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Tick true or false statement


1. The British monarch is the head of the government.....

2. Magna Carta was the document that limited the monarch's power.

3. William and Mary were the first monarchs who reigned but not ruled.

4. Members of Parliament represent two main political parties.

5. The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible and accountable to the Parliament.

6. The House of Commons is more numerous than the House of Lords. io

7. British overseas territories used to be its colonies before World War II.

Read the text and speak on the topic


The national symbols of Great Britain


The Union Jack

The flag of Britain, commonly known as the Union Jack (which derives from the use of the Union Flag on the jack-staff of naval vessels), represents the emblems of three countries under one Sovereign. The emblems that appear on the Union Flag are the crosses of three patron saints:

- the red cross of St. George, for England, on a white ground;

- the white diagonal cross of St. Andrew, for Scotland, on a blue ground;

- the red diagonal cross of St. Patrick, for Ireland, on a white ground. (

The final version of the Union Flag appeared in 1801, following the union of Great Britain with Ireland, with the inclusion of the cross of St. Patrick. The cross remains on the flag although now only Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

Wales is not represented in the Union Flag because when the first version of the flag appeared, Wales was already united with England. The national flag of Wales, a red dragon on a field of white and green, dates from the 15th century and is widely used throughout the Principality.

The Royal Crest

The Royal Crest - a lion bearing the Royal crown - is used to denote articles of personal property belonging to the Queen, or goods bearing the Royal Warrant. The lion, «the king of beasts» has been used as a symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy for many centuries.

The British National anthem

The British National anthem originated in a patriotic song first performed in 1745. There is no authorised version - the words used are a matter of tradition. On official occasions it is usual to sing the first verse only, the words of which are as follows:

«God save our gracious Queen!

Long live our noble Queen!

God save the Queen!

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us,

God save the Queen!»


Compare the symbols of Ukraine and symbols of Great Britain



Read the texts and prepare reports about big cities of Great Britain. Fill the gaps and do the activities


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