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Negative Pronouns.

Most of the indefinite pronouns correspond to negative pronouns.

Some - No, none.

Something - Nothing.

Somebody } - Nobody

Someone } - None, no one.

Both } - Neither


If a sentence has a negative pronoun then the verb is used in an affirmative form.

For example,

Nothing special happened to my friends that day.

Нiчого особливого не трапилось з моiми друзями того дня.


№9. Translate the sentences paying attention to negative pronouns:

None of us can work at a trading floor. Exchange trade demands special knowledge and skills.

No one asked a question about new requirements concerning securities.

Martin thought nothing but Lilly, so wonderful girl she was.

Neither was wise enough to forget the past and reconcile.

Neither of them was good to work as a middleman.


№10. Translate sentences using indefinite, negative, personal, possessive, demonstrative, conjunctive (relative) pronouns:

1. Ми купили декiлька книг по архiтектурi.

2. Це особливо надiйнi цiннi папери.

3. Нашi витрати становили 20 тисяч, а їх - 30 тисяч.

4. Жоден iз дизайнерiв не був там.

5. У тебе є трохи грошей з собою?

6. Скiльки тобi потрiбно?

7. Треба, щоб кожний старався виконувати свою роботу якнайкраще.

8. Нiколи не знаєш, чого чекати вiд таких людей.

9. Будь – який архiтектор скаже тобi теж саме.

10. Всi цiнують людей, якi мають високий професiйний рiвень.


№11. Complete the following proverbs and sayings with the help of proper pronouns. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.

For example:

Money can’t buy ……… | 1. His

2. everything

Money can’t buy everything. - Не все купуеться i продаеться.

……….never know what you can 1. any

do till …….. try.

………blind man can see it. 2. his

The leopard can not change…….. 3. you (2)


......... is well that ends well. 4. all

As …….. make your bed, so ……… 5. none, those

must lie on it.

……..clouds has a silver lining. 6. you (2)

………so blind as …….who won’t see. 7. another

One good turn deserves ……… 8. every

You can’t eat ………. cake and have….. 9. your, it.




When a person disagrees in the course of social interaction he or she usually use such phrases as:

That’s not the point….. (direct, formal)


The priority in the development of Ukrainian economy is industry.

That’s not the point.The point is that the development of agriculture in Ukraine is facilitated by everything: climate, land and labour resources, transport infrastructure.

Yes, but my point is…….- means the same but is softer.

You have this point but ……..

There is something in your point but ……….

These phrases express disagreement politely.

I don’t agree with you. (direct).

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