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Y. Напишіть про особливі властивості української мови.



Самостійна робота № 28


Тема: Відвідування картинної галереї.

Основні питання, що розглядаються:

1. Функції гіда в художній галереї.

2. Особисте ставлення до образотворчого мистецтва.

3. Різноманітність напрямків та стилів художника.


1. Цвєткова И.В., Клепальченко И.А., Мальцева Н.А. Английский для школьников и поступающих в вузы. –М.: “ГЛОССА”, 1996. – 224с.

2. Скалкин В.Л. Учитесь говорить по-английски. – М.: «Просвещение», 1972. – 304с.

Студент повинен знати:

1. Назви напрямків та шкіл у живопису.

2. Загальні прийоми, за допомогою яких художник передає ідею картини.

3. Лексичний мінімум.

Студент повинен вміти:

Розповісти про своє відвідування картинної галереї та висловити емоції та почуття щодо картин живопису та інших витворів мистецтва.



When we came to the fine art gallery we were met by the guide who told us the history of the gallery and how its collection had started. Then the guide took us to the first room. It contained a rich collection of modem sculptures, mostly Italian masters.

I was surprised at the great skill of the sculptures. The figures were so realistic, full of energy and life. The guide said that the Italian masters had paid special attention to the composition and precision in lines and shapes. All the objects and people were depicted so vividly, so life-like, that it was almost impossible to notice the master's technique. In another room were the paintings of modernists and abstract paintings. Many of pictures weren't easy to understand at once without the guide's explanations. Sometimes the vision of the author was so unusual and original.

I was deeply impressed by the works of some masters. Several canvases were simply brilliant and it was hard to tear oneself away from them. Here the guide cited Oscar Wilde as saying that one should be able to say of a picture not that is 'well painted', but that is 'not painted' at all. The pictures give the feeling of distance and atmosphere. The colour effects show dynamics and emotions. One could stand for hours in front of those canvases and admire them. I also got acquainted with the names I hadn't heard of before. The exposition reflected creative careers individual styles and manners of the interesting individuality of the outstanding masters. Unfortunately, the visit didn't last very long and we skipped a great deal of interesting work of art. I wish I could see more of the gallery and that my meeting with the fine art were more frequent.

Контрольні завдання до самостійної роботи №28


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