planned the robbery after they met each other at the hotel. 7 Alice Schoolman killed her husband because he had learned what the symbols in the margin meant. 8 The underlined words were camouflage to draw attention away from the four symbols in the margin.
с Paraphrase the following sentences in English:
1 This is the most upsetting experience in my life. 2 I want you to return the bag without publicity. 3 I'll nose downstairs. 4 A dame stumbled into the Duchess. 5 He got it right under my nose. 6 See what you make of the paper inside. 7 You ve got men on Tarleton.
d Translate the following sentences using these verbs: to teach, to beg, to shoulder, to mistake, to hold back, to mean, to own.
1 Я решил преподать ей урок. 2 Яувидел, что сумочка просто напрашивается на то, чтобы ее украли. 3 В этот момент какие-то люди протиснулись между нами. 4 Вы приняли другую женщину за вашу жену. 5 Она пыталась сдержать слезы. 6 О чем говорят вам эти цифры? 7 Герцогиня отрицает, что у нее есть подобная сумочка.
e Translate the following sentences using these nouns and adjectives: experience, sight, effect, wrong, mark, confusuon, eyes.
Это был самый досадный случай в моей жизни. Япотерял ее из виду. Я осуществил свой план. Вы схватили не ту сумочку. Он указал на пометки карандашом. Произошел большой переполох.
f Think and answer: