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Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. The wholesaler is between the manufacturer and the retailer and is often referred to as the middleman.


The wholesaler is between the manufacturer and the retailer and is often referred to as the middleman.

The wholesaler’s premises are normally a large warehouse on the outskirts of a city, where large quantities of goods are stored.

Perhaps the greatest advantage offered by the wholesaler is the time, trouble and money saved for both the manufacturer and the retailer.

The wholesaler saves the manufacturer advertising costs;

- pays the manufacturer promptly for the goods;

- allows the retailer credit facilities (but the wholesaler will charge high interest rates if the retailer does not settle his or her account promptly at the end of the month);

- provides showroom facilities where large quantities and varieties of goods can be viewed by the retailers;

- gives expert advice to both the manufacturer and the retailers;

- provides large storage facilities for the manufacturer;

- helps the manufacturer by packing, blending, grading, labeling, etc.

Each kind of goods is supplied through its own special wholesaler, e. g. clothing by a clothing wholesaler, and food from a food wholesaler etc. Perhaps the most important task that the wholesaler performs for the manufacturer is advertising and acting and salesman. Without this help the manufacturer would become too deeply involved with the selling process and possibly neglect his main task, which is to manufacture the goods.

The manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer “mark up” the goods and take their share of the profits.

Sometimes, it is possible to trade without the help of the wholesaler and carry out direct selling. For example, “Boots the Chemists” manufacture many of the products they sell in their shops. However, the wholesalers do provide a very important service in the distribution of goods to the consumer and it would be almost impossible to manage without them.


promptly своевременно, безотлагательно

facilities возможности, льготы, средства оборудова-ние

charge назначать, записывать в долг

blend смешивать (например, различные сорта чая)

grade сортировать

label прикреплять этикетку

neglect пренебрегать, игнорировать

mark up получать продажную цену прибавлением к себестоимости накладных расходов и прибыли

2 Переведите предложения и определите функцию глагола to be и to have, т.е. является ли он: а) смысловым; б) вспомога-тельным; в) модальным; г) глаголом-связкой.

1. Our designing bureau has to develop new equipment for our firm.

2. Discipline, especially in finance, is vital.

3. The managers have paid great attention to this problem.

4. We are to adopt a market strategy to survive.

5. Our firm has no old and ineffective equipment.

6. As technologies grow more complex and new ones emerge, development costs are rising and product life-cycles are shortening.

7. The main advantage of the wholesaler is the time, trouble and money saved.

8. It is possible to carry out direct selling.


Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. The wholesaler usually has his premises near a large town or city.

2. In case of consumer goods packing has a double function.

3. Wholesaler is an important link between the manufacturer and the retailer.

4. We have invited a team of expertsto do some work for us.

5. Before packing the equipment is to be protected.

6. There are a lot of chances for someone who wouldn’t hesitate to take risks.

7. Many major Western banks and financing institutions have representative offices in Moscow.


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