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Text A . №1 . Read the following words and word – combinations , learn them by heart :

№1. Read the following words and word – combinations, learn them by heart:

# elegance - вишуканiсть;

# sense of proportion - вiдчуття пропорцiї;

# to provide privacy - забезпечувати самотнiсть;

# wooden beams and posts - дерев’янi балки та стовпи;

# a deep overhang - глибокий навiс;

# upright posts - вертикальнi стовпи;

# sliding doors - “ ковзаючi “ дверi;

№2. Read and translate the text. Retell it.

Japanese Architecture.

Japanese architecture has been strongly influenced by Chinese architecture. Thus, traditional Japanese architecture is based mainly on the use of wooden beams and posts. Shinto shrines, which are found throughout Japan, provide an excellent example. Shinto is the native religion of Japan. Shinto shrines are wooden frame structures built on posts that raise the shrine above the ground. Ceiling beams project beyond the walls and give the roofs a deep overhang.

Traditional Japanese houses, whether large or small, have the same design. Upright posts support the roof. Sliding doors are built into the lightweight walls. The interior walls are used to provide privacy rather than support. Many of the houses are set within walled gardens.




Japanese architecture became noted for its simplicity, elegance, and sense of proportion. In a traditional house thin walls are used to provide privacy rather than support. The walls can also be moved to change the room size.


№3. Complete the sentences given below:

1. Japanese architecture became noted for its ----------------------.

2. Traditional Japanese architecture is based mainly on the use of -------------------.

3. Shinto is the native -----------------.

4. Traditional Japanese houses, whether large or small, have --------------------------------.

5. Sliding doors are built into ------------------------.

6. The interior walls are used to -----------------------.

№4. Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) wooden beams a) пiдтримка;

2) excellent examples b) сади, обнесенi стiнами

3) support c) самотнiсть;

4) walled gardens d) чудовi прикраси;

5) privacy e) дах;

6) roof f) дерев’янi балки;

7) a deep overhang g) глибокий навiс.


№5. Make up 5 special questions on the text.


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