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Work in pairs

Make up your own dialogue using the one below.

Ordering lunch and dinner. What else do you recommend?

W a i t e r. Are you ready to order, sir?

M r R y e f i e l d. Yes. I’ll have the beef stew for starters and my wife would like tomato soup.

W a i t e r. One beef stew and one tomato soup. What would you like for the main course?

M r R y e f i e l d. I’ll have the Cayenne Pepper Steak and my wife would like the Fried Trout with mashed potatoes.

W a i t e r. I’m afraid the trout is off.

M r s R y e f i e l d. Oh dear. Err… What else do you recommend? W a i t e r. The sole is very good.

M r s R y e f i e l d. OK. I’ll have that. Do you have any coleslaw? W a i t e r. No, I’m sorry, we don’t.

M r s R y e f i e l d. Just give me a small mixed salad then. M r R y e f i e l d. Same for me.

W a i t e r. Certainly. (…) Would you like something to drink? M r R y e f i e l d. Yes, please. May I see the wine list?

W a i t e r. Certainly. Here you are. (…)

M r R y e f i e l d. A bottle of Chablis ‘99, please. W a i t e r. Excellent choice!


7. summary











Do you like to eat out?

What’s your favorite restaurant? Where is it? Why do you like that restaurant?

How often do you go there? Who do you usually go with?

What’s your favorite item on the menu? What’s the atmosphere like?

What’s the service like? What recipes can you cook?

Do you prefer cooking for yourself or going to a restaurant?


8. Homework

Find a piece of information about any restaurant and write a short re- view about it. Use the prompts in ex. 3, p. 112.

Lesson 37


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