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The Dome

London's newest attraction is the Dome that was built in 1999 to mark the millennium of the new era. It is only 15 minutes from Central London, right next door to the North Greenwich underground station. Inside the Dome tourists will find «Skyscape», a huge big Screen cinema hall which can also be used for concerts and shows. They can visit the new world of «Learning» in a magical orchard and see the 21 Century Doomsday Book. They can experience the excitement of «Work» in the future and see how much it has changed from the past. In the section «Body» the visitors can have a journey of emotions through the human body and explore the opportunities and challenges that advances in science, genetics and medicine will bring. «The Shared Ground» will give a chance to observe British interior scenes and experience what could be done if people really joined together. «Living Island» will provide a trip to a typical British sea resort with a beach, band-' stand, pier and lighthouse and games with hidden messages. «Home Planet» will take the tourists to the most amazing journey to the most incredible planet in the known universe - Earth - to find out what makes our planet unique. «Self Portrait» will show thousands of faces of the nation in the picture gallery and photo exhibition. «Faith» will help to get acquainted with the huge range of beliefs and religions which are part of, the UK today. «Mind» will give you a chance to play mind games with robots and to explore your senses and perceptions working out how to create a better future. «Rest» will provide the visitors with a mental flotation tank where they can escape the hectic pace of the modern life and enjoy empty space packed with sound, light and shapes. «Money» will give you a virtual chance to blow a million pounds in a wild spending spree and find out what the City really does with the money.


Answer the following questions:

• If you happen to go to London, what will you do on your first day there?

• Would you prefer to take a tour bus or a tour boat to see as many sights in one day as possible?

• Name 5 sights of London that you would like to see (in the order of preference). Explain why you have chosen this order.

• What will you start with: the old part of London or the new attractions which were built to celebrate the millennium?

• If you had only 3 days to stay in London which would you choose, to see as many sights as possible or to visit one museum but to explore it thoroughly? Why?

• Which of London parks would you like to go to and why?



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