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Lesson 33. Lab. Work 38.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. поставить первоначальный диагноз; 2. испытывать острую боль; 3. явное нарушение частоты пульса; 4. указать дозу на этикетке; 5. не снять рвоту; 6. пе­редозировка лекарства; 7. делать ежедневный обход палат; 8. вызывать токсическую реакцию; 9. заказать лекарство в аптеке; 10. поступить в стационар

1. to make the initial diagnosis; 2. to feel a sharp (acute) pain; 3. an evident impair­ment of the pulse rate; 4. to indicate the dose on the label; 5. to fail to relieve vomiting; 6. the overdosage of the drug; 7. to make the daily round of the wards; 8. to cause a poisonous reaction; 9. to order a drug at a chemist's; 10. to be admitted to the in-patient department

Б. 1. предупредить воспаление; 2. поступить в приемный покой; З. Что с вами? 4. консервированная кровь; 5. ожидать быстрое выздоровление; 6. прописать банки; 7. сделать анализ мокроты; 8. последовать за кровотечением; 9. определить посредством пальпации; 10. явное нарушение функций почек

1. to prevent the inflammation; 2. to be admitted to the reception ward; 3. What is the matter with you? 4. preserved blood; 5. to expect a quick recovery; 6. to prescribe cups; 7. to make the analysis of sputum; 8. to follow haemorrhage; 9. to determine by means of palpation; 10. the evident impairment of the kidney functions

II. Translate the following and check it up: (Present instead of Future)

A. 1. Защитные свойства организма разрушатся, если окружающая среда станет неблагоприятной. 2. Пациента выпишут из больницы, когда его состояние станет хорошим. 3. Кровоснабжение больного легкого будет восстановлено, как только уплотнение в нем исчезнет.

1. The protective properties of the body will be destroyed if the environment be­comes unfavourable. 2. The patient will be discharged from the hospital when his condi­tion becomes good. 3. The blood supply of the diseased lung will be restored as soon as the consolidation in it disappears.

(Present Participle)

Б. 1. Назначая любое лекарство, врач должен хорошо знать его лечебные и вредные свойства. 2. Боль, развивающаяся в области сердца, распространяется в плечо. 3. Бороться с размножающимися микроорганизмами бывает очень трудно. 4. Заполняя температурный лист, сестра должна быть очень внимательна.

1. Administering any drug the doctor must know well its healing and harmful prop­erties. 2. The pain developing in the heart area is spreading to the shoulder. 3. It's very difficult to fight against the multiplying microorganisms. 4. Filling in the temperature chart the nurse must be very attentive.

Cycle V. Topic Questions POLYCLINICS

1. What does a person do if he falls ill? 2. What medical specialists work at a poly-clinic? 3. What does a physician ask a patient before he begins the examination? 4. What does a physician do during the medical examination? 5. What analyses help a physician to make a correct diagnosis and administer a proper treatment? 6. In what cases does a local physician go out to the calls? 7. What patients receive a sick-leave? 8. Why does any physician of the polyclinic know his patients well? 9. What does a local physician write down in every patient's card? 10. Who helps a local physician to carry out all his administrations?


1. What kind of disease is acute bronchitis? 2. Is it an inflammation of the bronchi or lungs? 3. What is the main symptom of acute bronchitis? 4. What is dry cough associated with? 5. What does the patient with acute bronchitis complain of? 6. Where does the patient feel discomfort? 7. How does the patient breathe? 8. What rules are heard in the lungs? 9. What is the amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane? 10. Where does the discharge accumulate? 11. What does this discharge make the pa­tient do?


1. What is impaired in case of tracheitis? 2. In what human organism does this dis­ease usually develop? 3. In what case may tracheitis develop in a weak person? 4. What microorganisms usually invade the upper respiratory tract in such conditions? 5. What may these microorganisms produce in the human being after they have invaded and multiplied? 6. What is the main symptom of tracheitis? 7. What kind of cough is it at first? 8. What does the cough become like in a day or two? 9. What does the patient feel after the attack of cough? 10. What may develop when the attacks of cough are particu­larly long? 11. What temperature may a child and an adult have in case of tracheitis?


1. What patients are usually admitted to the in-patient department? 2. Who receives the patients at the reception ward of the hospital? 3. What do the newly admitted pa­tients usually receive from the polyclinic? 4. What data does the nurse on duty write down in the patient's case history? 5. Where does the doctor on duty direct the hospital­ized patients? 6. What does the nurse on duty do at the in-patient department in the morning? 7. When do attending doctors make their daily rounds of the wards? 8. What do attending doctors administer the patients after the medical examinations? 9. Who usually makes the round of the wards in the evening? 10. What else besides medicines help the patients to recover?


1. What does the ward doctor fill in as soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department? 2. What parts does the case history consist of? 3. What information composes the family history? 4. What findings must the past history include? 5. What information does the attending doctor write down in the history of the present illness? 6. Why must the attending doctor determine and write down in the case history the patient's blood group and his sensitivity to antibiotics? 7. Why must the case history /always be written very accurately and consist of exact and complete information?



1. What must one have to order a medicine? 2. Who usually writes out a prescrip­tion? 3. Where does one usually order a prescription? 4. At what chemist's do you order prescriptions? 5. How many departments are there in a large chemist's and what are they? 6. Where are all the drugs kept at a chemist's? 7. What colour labels indicate drugs for internal use, for external use, and for injections? 8. What is indicated on a label? 9. Why is it necessary to indicate the dose of the drug? 10. Why aren't patients allowed to take the medicines without the doctor's administration?


1. What must a doctor do before he begins the treatment? 2. What does the term " aetiology" mean? 3. What does the term " pathogenesis" mean? 4. What does physical examination consist of? 5. What do laboratory studies include? 6. What instrumental studies are applied for making a diagnosis? 7. What kind of symptoms are called objec­tive? 8. Name some objective symptoms. 9. What kind of symptoms are called subjec­tive? 10. What subjective symptoms can you name? 11. What can the doctor do on the basis of the findings of the physical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies and the patient's complaints?

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