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Introduction. Methodical guidelines to course work on discipline «Mathematical economics in IS» for students of specialty 5B070300 «Information systems»

Kurakbayeva S.


Methodical guidelines to course work on discipline «Mathematical economics in IS» for students of specialty 5B070300 «Information systems»



Shymkent, 2014






Chair «Information Systems»


Kurakbayeva S.

Methodical guidelines to course work on discipline «Mathematical economics in IS» for students of specialty 5B070300 «Information systems»



Shymkent, 2014

UDC 681.02

The author: Kurakbayeva S. Methodical guidelines to course work on discipline « Mathematical economics in IS» for students of specialty 5B070300 «Information systems». – Shymkent: SKSU, 2014. – 24p.



Methodical guidelines had drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and program of the discipline «Mathematical economics in IS». In this Methodical guidelines to the course work in the discipline, as well as proper design coursework.


Methodical guidelines are intended for specialty 5B070300 «Information Systems» day and part time.

Refs. - 11 titles.




Brener A.M. – Technical Science Doctor, professor of the chair “Computer sciences” of M.Auezov SKSU.



The Methodical guidelines to course workshave been discussed at the meeting of the chair Information systems (Minutes № 1 from «27» 08 2014) and they have been approved by methodical commission High School of Information Technologies & Energetic (Minutes № 1 from «29» 08 2014)


The Methodical guidelines to course works are recommended to the edition by Educational-methodical council of M.Auezov SKSU,

Minutes №from «» 2014.



© M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, 2014

Responsible for printing: Kurakbayeva S.



1 The order of execution of the course work...................................................  
2 Rules for course work...................................................................................  
2.1 Structure of the course work......................................................................  
2.2 Requirements for registration of the course work ………………………  
3 Approximate list of coursework themes......................................................  
4 Organization of guidance and protection of the course work.......................  
Appendix A. Form of cover page of course work..........................................  
Appendix B: Form of task for course work.....................................................  
Appendix C: Form of security protocol course work................……………..  




These methodical guidelines to the course " Mathematical economics in IS " intended for performing coursework by students. This discipline is a required component of the cycle of profile disciplines and has a significant place in the curriculum for the specialty " Information Systems".

Mathematical economics in IS includes various applications of mathematical concepts and techniques to economics, particularly economic theory. This branch of economics traces its origins back to the early nineteenth century, as noted in the historical introduction, but it has developed extremely rapidly in recent decades and is continuing to do so. Many economists have discovered that the language and tools of mathematics are extremely productive in the further development of economic theory. Simultaneously, many mathematicians have discovered that mathematical economic theory provides an important and interesting area of application of their mathematical skills and that economics has given rise to some important new mathematical problems, such as game theory.

Recent history has shown us that many problems of our technically oriented society yield to mathematical descriptions and solutions. Problems as complex as sending people into space or maximizing the profit of a giant industrial conglomerate and problems as simple as balancing our own monthly budget or winning at the game of Nim are susceptible to mathematical formulations. This discipline is concerned with two specific fields of mathematics, linear programming and complex applied problems, that offer insights into certain problems of the real world and techniques for solving some of these problems.

To understand best how one goes about applying a mathematical theory to the solution of some real-world problem, consider the stages that a problem passes through from organization to conclusion.



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