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Do the activities


1. Match the following English political terms with their Ukrainian equivalents:


1) legislative branch a) Верховний Суд

2) executive branch b) загальні вибори

3) judiciary branch c) гарантії

4) commander-in-chief d)законодавча влада

5) Supreme Court е) законотворчий орган

6) Supreme Council f) головнокомандувач

7) general election g) Палата Представників

8) guarantees h) законопроект

9) voters і) Верховна Рада

10) lawmaking body j) виконавча влада

11) bills к) судова влада

12) House of Representatives l) виборці


2. Decide which is the odd word in each groupand explain why. Bear in mind that more that one answer may be possible.


1) legislative democratic judiciary executive

2) court law bills judge

3) senator voter representative member of parliament

4) Conservative Labour Democratic Liberal



3. Political animal Quiz. What is your attitude to politics? How much do you know

about current affairs? Can you be called «a political animal»? Do the followi ng quiz to find answers to these questions:


1. How often are general elections held in your country?

2. How many ex-presidents or prime ministers of your country can you name?

3. Who is the current foreign minister in your country?

4. How many other ministers can you name?

5. At the moment, is you country generally considered to be experiencing an economic boom or economic recession?

6. Name two important policies of die current government of your country.

7. What do you think of the following statement, «The average politician is corrupt and only out for himself or herself.»?

a) I completely agree. b) I am not sure. c) I completely disagree.

8. Would you take part in a political demonstration, strike or protest march if you felt strongly enough about the issue?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.

9. Do you think that the majority of people in your country are disillusioned or apathetic about politics?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.

10. Do you believe that environmental and human rights issues are more important than economic issues like unemployment or taxation?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.

11. Do you believe that everyone should vote in elections, because the political party or candidate you choose can make a big difference in your life?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.


If you can give correct answers (check them with your friends, parents, teachers or press) to questions 1, 3, 5 and supply at least 3 names in questions 2, 4, 6 you are not very interested in politics.

If you have chosen answers 7 (a), 8 (a), 9 (c), 10 (c), 11 (a) - you may be called «a political animal», that is a person who thinks and acts like a politician, especially in relations with others, and knows quite a lot about the current policy of the country.



4. Sort out the political terms given in the box into the corresponding columns of the table according to the words with which they can go with:



national human rights demonstration political reform
situation educational point of view summit big
country's Ukrainian. growth planning career
position important environmental party key
local recession major system  
politics/policy economic , issue political  

Note: Policy - is a set of ideas or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics, economics or business. Politics - are the actions or activities which people use to achieve power in a country, society or organisation.



5. Complete the gaps with one of the words given in the box in Activity 4. The first sentence is done for you:


1. The key issue in the next election will be unemployment.

2. The worsening _______ situation in the southern regions of the country means that many people will lose their jobs.

3. The 1950s saw a period of ____ growth in the UK.

4. The Prime Minister of that country left teaching to pursue a _______ career.

5. The President discussed the___ of human rights during his visit to Geneva.

6. Many young people nowadays are not interested in ______.

7. The latest book of this writer who is the leader of the Green Party is dealing with ________ issues.

8. The former president's economic ________ put a lot of people out of work.

9. Unemployment and crimes were the ____issues in the election campaign.

10. Even when she studied at university, Margaret Thatcher was deeply involved in local ____________.


6. Supply the massing members of these words families. Check your answers with the dictionary. the first word is done for you:


1) economy - economic, economics, economy, economist, economically, to economize.

2) to govern - 7) to qualify 12) to support 17) campaign

3) to elect - 8) bureaucrat 13) to contribute 18) law

4) to employ 9) to corrupt 14) power 19) to solve

5) to inflate 10) democrat 15) industry 20) politics

6) to educate 11) nature


Text 1. Vote on April 10th! Vote for the Social Democrats in the next election (1)! If you look at the record of our present___(2), you will see a huge increase in taxes and ___ (3), and a rate of ____(4) which is out of control. If we win, we will tackle the _____(5) situation by investing in __(6) projects and training courses to help our young people become better ____ (7), We will make it our priority to eliminate ____(8) and to fight___(9) wherever we find it. So, exercise your _____ (10) right and vote on April 10th!   Text 2. Join Friends of the Earth! Our campaign to protect the__(1l) world could not have succeeded without our ___(12), whose ___(13) have helped us win some significant victories against some of the most __ (14) _____ (15) companies in the world. We have raised public awareness of ___ (16) issues in general, and recently we have___(17) to make the use of ozone destroying CFCs ______ (18). Join us now and help us find alternative ___ (19) to world problems, and make our ____(20) sit up and listen.   elect govern employ inflate economy educate qualify bureaucrat corrupt democrat nature support contribute power industry environment campaign legal solve politics


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