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Ad rem -(lit: to the matter) to the point; without digression: to reply ad rem; an ad rem discussion

advocatus diaboli - devilʼ s advocate

alma mater - (lit: nurturing mother) oneʼ s former university, college or school

alter ego - (lit: other self) 1 a second self. 2 a very close and intimate friend

amor patriae - love of oneʼ s country; patriotism

antebellum - ( lit: before the war) of or during the period before a war, especially the American Civil War.

aqua vitae - ( lit: water of life) brendy

arbiter elegantiae or elegantiarum - judge in a matter of taste

argumentum ad hominem - ( lit: argument according to the person: Logic) 1 fallacious argument that attacks not an opponentʼ s beliefs but his motivesor character. 2 argument that shows an opponentʼ s statement to be inconsistent with his other belifs.

ars longa, vita brevis - artis long, life is short.

aut vincere, aut mori - dearth or victory

ave - 1 hail! 2 farewell!

ave atque vale - hail and farewell!

carpe diem - ( lit: seize the day) enjoy the pleasures of the moment, without concern for the future.

casus belli - (lit: occasion of war) 1 an event or act used to justify a war. 2 the immediate cause of a quarrel.

caveat emptor - let the buyer beware.

cetera desunt - the rest is missing.

ceteris paribus - other things being equal.

cogito, ergo sum - I think, therefore I am (the basis of Descartes philosophy)

compos mentis - of sound mind; sane.

coram populo - in the presence of the people; openly

corpus delicti - (the body of the crime: LAW) the body of facts that constitute an offence.

corrigenda - things to be corrected.

cum laude - (chiefly US) with praise (the lowest of three designations for above-average achievement in examinations).

curriculum vitae - (lit: the course of oneʼ s life) curriculum vitae

de facto - adv in fact ♦ adj existing in fact.

de gustibus non est disputandum - there is no arguing about tastes.

deus ex machina - (lit: the god from the machine) 1 (in ancient Greek and Roman drama) a god introduced into a play to resolve the plot. 2 any unlikely or artificial device serving this purpose.

de jure - according to law; by right; legally.

Ecce Homo - behold the man (the words of Pontius Pilate to Christʼ s accusers [John 19: 5])

emeritus - retired from office.

e pluribus unum - one out of many (motto of USA).

exempli gratiā - for example.

ex libris - (lit: from the books (of) from the collection or library of.

fecit - (he or she) made it (used formerly on works of art next to the artistʼ s name).

fiat lux - let there be light.

Gloria Patri - (lit: glory to the father) 1 the Lesser Doxology, beginning in Latin with these words. 2 a musical setting of this.

ibidem - in the same place (in annotations, bibliographies, etc., when referring to a book, article, chapter, or page previously cited).

id est - that is (to say); in other words.

idem - the same (used to refer to an article, chapter, etc., previously cited.

ignotum per ignotius - (lit: the unknown by means of the more unknown) an explanation that is obscurer than the thing to be explained.

in aeternum – forever, eternally.

in medias res - (lit: into the midst of things) in or into the middle of events or a narrative.

in vino veritas - in wine there is truth.

ipsissima verba - the very words.

lapsus linguae – a slip of the tongue.

lex non scripta – the unwritten law; common law.

lex scripta – the written law; statute law.

magna cum laude - (chiefly US) with great praise (the second of three designations for above-average achievement in examinations).

magnum opus – a great work of art or literature (especially the greatest single work of an artist).

mater dolorosa - (lit: sorrowful mother) the Virgin Mary sorrowing for the dead Christ (especially as depicted in art).

mea culpa - (lit: my fault) an acknowledgement of gilt.

memento mori – (lit: remember you mast die) an object, such as a skull, intended to remind people of the inevitability of death.

modus operandi – procedure; method of operating; manner of working.

modus tollens - (lit: mood that deniens) the principle that whenever a conditional statement and the negation of its consequent are given to be true, the negation of its antecedent may be validly inferred.

modus vivendi - (lit: way of living) a working arrangement between conflicting interests; practical compromise.

motu proprio - (lit: of his own accord) an administrative papal bull.

multum in parvo - much in a small space.

mutatis mutandis - with the necessary changes.

