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Glossary. Abiotic environment (from the Greek

Abiotic environment (from the Greek. " A" and «bioticos» - live) - a set of inorganic living conditions of organisms.

Autotrophs (from the Greek. «Autos» - myself, «trophe» - power) - organisms that feed on inorganic compounds.

Adaptation (from the Greek. «Adapto» - fit) - adaptation of the structure and functions of the organism to the conditions of existence.

Amensalizm - a form of interaction in which one population suppresses another, but she does not feel the negative impact.

Anthropogenic - caused by human activities associated with human activities.

Anthropocentrism (from the Greek. «Anthropos» - man, «kenton» - Center) - view, according to which man is the center of the universe and the ultimate goal of the universe.

The area (from the Greek. «Area» - an area) - the area of ​ ​ distribution of this taxon (species, genus, family) in nature.

Autecology - section ecology, studies the interaction of individual organisms and species with the environment.

Biogeochemical cycles - cycles of substances; exchange of matter and energy between the different components of the biosphere, due to the vital activity of organisms and wearing cyclical.

Biogeocoenosis - ecological system, which includes the communities of different species in certain geological conditions.

Biological diversity - the number of living organisms, species and ecosystems.

Biomass - the total mass of individuals of a species, groups of species, referred to the area or volume of habitat.

Biosphere (from the Greek. «Bios» - life, «sphire» - a ball) - shell of the Earth, which interacts with living lifeless.

Biotope - a space that takes biocenosis.

Biocoenosis (from the Greek. «Bios» - life, «koinos» general) - a set of populations adapted to the cohabitation of the territory.

View - natural biological unit, which binds all members participate in the general gene pool.

Herbicides - a chemical used to fight the plants - agricultural pests.

Heterotrophs (from the Greek. «Heteros» - other, «trophe» - power) - organisms that feed on plants and animals.

Global (from the Greek. «Globus» - a ball) - covering the entire Earth.

Humanism (from the Greek. «Humanus» humanity) - outlook based on the principles of equality, justice and humanity.

Degradation (from the French. «Degradation» - stage) - deterioration, loss of quality.

Demographics (from the Greek. «Demos» - the people, «grapho» - write) the science of the population.

Defoliants - chemicals that cause defoliation of plants.

Divergence - strengthening the differences between closely related species.

Living matter - the set of all currently existing organisms.

Contaminants - entering the habitat of a substance that is likely to disrupt the functioning of ecosystems.

Reserve - protected area in which the function of nature protection combined with limited economic activity.

Reserve (from the " commandment") - protected area in which economic activity is prohibited.

Industrial society (from the Latin. «Industria» - activities) - the stage of development of the society, one of the main features of which is the industrial commodity production machine.

Insecticides - chemicals used for pest control.

Information - a measure of inhomogeneous distribution of matter.

Acid rain - cloudy containing nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide.

Commensalism - a form of interaction in which the benefit of receiving one of the two interacting populations.

Convergence - reducing the differences between the species under the influence of the evolutionary process.

Consuments (from the Latin. «Consumo» - consume) - heterotrophic organisms, mainly animals that eat the producers.

Cooperation - a form of interaction in which the benefit of get two interacting populations.

Co-evolution - evolution together of two or more species of life.

Red Book - a set of descriptions of rare and endangered plant and animal species.

Crisis - (from the Greek. «Krisis» - a decision re-point, the outcome) - a quandary.

Culture - (from the Latin. «Cultura» - cultivation) - a set of all specifically that created it as a view of Homo sapiens.

Landscape - Main category territorial division of the geographical envelope of the Earth.

The limiting factor - a factor that restricts the existence of the body.

Local (from the Latin. «Localis» - local) - belonging to a small area.

Reclamation - improvement of natural lands.

Habitat - a site occupied by part of the population and has all the necessary conditions for its existence.

The metabolism - the metabolism of the organism to the environment.

Simulation - a method of research, and the other thing (the model), being with him in a certain ratio.

Monitor (from the Latin. «Monitor» - a warning) - Observing System, based on which an assessment of the state of the biosphere and its individual elements.

Mutation (from the Latin. «Mutatio» - change) - a change in the genetic code, is inherited.

Mutualism - a form of interaction in which the benefit of get both populations, and they are completely independent of each other.

The Neolithic (from the Greek. «Neos» - new, «litos» - stone) - New Stone Age (10-6 thousand. Years ago).

Ecological niche - a set of conditions necessary for the existence of this species.

Noosphere (from the Greek. «Noos» - the mind, «sphaire» - a ball) - the sphere of reason, resulting from the appearance of man on Earth, and its interaction with the natural environment.

Obligate - a forced relationship, without which the population can not exist.

The ozone shield - atmospheric layer lying at altitudes of 7 km at the poles and 50 km (with the highest density of ozone at altitudes of 20-22 km), the high concentration of O3 molecules.

Organic compounds - substances, including carbon in its composition.

Paleolithic - (from the Greek. «Palios» - an ancient, «litos» - stone) - Old Stone Age (2-3 million years ago).

Pesticides - substances used to control pests in agriculture.

The population (from the Latin. «Populus» - people) - a set of individuals of one species that inhabit the territory of a certain area for a long time.

The maximum permissible emissions (MPE) - the maximum amount of pollutants that can be released to the environment from the territory of the enterprise.

Maximum allowable amount (PDS) - the total index of the harmful effects of polluting factors.

Limits (RC) - the level of harmful physical effects (electromagnetic pollution and noisy).

Productivity - the total amount of biomass, which is formed in a given period of time.

The producers (from the Latin. «Producentis» - generating) - autotrophic organisms that create food from simple inorganic substances.

Equilibrium - a condition in which the individual parameters of the system are constant or fluctuate around a mean value.

Regional (Latin. «Regionalis» - regional) - belonging to a particular territory.

Decomposers (from the Latin. «Reducentis» - returns) - heterotrophic, mainly bacteria and fungi that break down complex organic compounds and releasing inorganic nutrients, suitable for use by producers.

Recreational resources - all phenomena that can be used for leisure time: climate, water, hydro, forestry, mining, etc.

Remediation - the return of land to the cultural condition that can produce a crop or in a natural state.

Recycling - re-use of waste.

Symbiosis - a form of interaction in which about species benefit.

Synecology - section ecology, studies the interaction of communities with their environment.

Community - the totality of living organisms belonging to this ecosystem.

Resistance to the environment - a combination of factors aimed at reducing the number of the population or species.

Habitat - a set of conditions in which there is a given individual, population or species.

The structure (from the Latin. «Structura» - structure) - a set of links between elements of the system.

Succession (from the Latin. «Successio» - continuity) - the process of ecosystem development from its beginnings to the death, is accompanied by a change in its current forms.

Toxic substances (from the Greek. «Toxikon» - poison) - substances that cause certain diseases and disorders.

Tolerance (from the Latin. «Tolerantia» - patience) - the body's ability to carry the influence of environmental factors.

Trophic - relating to nutrition.

Urbanization - the process of growth in the number of towns and increasing the number of urban residents.

Sustainable Development - the needs of the present generation without compromising the future generations to meet their own needs.

Phyto - referring to plants.

Fluctuation - change of any indicator by external or internal factors.

Ecological pyramid - a graphic representation of the ratio of the trophic levels. Perhaps types number, biomass and energy.

Environmental factor - every element of the environment that can have a direct impact on living organisms.

Ecology (from the Latin. «Oikos» - house, «logos» - teaching) - the science that studies the interaction of living organisms with their environment.

Ecosystem - a system that is community and the environment.

Ecotop - the habitat of the community.

Ethics (from the Greek. «Etos» - Educational, character) - one of the philosophical discipline that studies human behavior.



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