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I. Предтекстовые упражнения. I.1. Определите, какой частью речи являются ing- формы в этих предложениях: а) отглагольным существительным; б) герундием или в) причастием
I.1. Определите, какой частью речи являются ing- формы в этих предложениях: а) отглагольным существительным; б) герундием или в) причастием. Выпишите отглагольные ing- формы и пометьте их соответствующими буквенными обозначениями. Переведите эти предложения. 1. Before dispensing a parenteral solution, pharmacy personnel should check it for impurities by swirling the solution and looking at it against light and dark backgrounds. 2. Chelating agents can be used as antidotes for metal poisoning. 3. The binding of a drug to its receptors usually involves only specific functional groups. 4. Synthetic products can have chemical structures closely resembling those of active natural products (e.g., ampicillin, which resembles penicillin). 5. Monitoring of the impact of drug therapy should be performed on a regular basis. 6. Dosing intervals are different for children. 7. Clarity testing is used to check sterile products for particulate matter. 8. Review the patient profile, including drug history and patient risk factors. 9. Water solubility depends primarily on two factors: ionic character and hydrogen-bonding capabilities. 10. Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing compounds obtained primarily from plants by extraction. 11. Heat has a drying and ageing effect on all types of skin, with the exception of oily skin. 12. Coloring shampoos have become very popular for brightening the colour of the hair.
I.2. Определите функцию герундия в этих предложениях и переведите их. 1. Drugs act by modulating the ongoing processes inside the cells. 2. When the liquid starts dripping from the percolator, the tap is closed, and the solvent is added to the mixture. 3. Prostaglandins help maintaining the protective lining of the stomach. 4. Analgesics, including plain old aspirin, are quite effective in alleviating pain and inflammation, mainly by blocking the action of chemical messengers called prostaglandins. 5. Anti-hypersentive drugs are capable of sharply dropping blood pressure, which can lead to acute problems. 6. The working hours of most pharmacies are from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. 7. You should not take potent drugs without consulting a physician. 8. The first step in isolation of essential oils is crushing or grinding the plant material. 9. Thrombolytic agents (urokinase, streptokinase, TPA) are effective in dissolving clots. 10. Quality control checking includes monitoring the sterility of a sample of manufactured products. 11. Aspirin is contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders. 12. The symptoms usually disappear 6-12 months after discontinuing the medication. 13. Some scientists believe that the first living things that appeared on earth were very small, simple bacteria.
I.3. Укажите номера предложений, в которых содержится: а) независимый причастный оборот; б) герундиальный оборот. Переведите предложения с герундиальным оборотом. 1. The patient’s being compliant increases the benefit of treatment and reduces the risk of adverse reactions. 2. Aspirin – like drugs being not strong enough, the patients are prescribed steroids to reduce pain. 3. The drug should be administered intravenously, the rate of infusion not exceeding 5 mcg/min. 4. The use of aspirin in therapy is restricted by pediatric patients’ being vulnerable to salycilates. 5. The potential risk outweighing the benefit, the use of aspirin and antipyeretic drugs is not recommended in children with fever. 6. There is a possibility of hypotension occurring following administration of the beta-adrenoseptor agonists. 7. The pharmacist’s being careless during drug dispensing and compounding may lead to a fatal error. 8. The dosage being based on weight, some drugs are less active in children than in adults. 9. The process is continued, with equal volumes of diluent added to the powdered mixture. I.4. Определите, чем является служебное слово to в следующих предложениях: а) предлогом; б) частицей, которая является показателем инфинитива. Переведите предложения с предлогом to. 1.Adjust the dosage according to the needs of the patient. 2.Substances that react with acids to form salts must be bases. 3.Children under 6 years of age are most vulnerable to serious adverse effects of codeine. 4.The suppository should not soften below 30oC to avoid melting during storage. 5.Primary alcohols are oxidized to aldehydes and then to acids. 6.Patients need to follow proper instructions for taking medications. 7.Spirits should be stored in tight containers to avoid evaporation. 8.Methyl cellulose is a polymer that is nonionic and stable to heat and light. 9.Antibacterial topical solutions kill bacteria when applied to the skin or mucous membranes in proper strength. 10. One way to prepare herbs is to make an infusion, or a sort of tea. 11. To prevent side effects, a physician usually prescribes the lowest effective dose. 12. There are up to 200 different viral strains responsible for the common cold. 13. The solution was diluted to volume with water. 14. Prolonged use of analgesics may lead to a dependence.
I.5. Определите функцию инфинитива в каждом из этих предложений. Переведите эти предложения. 1.The dosage may need to be adjusted, based on patient response and toxicity. 2.The need to reduce the dosage is obvious. 3.To practice self-medication is dangerous, especially when you take new drugs. 4.Various types of tests are used to ensure that all sterile products are free of microbial contamination. 5.Sterility test ensures that the process used to sterilize the product was successful. 6.All medications are to be given early in attacks. 7.To have pH below 7, the solution must contain an acidic substance. 8.The drugs to avoid include sympatomimetics, TCA’s and CNS depressants. 9.A loading dose is used to attain plasma drug levels as quickly as possible. 10. Other drugs might be needed to treat specific conditions.
I.6. Прочтите следующие вопросы и отметьте номера тех вопросов, на которые вы затрудняетесь ответить. Вернитесь к этому упражнению после проработки материала этого урока и проверьте правильность ваших ответов. Дайте ответы на вопросы, которые казались трудными до ознакомления с темой урока. 1.What does the drug “do” at the site of its action? 2.How are drugs classified according to their mechanism of action? 3.What is the difference between structurally specific and structurally nonspecific drugs? 4.How does the dosage of the drug affect its activity? 5.How is the response of the human body to the drug measured? 6.What does the therapeutic index of the drug show? 7.How does the drug effect change when several drugs are administered concurrently? 8.What factors can affect the body’s response to a drug? 9.What types of adverse drug reactions do you know? Which type is the most dangerous? 10. Who can have a greater risk of developing adverse reactions to a drug?