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Suggested activities. aChoose the correct answers:
a Choose the correct answers:
b Say if you agree or dasagree and support your viewpoint:
1 Grace caught Fuller's eye from the very beginning. 2 Fuller's dream was to spend a year above the permafrost line. 3 Fuller and Bowfort began to get on each other's nerves from the very beginning of their stay at the research post. 4 Bowfort suggested that they should go back, but Fuller refused to do so. 5 Fuller sometimes shot at animals, and he often hit them. 6 One day Bowfort found Fuller dead in the laboratory. 7 There was a lot of snow around the cabin, and nobody could approach it without leaving a visible trail. 8 Though Bowfort was his rival. Fuller had no intention to kill him. 9 The pouch filled with ice was the last clue to reveal the «impossible» crime. 10 Fuller's death was an accident.
с Paraphrase the following sentences in English:
1 We began to get on each other's nerves. 2 Let's cut out the cracks about Grace. 3 We might make the best of each other. 4 This is one project I can't walk out on. 5 That's just the point. 6 I sent a message to the effect.
d Translate the sentences using these verbs: to catch, to stock, to thin, to face, to miss.
Грейс привлекла его внимание с самого начала. В хижине имелся запас продовольствия на год. Послания от Грейс сократились до одного-двух в неделю. Я сидел на своем обычном месте лицом к окну. Ружья на его обычном месте не-было.
е Translate the sentences using these nouns and adjectives: early, question, head, failure, uneasy.
Фуллеру в то время было сорок с небольшим. О поездке в город не могло быть и речи. Соперничество достигло критической точки. Его женитьба была неудачной. Я погрузился в беспокойный сон. f Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the verb to make:
1 That's enough to make a detective out of anybody. 2 It was 200 miles to the nearest settlement, making a trip into town out of the question. 3 We might make the best of each other. 4 That was the only field in which I wouldn't make a fool of myself. 5 Do men about to commit suicide start making breakfast? 6 I made my way to the window. 7 The police would never even make the trip to the cabin to check my story. 8 The frost had made the window completely opaque.
g Write out all the words related to guns and rifles, from the text. Compare your list with those of your group-mates.
h Think and answer: