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Pleasure, Displeasure and Reassurance

1 Choose the words and phrases used to express pleasure and displeasure:

Cheer up. That’s marvellous! Don’t worry. That IS a bore! Let me try to say this correctly…! That’s great! That’s terrific! I can’t believe it. I’m shocked. That’s fantastic! Well, I like that! Try not to worry about it. Oh, bother! How annoying! I found it rather / very disappointing. Mind what you’re doing! Isn’t that annoying / infuriating / maddening! Well, to tell (you) the truth. That’s the limit / last straw!

2 Express pleasure or delight in response to the following statements / questions asked by a fellow-student:

1) Here’s a present for your birthday. And many happy returns. 2) Is this your watch? I found it in my room after the party last night. 3) Uncle Jack is coming for the weekend. I got an e-mail from him this morning. 4) We shan’t have classes on Saturday. We’re going to the Hermitage. 5) Try this. It’s English plum pudding. My mother made it. 6) We’ll take easy to day, shall we? Have a rest in the afternoon and in the evening we’ll got to the cinema. 7) This painting had been stolen twice and was only recently returned to the owner, who gave it to the museum. 8) We’d like to invite you to spend this weekend with us at our country cottage.

3 Think out responses to the statements ((disappointment, displeasure, regret, frustration):

1) I am very glad that this affair is completely finished. 2) You don’t need to have a sofa to sit on, you can manage without one. 3) What she told me was irrelevant to the subject we were discussing. 4) I have lost some weight.

4 Find a mistake in the following dialogue and correct it.

Manager: Yes? Who is it?

Tenant: It’s Donna from 206. I’ve a got a check for you.

Manager: Oh, it’s you. Do you know it’s the fifth of the month?

Tenant: Yes, Mr. Bradley. I am sorry, I know it was due on the first, but my grandma got sick and I was very happy to go out of town suddenly.

5 What would say in the following situations? Address your remark to a fellow-student, who tries to reassure you.

1) You think you’ve lost your passport. 2) A friend of yours is seriously ill. 3) You haven’t heard from your mother (who lives in another town) for several months. 4) You are going to an interview (for a job) tomorrow. 5) Your dog has run away. 6) You have more work than you can cope with. 7) Your car has broken down the day before your holiday. (You were planning to go camping with some friends). 8) Your leg has suddenly swollen up. 9) You have not been promoted (at work) as promised. 10) Your parents won’t allow you to have a party in your family flat.

6 Choose the best reaction to the following statements:

1 I’ve lost my train ticket.

a) Oh, that doesn’t matter. b) I wouldn’t let that worry you.

c) That’s too bad.

2 They say your father is very ill.

a) Oh, bad luck! b) How terrible! c) It might have been worse.

3 I’m awfully sorry, Mrs. Briggs, but I’ve broken one of your tea cups.

a) It might have been worse. At least it’s only one cup. b) How annoying! c) Oh, that doesn’t matter. d) Better luck next time.

7 Find a mistake in the following dialogue and correct it ( use the phrases There’s no need to worry. Everything will be all right in the end. Try to look on the bright side (of things) etc. ):

Customer: Hi, my name is Chang Lee.

Teller: How can I help you?

Customer: I want to check my balance.

Teller: OK. Can I have your account number, please?

Customer: 381335.

Teller: Your balance is $201.

Customer: OK. And I asked my father to wire me some money. I’d like to know if it’s arrived.

Teller: I’m happy to say that your account doesn’t show any deposits.

Customer: Oh, no. I need to pay my rent tomorrow. What do you think I ought to do?

Teller: Well, the computer’s a little slow today. Why don’t you come in again tomorrow? Or you can call us. Here’s the number.

8 Role play the following situations:

a) Your friend has failed his exam. Try to reassure him /her that he / she can take it another time.

b) The roof of the neighbour’s house is leaking. Try to reassure him that it’s not difficult to mend and it won’t take a lot of time and money.

Regret and Worry, Sympathy and Consolation

1 Express regret at:

1) being unable to afford a car / a new DVD; 2) having very little free time for sports; 3) not knowing what to give to your friend for his birthday; 4) having been rude to your sister; 5) your friend’s winning first prize in a quiz; 6) your friend’s getting a very expensive present (a video recorder) from his mother; 7) your friend’s getting the job for which you both applied; 8) not having studied English hard enough at school; 9) your inability to accept an invitation to your friend’s party, as you are going to be very busy next week; 10) being unable to lend your friend the sum he is asking for (£ 100).

3 Express your worry about

1) your health; 2) having so much work to do; 3) the essay you’ve got to write; 4) the future; 5) losing your job; 6) your father’s illness; 7) your project being rejected; 8) having to stay at home all the summer; 9) your exams; 10) the children’s safety; 11) your interview with the employer; 12) your being made redundant

4 Respond to the following statements with expression of:

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mylektsii.su - Ìîè Ëåêöèè - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.01 ñåê.)Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ìàòåðèàë