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Lesson 26. Lab. Work 31.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. в чистом виде; 2. лекарство от головной боли; 3. удалить инородное тело; 4. Опасный для жизни; 5. сухая кожа; 6. внезапно исчезнуть; 7. общие свойства микроорганизмов; 8. оперироваться немедленно; 9. стараться дышать глубоко; 10. то же самое семейство растений

1. in a pure form; 2. a drug for a headache; 3. to extract a foreign body; 4. dangerous to life; 5. dry skin; 6. to disappear suddenly; 7. common properties of microorganisms;

8. to be operated on immediately; 9. to try to breathe deeply; 10. the same family of plants

Б. 1. ввести чистый пенициллин; 2. принимать лекарство 3 раза вдень; 3. выделить чистую культуру; 4. быть опасным для людей; 5. вытирать руки; 6. ис­чезать быстро; 7. развиваться в обычной среде; 8. поступить в больницу немед­ленно; 9. пробовать новый метод лечения; 10. черствый хлеб

1. to introduce pure penicillin; 2. to take the drug three times a day-, 3. to extract a pure culture; 4. to be dangerous for people; 5. to dry one's hands; 6. to disappear rapidly; 7. to develop in a common environment; 8. to be admitted to the hospital immediately; 9. to try a new method of treatment; 10. dry bread

II. Translate the following and check it up.

(The verbs " to be" and " to have" in all their functions)

1. Грипп - распространенное заболевание. 2. Больного гриппом лечат интерферроном. 3. Больной гриппом должен соблюдать постельный режим. 4. Обычно больной гриппом находится дома. 5. Сейчас я лежу в постели, так как у меня грипп. 6. У него болит горло. 7. Ему нужно полоскать горло три раза в день. 8. Врач уже осмотрел ему горло.

1. The grippe is a common disease. 2. A patient with the grippe is treated with interferron. 3. The patient with the grippe is to follow a bed regimen. 4. Usually a patient with the grippe is at home. 5. Now I am staying in bed as I have the grippe. 6. He has a sore throat. 7. He has to gargle his throat three times a day. 8. The doctor has already examined his throat.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What disease is the most common especially in winter? 2. What tooth must a dentist extract? 3. What drug do we usually take for a bad headache? 4. In what form may hypertension be dangerous to life? 5. Why do some students fail at the examina­tions? 6. How must a student work not to fail in his studies?

Cycle IV. Topic Questions


1. What two main groups are all existing microorganisms divided into? 2. What must aerobic microorganisms have for their life and growth? 3. How does atmospheric free oxygen influence the development of anaerobic microorganisms? 4. What groups are bacteria divided into according to their shape? 5. What happens to bacteria when they multiply? 6. Due to what are the invading virulent microorganisms destroyed? 7. In what case may a local or general infection occur? 8. What organisms can be revealed under the microscope in the alveoli of the lungs of a man with lobar pneumonia? 9. What first protective barriers has the human organism? 10. What conclusion was I. I. Mechnikov able to come to after his numerous investigations on the role of leucocytes?



1. The founder of what science was R. Koch? 2. When did he live? 3. Due to what discovery did R. Koch become known all over the world? 4. Why did R. Koch go to Egypt in 1883? 5. Why did R. Koch become interested in the study of cholera? 6. What did R. Koch find in trie blood, kidneys, spleen, liver and lungs of the people who died of cholera? 7. Where did R. Koch find the cholera microorganisms when he examined the corpses and thediseased people? 8. What did these microorganisms look like? 9. What did R. Koch reveal in the muddy water from the streets of Kalkutta? 10, What did R. Koch prove about the way of invasion of cholera bacteria?


1. Do you know who D. 1. Ivanovsky was? 2. What University did he graduate from? 3. What did he begirt to study after his graduation from the University? 4. What conclu­sion was he able to come to investigating the tobacco mosaic disease? 5. What did he do to catch the smallest bacteria? 6. What microorganisms did the scientists of those days consider were the smallest living organisms? 7. What was D. I. Ivanovsky able to prove when he introduced the filtrate of the diseased plants to healthy ones? 8. What are the smallest living organisms which D I. Ivanovsky discovered called? 9. What new branch of microbiology did D. I. Ivanovsky establish?


1. What did A. Fleming become interested in while doing his research work at a London hospital? 2. What did A. Fleming notice on a plate where some mould had grown? 3. What did A. Fleming determine about the properties of this mould? 4. What did he call this substance? 5. When and on whom was penicillin tried first? 6. What prize did A. Fleming receive for his great discovery? 7. What did A. Fleming say about his discovery?

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