NB, N.B., nb, n.b. - (abbr for nota bene) note well.

nem. con. - (abbr for nemine contradicente) no-one contradicting; unanimously.

nil desperandum - (lit: nothing to be despaired of) never despair.

nisi prius - (lit: unless previously) 1 in England (a) direction that a case be brought up to Westminster for trial before a single judge and jury. (b) the writ giving this direction. 2 in the US a court where civil actions are tried by a single judge sitting with a jury as distinguished froman appellate court.

non compos mentis - (lit: not in control of oneʼ s mind) mentally incapable of managing oneʼ s own affairs; of unsound mind; insane.

passim - here and there; throughout (used to indicate that what is referred to occurs frequently in the work cited).

per ardua ad astra - through difficulties to the stars (motto of the US).

persona grata – an acceptable person (especially a diplomat acceptable to the government of the country to which he is sent.

persona non grata - unacceptable or unwelcome person.

pro patria - for oneʼ s country.

quid pro quo - ( lit: something for something) 1 a reciprocal exchange.2 something given in compensation, especially an advantage or object given in exchange for another.

quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - who will guard the guards?

quod erat demonstrandum - which was to be proved.

quod erat faciendum - which was to be done.

quot homines, tot sententiae - there are as many opinions as there are people.

reductio ad absurdum - (lit: reduction to the absurd) 1 a method of disproving a proposition by showing that its inevitable consequences would be absurd. 2 a method of indirectly proving a proposition by assumingits negation to be true and showing thatthis leads to an absurdity. 3 application of a principle or a proposed principle to an instance in which it is absurd.

requiescat - (lit: may he or she rest) a prayer for the repose of the souls of the dead.

res ipsa loquitur - (LAW) the thing or matter speaks for itself.

res judicata - (LAW) a matter already adjudicated upon that cannot be raised again.

risus sardonicus - (lit: sardonic laugh) fixed contraction of the facial muscles resulting in a peculiar distorted grin, caused especially by tetanus.

sanctus sanctorum - (lit: holy of holies) 1 (Bible) the holy of holies. 2 (often facetious) an especially private place.

semper fidelis - always faithful.

semper idem - always the same.

seriatim - in order.

sic - thus (often used to call attention to some quoted mistake).

sic igitur ad astras - such is the way to the stars.

spiritus asper - rough breathing.

spiritus lenis - smooth breathing.

SPQR - (abbr for Senatus Populusque Romanus) the Senate and People of Rome.

status quo - (lit: the state in which) the existing state of affairs.

sub judice - before a court of law or a judge; under judicial consideration.

sub rosa - (lit: under the rose) secretly.

sui juris - (lit: of oneʼ s own right) (LAW) of full age and not under disability; legally competent to manage oneʼ s own affairs; independent.

summa cum laude - (chiefly US) with the utmost praise (the highest of three designations for above-average achievement in examinations. In Britain it is sometimes used to designate a first- class honours degree).

summum bonum - the principle of goodness in which all moral values are included or from which they are derived; highest or supreme good.

tabula rasa - (lit: a scraped tablet) 1 the mind in its uninformed original state. 2 an opportunity for a fresh start; clean slate.

taedium vitae - (lit: weariness of life) the feeling that life is boring and dull.

Te Deum - (lit: Thee, God) 1 an ancient Latin hymn in rhythmicprose, sung or recited at matins in the Roman Catholic Church and in English translation at morning prayer in the Church of England and used by both churches as an expression of thanksgiving on special occasions. 2 a musical setting of this hymn. 3 a service of thanksgiving in which the recital of this hymn forms a central part.

terra firma - the solid earth; firm ground.

terra incognita - an unexplored or unknoun land, region or area for study.

tertium quid - a third something.

ubique - everywhere.

ubi supra - where (mentioned or cited) above.

urbi et orbi - (Roman Catholic Church) to the city and the world (a phrase qualifying the solemn papal blessing).

ut infra - as below

ut supra - as above

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