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I. Предтекстовые упражнения. I.1. Подчеркните в каждом предложении зависимый причастный оборот
I.1. Подчеркните в каждом предложении зависимый причастный оборот. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык. 1. If used for a long time prostaglandins may cause damage to the mucous lining of the stomach, thereby increasing the danger of ulceration. 2. Because many of their constituents undergo a photochemical change when exposed to light, tinctures must be stored in light–resistant containers. 3. Antibacterial topical solutions kill bacteria when applied to the skin or mucosa in the proper strength. 4. A suspension should not be applied unless properly shaken. 5. If heated, the solution starts decomposing. 6. Repeat the course of treatment as needed. 7. While preparing an ointment, add the oil–soluble ingredients in decreasing order of melting points. 8. Sodium intake may lead to heart disease when not properly balanced with potassium. 9. Proper administration technique is important when using ophthalmic agents. 10. The patient must be on a cardiac monitor while receiving this drug. 11. Spirulina is beneficial while fasting. 12. When dissolved in a glass of water, the tablet makes a pleasant – tasting drink.
I.2. Укажите номера предложений, в которых содержится независимый причастный оборот. Переведите эти предложения. 1. Following a single dose, chloroquine may be detected in blood plasma for more than four weeks. 2. Aspirin – like drugs being not strong enough, the patients are prescribed steroids to reduce pain. 3. When heated, most biological fluids begin to coagulate. 4. Gastric lavage should be carried out urgently, first protecting the airways and instituting artificial ventilation when necessary. 5. The drug should be administered intravenously, the rate of infusion not exceeding 5 micrograms/minute. 6. Skin rashes including purpura and urticaria, necrotizing vasculites, jaundice and fever have been reported. 7. There is a possibility of hypotension occurring following administration of the beta–adrenoseptor agonists. 8. The potential risk outweighing the benefit, the use of aspirin and antipyeretic drugs is not recommended in children with fever. 9. The process is continued, with equal volumes of diluent added to the powdered mixture. 10. Without adding preservatives, most suspensions can be used only a few days provided they are refrigerated. 11. The potential for toxicity being high, the drug has not been recommended for children. 12. Carcinogenesis is a complicated process, certain environmental factors playing significant roles. 13. In children, some drugs may be less active than in adults, particularly if the dosage is based on weight. 14. This product spoils easily. Keep it refrigerated and make sure it is tightly sealed when purchased. I.3. Определите, чем является служебное слово as в этих предложениях – наречием или союзом. Переведите эти предложения. 1. As people age, systolic pressure rises and causes blood vessels to stiffen. 2. There are up to 200 different viral strains that have been identified as causing the common cold. 3. Menthol, in doses of 5-10mg in a lozenge dissolved in the mouth is safe and effective as an antitussive. 4. As an antibiotic, imperacin is contraindicated in pregnancy and in chromic renal failure. 5. Take the drug as indicated. 6. The drug is presented as a white, water-miscible cream and as a greasy ointment. 7. Two types of analgesics can be used as alternatives to aspirin. 8. As might be expected from their common mechanisms of action, many of the non-narcotic analgesics have similar side effects. 9. As the pharmaceutical profession is in a constant state of change, it is important that pharmacists and pharmacy students are made aware of the new opportunities facing the profession. 10. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant, which helps protect the cells against cancer and other diseases. 11. As the fluid flows down the renal tubule, water and some chemicals are reabsorbed into the blood by diffusion. 12. A pharmacist should instruct the patient as to the timing of medication. I.4. Обведите кружком номера тех предложений, в которых служебные слова for, after, before, till (until) и since являются предлогами и переведите их. 1. Mercury thermometers should be sterilized with alcohol after each use. 2. In general, OTC ophthalmic products should not be used for more than 3 days without physician’s supervision. 3. If more than one ophthalmic product is being used, an interval of at least 5 minutes should be allowed before the next administration of the drug. 4. The inhaler dosage form loses its potency 2-3 months after it was opened. 5. Consult a doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy. 6. Before homeopathy was introduced, there were two standard methods of treatment – purging and bloodletting. 7. Although many new effective antibiotics have been discovered, sulfonamids remain the drug of choice for certain infections. 8. Many herbs and minerals have been used in medicine since ancient times. 9. Shake the bottle well until the contents are uniform. 10. Our neighbourhood pharmacy is open till 8 p.m. 11. Bacteria have been used to make vaccines since the time when genetic engineering emerged as a science. I.5. Прослушайте рекламу лекарственного средства и дайте ответы на следующие вопросы. 1. What is the form of issue of the drug? 2. What is the name of the drug? 3. What group of drugs does it belong to? 4. How is it administered? 5. Who is it indicated for? I.6. Прочтите следующие вопросы и пометьте номера тех вопросов, на которые вы затрудняетесь ответить. Дайте ответы на остальные вопросы. 1. What kinds of drugs do semisolid dosage drug forms include? 2. What is the mode of their administration? 3. What is an ointment? 4. What ingredients does it contain? 5. Can ointments be prepared in pharmacies? How are they prepared? 6. How can ointments be packaged? 7. What are suppositories intended for? 8. Can they replace oral drug forms? 9. What is the composition of a suppository? 10. What ingredients can serve as a base for suppositories?