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Прочитайте и переведите текст устно. There are four main principles of insurance


Part 2

There are four main principles of insurance. They are utmost good faith, insurable interest, the pooling of risk and indemnity.

Utmost good faith means that both the insurance company and the insured person must be absolutely honest with each other when they are completing the proposal form and agreeing the contract between them. Any dishonesty may render the policy void.

Insurable interest means that you can insure only yourself or your property against the possibility of loss. For example, you can insure your own furniture against damage or theft but you cannot insure the furniture of a neighbour. You can also assure your own life or the lives of your family for financial compensation in the event of death but you cannot do the same on the life of a friend or a neighbour.

The pooling of risks that the company is able to calculate statistically is the risk involved from the historical record of the occurrence of the event insured. The company then estimates how much premium each insured person will have to pay and will pay out when the event insured against occurs.

Indemnity means that the insurance company will only indemnify (pay out) the amount lost to the insured person, should that loss occur. They will do their best to recompense that person financially so that the person will be put back (financially) into exactly the same position that he or she was in before the loss or accident occurred.

There are some risks which the actuaries (people employed by the insurance companies to calculate the risks involved in the contract) will not insure against or they may be unable to calculate. They may not have enough statistical information to help them calculate the risk, or they may, as in the cases of insuring a shopkeeper against “shoplifting”, or against loss of profits, be unwilling to accept the risk. This is called an uninsurable risk.

Lloyds is a place where ship owners are able to insure their ships and their cargoes. Sometimes a syndicate of underwriters (a group of individual insurers) has to accept the risk because it is too high for one underwriter to accept. Lloyds is the world centre of marine insurance; it started in 1630 in Tower Street, London.


utmost крайний, предельный

faith вера, доверие

pool объединять, подсчитывать

indemnity компенсация, возмещение убытков

actuary актуарий (регистратор)

shoplifting магазинная кража

underwriter страховщик, страховая компания

2 Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая разные функции глагола to be.

1. Utmost good faith is honesty of both insurance company and the insured person.

2. Lloyds is a marine insurance center.

3. Completing the proposal form the insurance company and the insured person must be honest.

4. There are some very important principles of insurance.

5. The company is able to calculate statistically some risks involved from the historical record of the occurrence of the events insured.

6. After recompensation the person will be put back (financially) into the same position that he or she was in before the accident occurred.

7. Loss of profits is called an uninsurable risk.

8. Manufacturers are to use the services of banks, transport, advertising and insurance.

9. Enormous competition is being experienced by small companies.


3 Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая разные функции глагола to have.

1. The company estimates the size of premium the insured person has to pay and it pays out when the event insured against occurs.

2. The company has enough statistical information to calculate the risk of damage on the premises.

3. The company had to decide on the best methods of insurance.

4. Firms from Italy, Holland, Finland have entered into partnership with Russian firms.

5. They have some enterprises in Moscow with a huge annual turnover.

6. An unsuccessful businessman had to sell his house and car to pay his business debts.

7. Each partner will have 50 per cent of shares.

8. They always have regular contacts with people who insure their property in their company.



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